1.Xian Ming Wu, Jin Lian Liu, Run Xiu Li, et al. Preparation and characterization of LiMn2O4/Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3/LiMn2O4 thin-film battery by spray technique.Russian journal of electrochemistry 47(2011)980–985
2.Xian Ming Wu, Shang Chen, Ming You Ma, et al. Synthesis of Co-coated lithium manganese oxide and its characterization as cathode for lithium ion battery.IONICS 17(2011) 35.
3.Xian Ming Wu, Jin Lian Liu, Shang Chen, et al. Effect of sintering conditions on the properties of sol-gel derived Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3. IONICS. 16(2010): 827– 831
4.Xian Ming Wu, Run Xiu Li, Shang Chen, et al. Preparation and characterization of Li4/3Ti5/3O4/Ag composite prepared by sol-gel technique. Russian journal of electrochemistry 46 (2010) 1007-1010.
5. WU Xianming, LI Runxiu, CHEN Shang, et al. Sol-gel preparation and characterization of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 sintered with flux of LiBO2. Rare Metals 29(2010) 515-518.
6.Xian Ming Wu, Run Xiu Li, Shang Chen, et al. Synthesis and characterization of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3-coated LiMn2O4 as cathode materials for lithium ion battery. Rare Metals 28 (2009) 122
7. Xian Ming Wu, Shang Chen, Ze Qiang He, et al.Synthesis and characterization of LiMn2O4/Ag composite by citrate gel and combustion method. Ceramics International 34 (2008) 1387.
8. Xian Ming Wu, Run Xiu Li , Shang Chen, et al. Comparative study of Co, Cr and Al doped LiMnO2 prepared by ion exchange. Bulletin of Materials Science31(2008) 109.
9. Xian Ming Wu, Ze Qiang He, Shang Chen, et al. The effect of thickness on the properties of solution-deposited LiMn2O4 thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics 105 (2007) 58.
10.Xian Ming Wu, Shang Chen, Ze Qiang He, et al. Solution-derived lithium manganese oxide thin films with silver additive and their characterization.Materials Chemistry and Physics 101(2007)217
11.Xian Ming Wu, Ze Qiang He, Ming Fei Xu, et al. Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of LiMn2O4 Thin Films Prepared by Solution Deposition. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 21(2006) 54
12.Xian Ming Wu, Shang Chen, Ze Qiang He, et al. LiMn2O4 thin films derived by rapid thermal annealing and its Li ion diffusion behavior.RARE METALS25(2006) 620.
13.Xian Ming Wu, Zeqiang He, Mingyou Ma, et al. Silver-doped lithium manganese oxide thin films prepared by solution deposition. Matterials Letters 60(2006) 2497.
14.Xian Ming Wu, Ming You Ma, Zhuo Bing Xiao, et al. Comparative Study of LiMn2O4 Thin Films Heat-treated by Conventional and Rapid Thermal Annealing. Journal of Materials Science & technology 22 (2006)349.
15.Xian Ming Wu, Zhuo Bing Xiao, Zeqiang He, et al. Preparation and characterization of Li4/3Ti5/3O4 thin films by solution deposition. Materials Letters 60(2006) 422.