李健维,教授,博士生导师。2017 年 12 月以 C 类 高层次人才的身份就职于海南大学化学与化工学院。 2014 年 3 月获得荷兰格罗宁根大学博士学位,师从系 统化学领域的领头羊 Sijbren Otto 教授,随后,在中 国科学院姚建年院士组从事学术访问,同年 8 月前往 牛津大学 Hagan Bayley 院士课题组进行了为期两年 的博士后研究。于 2016 年 9 月受聘于芬兰图尔库大 学高级研究员和课题组组长。
1. Joongoo Lee, Arnold J. Boersma, Marc A. Boudreau, Stephen Cheley, Oliver Daltrop, Jianwei Li, Hiroko Tamagaki and Hagan Bayley, Semisynthetic Nanoreactor for Reversible Single-Molecule Covalent Chemistry, ACS Nano., 2016, 10, 8843-8850. (影响因子: 13.334)
2. Piotr Nowak, Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Sijbren Otto* and Jianwei Li*, Template-Triggered Emergence of a Self-Replicator from a Dynamic Combinatorial Library, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2015, 137, 10965-10969 (*Corresponding Authors) (影响因子: 12.113)
3. Jianwei Li, Piotr Nowak, Sijbren Otto, An Allosteric Receptor by Simultaneous “Casting” and “Molding” in a Dynamic Combinatorial Library, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 833-837.(影响因子: 11.261)
4. Jianwei Li, Ivica Cvrtila, Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Edwin Otten, Sijbren Otto, An “Ingredients” Approach to Functional Self-Synthesizing Materials: A Metal-Ion-Selective, Multi-Responsive,Self-Assembled Hydrogel, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 48, 15709-15714. (影响因子: 5.731)
5. Jianwei Li, Piotr Nowak, Hugo Fanlo-Virgós, Sijbren Otto, Catenanes from Catenanes:Quantitative Assessment of Cooperativity in Dynamic Combinatorial Catenantion, Chem. Sci.2014, 5, 4968-4974. (影响因子: 9.211)
6. Jianwei Li, Piotr Nowak, Sijbren Otto, Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry: From Exploring Molecular Recognition to Systems Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9222-9239. (影响因子: 12.113)
7. Jianwei Li, Jacqui M. A. Carnall, Marc C. A. Stuart, Sijbren Otto, Hydrogel Formation upon Photoinduced Covalent Capture of Macrocycle Stacks for Dynamic Combinatorial Libraries,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 8384-8386. (影响因子: 11.261