1998/12–2001/08 日本国大阪大学,物质生命专业,博士
1986/09–1989/07 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,催化化学专业,硕士
1980/09–1984/07 北京化工学院,化学工程专业,学士
2003/07 –至今江苏大学,化学工程系,教授
2002/09–2003/06 江苏大学,化学工程系,副教授
2001/09–2002/08 大阪大学,NEDO研究员
1995/07–1998/11 沈阳化工学院,化工系,副教授
1989/08–1995/06 沈阳化工学院,化工系,讲师
Jing Hu, Zhipeng Lu,Hengbo Yin*, WupingXue, Aili Wang, Lingqin Shen, Shuxin Liu,Aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid over SiO2-, SBA-15-, and HZSM-5-supported V-P-O catalysts, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,Volume 40, 25 August 2016, Pages 145-151。
Yonghai Feng, Hengbo Yin*, Aili Wang, WupingXue,Selectively catalytic oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic, formic, and acetic acids over Ag nanoparticles under mild reaction conditions,Journal of Catalysis,Volume 326, June 2015, Pages 26-37.
Yonghai Feng, Hengbo Yin*, Aili Wang, Dezhi Gao, Xiaoyan Zhu, Lingqin Shen, MinjiaMeng, Selective oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic acid catalyzed by nanosized Mg(OH)2-supported bimetallic Au–Pd catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General Volume 482, 22 July 2014, Pages 49-60
Feng, Yonghai; Yin, Hengbo*; Gao, Dezhi; et al. Selective oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic acid catalyzed by hydroxylapatitenanorod-supported Au/Pd bimetallic nanoparticles under atmospheric pressure, Journal of Catalysis,Volume 316, July 2014, Pages 67-77.
Feng, Yonghai; Yin, Hengbo*; Wang, Aili; et al. Selective hydrogenation of maleic anhydride to succinic anhydride catalyzed by metallic nickel catalysts, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, Volume:425, Pages:205-212:MAY 28 2012.
Wang, Aili; Jiang, Yiqian; Chen, Weiguang; Yin, Hengbo*; et al. [BMIM]Cl-nAlCl(3) ionic liquid-catalyzed redistribution reaction between methyltrichlorosilane and low-boiling residue to dimethyldichlorosilane, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, Volume: 18, Pages:237-242, JAN 25 2012.
Zhang, Yunsheng; Yin, Hengbo*; Wang, Aili; et al. Deposition and characterization of binary Al2O3/SiO2 coating layers on the surfaces of rutile TiO2 and the pigmentary properties, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, Volume: 257, Pages: 1351-1360, DEC 1 2010.
Wang, Aili; Yin, Hengbo*; Ren, Min; Preparation of nickel nanoparticles with different sizes and structures and catalytic activity in the hydrogenation of p-nitrophenol, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Volume: 34, Pages: 708-713, 2010.
Wang, Aili; Yin, Hengbo*; Lu, Huihong; et al. Effect of Organic Modifiers on the Structure of Nickel Nanoparticles and Catalytic Activity in the Hydrogenation of p-Nitrophenol to p-Aminophenol, LANGMUIR, Volume:25, Pages:12736-12741, NOV 3 2009.
Wang, Aili; Liu, Dong; Yin, Hengbo*; et al. Size-controlled synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanorods by chemical precipitation in the presence of organic modifiers, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS, Volume 27, Pages: 865-869, MAY 2007.
Yin, HB; Wada, Y; Kitamura, T; et al. Photoreductivedehalogenation of halogenated benzene derivatives using ZnS or CdSnanocrystallites as photocatalysts, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 35, Pages: 227-231, JAN 1 2001.
Yin, HB; Wada, Y; Kitamura, T; et al, Hydrothermal synthesis of nanosizedanatase and rutile TiO2 using amorphous phase TiO2, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, Volume: 11, Pages: 1694-1703, 2001.