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卢歆,女,1981年5月生人,工学博士,讲师,长春大学理学院大学物理教研室主任。 2005年考入长春理工大学凝聚态物理专业攻读硕士研究生,2008年4月获得硕士学位,到长春大学大学物理教研室任教,并于2015年获得长春理工大学材料物理与化学专业工学博士学位。期间一直从事教学与科研工作。现为大学物理校级品牌课程(原省级精品课),材料工程学科,材料化学方向主要成员。 在教学工作方面:从事《大学物理》、《大学物理实验课程》、《电磁学》、《自然科学世界图景》、《物“里”拾趣》和《科学在前进》的教学工作,指导学生科研训练和毕业论文工作。


1.材料工程学科 2.材料化学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.“An Excess Heat Phenomenon Triggered by Pressure in a H-PdGas-loading” ,System Advanced Materials Research ,(2012 )1433-1438 2.“Study on the Preparation and Characteristics of Yb3+:Y2O3Ultrafine Powders by Coprecipitation”,Advanced Materials Research,(2012)775-780 3.“Excess Heat Production in a D-Pd Gas-solid System”,Applied Mechanics and Materials,(2012)224-228 4.“Excss Heat Triggered by Different Current in a D/Pd Gas-Loading System”,Journal of Energy and Power Engineering,(2013) 5.“Abnormal Heat by Thermal Changing in A D-Pd Gas-loading System”,Advanced Materials Research,(2013)253-258 6.“Excess heat production in a deuterium/palladium gas-solid system”,Applied Mechanics and Materials,(2014)591-594 7.“Study on the chromogenic reaction between nickel(II) and Dibromo-p-methyl-arsenazo by spectrophotometry”,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,(2014)2441-2443 8.“A novel strategy to synthesize Gd2O2S:Eu3+ luminescent nanobelts via inheriting the morphology of precursor”,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,(2014)5388–5394 9.“Y2O2S:Yb3+, Er3+ nanofibers: novel fabrication technique, structure and up-conversion luminescent characteristics”,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,(2015)4078–4084 10.“Abnormal Heat Liberation Triggered by Current in a D/Pd Gas-Solid System”,Russion Journal of Physical Chemistry A,(2015)1476–1481
