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2003.7在南京林业大学国家级重点学科林产化学加工工程学科获工学博士学位;2004.10-2006.10年南京大学物理化学博士后流动站工作;2008.10-2009.10日本九州大学国家留学基金委资助的访问学者;2012.3-2013.3加拿大University of New Brunswick和FPinnovations(加拿大林产品创新研究院)客座研究员。




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[1] Yongfang Wang, Songlin Zuo*, Yun Zhu, Qingli Shao, Yonghao Ni. Role of oxidant during phosphoric acid activation of lignocellulosic material. Carbon, 2014,16: 734-737. [2] Songlin Zuo*, Zhiliang Xiao, Jianxiao Yang. Evolution of gaseous products from biomass pyrolysis in the presence of phosphoric acid. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2012, 95: 236–240 [3] Songlin Zuo*, Jianxiao Yang, Junli Liu, Xuan Cai. Effect of the heating history of impregnated lignocellulosic material on Pore development during phosphoric acid activation. Carbon, 2010, 48(11):3293-3295. [4]Songlin Zuo*, Junli Liu, Jianxiao Yang, Xuan Cai. Effects of the crystallinity of lignocellulosic material on the porosity of phosphoric acid activated carbon. Carbon, 2009,47(15):3578-3580 [5]Songlin Zuo*, Jianxiao Yang, Junli Liu, Xuan Cai. Significance of the carbonization of volatile pyrolytic products on the properties of activated carbon by phosphoric acid activation. Fuel Processing Technology,2009,90(7-8):994-1001 [6]Huang, Yu'an; Hu, Shenghua; Zuo, Songlin; Xu, Zheng; Han, Chenghui; Shen, Jianyi. Mesoporous carbon materials prepared from carbohydrates with a metal chloride template. Journal of material chemistry, 2009, 19(41): 7759-7764 [7]Hao Shen, Yuhuan Fu, Qing Sun, Songlin Zuo, Aline Auroux, Jianyi Shen. High surface area carbons as acidic components with Cu-ZnO/Al2O3 for the reforming of dimethoxymethane. Catalysis communications,2008, 9(5):801-806 [8]肖志良, 左宋林*. 几种植物纤维原料热解产物的研究.林产化学与工业, 2012, 32(2): 1-8 [9]颜甜, 左宋林*, 赵昕, 张宏阳, 施荫锐. 高温载硫活性炭的制备及脱汞能力研究. 环境污染与防治, 2012, 34(4): 1-4 [10]左宋林, 森田光博. 空气-磷酸活化木炭制备酸性颗粒活性炭的研究. 林产化学与工业, 2010, 30 (6): 13-16 [11]左宋林, 蔡璇, 尹寿银. 高比表面积活性炭修饰电极对对苯二酚的电催化作用. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 34(6): 133-136 [12]左宋林, 刘军利, 杨建校. 磷酸活性炭性质对亚甲基蓝脱色力影响的研究. 林产化学与工业, 2010, 30(4): 1-6. [13]肖志良, 左宋林*. 生物质气化与催化剂的研究进展. 生物质化学工程, 2012, 46(1): 39-44. [14]杨建校, 章丽萍, 左宋林*, 曹云峰, 皮成忠. TEMPO 氧化法制备氧化纤维素纳米纤维.东北林业大学学报, 2011, 39(3): 96-98.


中国林学会活性炭专业委员会 副主任 中国林学会林产化工分会 常务理事 全国活性炭分析与测试委员会 委员
