1.Bo Wang, Yang Lei, Sibo Tian, et. al. Deeply supervised 3D fully convolutional networks with group dilated convolution for automatic MRI prostate segmentation. Medical physics, 2019,46(4): 1707-1718.
2.Bo Wang, Chongyi Li. A visual hierarchical framework based model for underwater image enhancement. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2019,13(3): 665-667.
3.Bo Wang, Jichang Guo, Yan Zhang, et. al. Hierarchical feature concatenation-based kernel sparse representation for image categorization.Visual Computer, 2017, 33(5): 647-663.
5.Bo Wang, Jichang Guo, Yan Zhang, et. al. An analysis and application of fast nonnegative orthogonal matching pursuit for image categorization in deep networks. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015: 1-9.
6.Bo Wang, Jichang Guo, Yan Zhang. Learnable receptive fields scheme in deep networks for image categorization. Control Theory & Applications, 2015, 32(8):1114-1119.