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教育经历 2008/10 - 2014/12,英国雷丁大学(University of Reading),食品科学,博士 2006/10 - 2008/07,英国雷丁大学,食品科学,学士 工作经历 2015/01 - 今,河南大学,天然药物与免疫工程重点实验室 2009/10 - 2010/03,英国雷丁大学,食品化学助教 2007/06 - 2007/10, 英国Kerry Ingredient 食品公司,新产品研发




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Ma, F., Wang, D., Zhang, Y., Li, M., Qing, W., Tikkanen-Kaukanen, C., Liu, X.* & Bell, A.E. Characterisation of the mucilage polysaccharides from Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Food Chemistry, 2018, 245, 13-21. 2. Ma, F., Zhang, Y., Yao, Y., Wen, Y., Hu, W., Zhang, J., Liu, X.*, Bell, A.E. & Tikkanen-Kaukanen, C. Chemical components and emulsification properties of mucilage from Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Food Chemistry, 2017, 228, 315-322. 3. Ma, F., Zhang, Y., Liu, N., Zhang, J., Tan, G., Kannan, B., Liu, X.*, Bell, A.E. Rheological properties of polysaccharides from Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Food Chemistry, 2017, 227, 64-72. 4. Ma, F., Zhang, Y., Wen, Y., Yao, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, X.*, Bell, A., Tikkanen-Kaukanen, C. Emulsification properties of polysaccharides from Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Food Chemistry, 2017, 221, 919-925. 5. Ma, F.*, Bell, A.E., & Davis, F.J. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure and pH treatment on the emulsification properties of gum arabic, Food Chemistry, 2015, 184, 114-121. 6. Ma, F.*, Bell, A.E., Davis, F.J. & Chai, Y. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure and chemical reduction on the emulsification properties of gum arabic. Food Chemistry, 2015, 173, 569-576. 7. Zhang, Y.#, Ma, F.#(共一), Zhu, J., Du, Z., Zhao, Y.Y., Liu, X*. Characterization of a novel polysaccharide-iron(III) complex and its anti-anemia and nonspecific immune regulating activities. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 17, 17, 1677-1683. 8. Panteloglou, A.G., Bell, A.E.* & Ma, F. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure and pH on the rheology properties of gum arabic. Food Chemistry, 2010, 122, 972-979. 9. Balan, K., Qing, W., Wang, Y., Liu, X.*, Palvannan, T., Wang, Y., Ma, F. & Zhang, Y. Antidiabetic activity of silver nanoparticles from green synthesis using Lonicera japonica leaf extract. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 40162. 10. Qing, W., Wang, Y., Li, H., Ma, F., Zhu, J. & Liu, X*. Preparation and characterization of copolymer micelles for the solubilization and in vitro release of luteolin and luteoloside. AAPS Pharmaceutical Science Technology, 2016, 18, 6, 2095-2101.
