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肖国举(1972.8 —),男,汉族,甘肃通谓人,博士,研究员;教育部新世纪优秀人才,宁夏青年拔尖人才,宁夏科技创新领军人才,第10届科学中国人2011年度人物。干旱气象学委员会委员




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Xiao Guoju, Qiang Z, Jing W, Zhang F, Chengke L, Fei M, Juying H, Ming L, Xianping H, Zhengji Q. Influ­ence of increased temperature on the yield and quality of broad bean in semiarid regions of northwest China. Plant Soil Environ, 2017, 63, 220–225. Xiao Guoju,Zhang Qiang,Zhang Fengju,Ma Fei,Wang Jing,Huang Juying,Luo Chengke, He ianping,Qiu Zhengji.Warming influences the yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat in the semiarid regions of Northwest China. Field Crops Research, 2016, 199, 129–135. Xiao Guoju,Zhang Qiang Wang Runyuan, Yao Yubi, Li Yu, Shi Jie, Zhang Fengju, Huang Juying, Ma Fei, Luo Chengke, Wang Jing, Zhao Hong, Wang Helin, Zhang Kai. Climate Warming: Does Northwest China Face a Stark Food Security Challenge? Applied Ecology and Environmental Research , 2016,14(3),613-636. Xiao Guojua, Zhang Fengjua, Huang Juyinga, Luo Chengkea, Wang Jinga, Ma Feia,Yao Yubib, Wang Runyuanb, Qiu Zhengji. Response of bean cultures’ water use efficiency against climate warming in semiarid regions of China.Agricultural Water Management. 2016, 173, 84-90. Xiao Guoju, Zheng Fengju, Qiu Zhengji, Yao Yubi. Impact of climate change on water use efficiency by wheat, potatoand corn in semiarid areas of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2013, 181,108-114. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Fengjua, Qiu Zhengjib, Yao Yubic, Wang Runyuanc, Huang Juying. Response to climate change for potato water use efficiency insemi-arid areas of China. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 127,119-123. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Bi Jiangtao, Zhang Fengju and Luo Chengke. The Relationship Between Winter Temperature Rise and Soil Fertility Properties. Air, Soil and Water Research, 2012, 5, 15–22 Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Yu Li, Wang Runyuan, Yao Yubi, Zhao Hong, Bai Huzhi. Impact of temperature increase on the yield of winter wheat at low and high altitudes in semi-arid northwestern China. Agricultural Water Management. 2010, 97, 1360-1364. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Wang Runyuan, Yao Yubi, Zhao Hong, Bai Huzhi, Xiong Youcai. Effects of temperature increase on pea production in a semiarid region of China. Air, Soil and Water Research, 2009, 2, 31-39. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Wang Runyuan, Xiong Youcai. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration, supplemental irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizer application on rain-fed spring wheat yield. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2009, 29, 205-210. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Yao Yubi, Zhao Hong, Wang Runyuan, Bai Huzhi, Zhang Fengju. Impacts of recent climatic change on the yields of winter wheat at different altitudes above sea level in semi-arid northwestern China.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2008, 127,37-42. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Xiong Youcai, Lin Miaozi, Wang Jing. Integrating rainwater harvesting with supplemental irrigation into rain-fed spring wheat farming. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007, 93, 429-437. Xiao Guoju, Zhang Qiang, Xiong Youcai, Yang Xingguo, Yang Qiguo, Sun Zhaojun. Effects of temperature increase on water use and total yields of crops in a pea–spring wheat–potato rotation system in semiarid regions of China. Agricultural Water Management. 2007, 91, 86-91. Xiao Guoju, Liu Weixiang, Xu Qiang, Sun Zhaojun, Wang Jing. Effects of temperature increase and elevated CO2 concentration,with supplemental irrigation, on rain-fed spring wheat yield in semiarid areas of China. Agricultural Water Management.2005, 74,243-255.
