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受教育经历 1999年毕业于河南大学医学院临床医疗系 2002年至2005年河北医科大学麻醉学研究生 2009年至2013年郑州大学麻醉学博士 2011年1月至3月美国佛罗里达大学访问学者 2012年6月至9月德国汉堡大学进修器官移植麻醉 2013年11月至2014年12月美国佛罗里达大学研究学者、博士后 工作经历 1999年至2002年在平顶山平煤集团总医院麻醉科工作 2005年至今在河南省人民医院麻醉科工作 2017年获聘河南省人民医院麻醉科主任 2018年成为郑州大学博士研究生导师 获得奖励 2016年获得河南省科学技术进步奖励三等奖和河南省医学科技进步奖一等奖,单肺通气期间多模式肺保护策略的探讨,排名第一 2015年获河南省科学技术奖励三等奖和河南省医学科技进步奖一等奖,项目名称:选择性α2肾上腺能受体激动剂的器官保护作用及机制探讨,排名第一




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Jua LS, Yang JJ, Moreya TE, Gravenstein N,Seubert CN, Resnickc JL, Zhang JQ, Martynyuk AE.Role of epigenetic mechanisms in transmitting the effects of neonatal sevoflurane to the next generation of male,but not female,rats.British Journal of Anaesthesia.2018. [Epub ahead of print]共同通讯作者 Jia-Qiang Zhang, Quan-Yong Yang, Fu-Shan Xue, Wei Zhang, Gui-Zhen Yang,Xu Liao, Fan-Min Meng. Preoperative oral thyroid hormones to prevent euthyroid sick syndrome and attenuate myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in children —A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Medicine.2018. [Epub ahead of print] Zhang W, Zhang S, Li B, Sun M, Zhang J. Paravertebral dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to ropivacaine protects against independent lung injury during one-lung ventilation: a preliminary randomized clinical trial. BMC Anesthesiol. 2018 .15;18(1):67.通讯作者 孙铭阳,李宁涛,阮孝国,苌恩强,贾佳,张伟,张加强.合并卡-梅现象患儿行头颈部巨大血管瘤根治术的麻醉管理.中华麻醉学杂志.2018,38(4):462-465. (通讯作者) 张伟,孙铭阳,李冰,唐富东,张加强.麻醉因素对胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者肺损伤的影响:右美托咪定混合罗哌卡因胸椎旁神经阻滞联合全麻的效果.中华麻醉学杂志,2018,38(1):34-38. (通讯作者) 张琳,张加强,孟凡民,耿红芳,豆立冬,巫春艳.右美托咪定对脓毒症大鼠肺损伤时HMGB1/TLRs信号通路的影响.中华麻醉学杂志,2018,38(2):238-241. (通讯作者) Zhang W, Zhang J. Dexmedetomidine preconditioning protects against lung injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion through inhibition of autophagy. Exp Ther Med. 2017 .14(2):973-980. 通讯作者 Martynyuk AE, Yang JJ, Zhang JQ. Neurodevelopmental effects of anesthesia and environmental factors. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 17. [Epub ahead of print]. 李宁涛,张加强,阮孝国,苌恩强.右美托咪定对大鼠胸部创伤致急性肺损伤时细胞凋亡的影响. 中华麻醉学杂志,2017,37(4):471-474. (通讯作者) 李慧蕴,王静瑞,郑向明,张加强.氨甲环酸预防性用药用于颈椎手术患者血液保护的效应. 中华麻醉学杂志,2017,37(6):708-710. (通讯作者) Zhang JQ, Xu WY, Xu CQ. Neonatal Propofol and Etomidate Exposure Enhance Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission in Hippocampal Cornus Ammonis 1 Pyramidal Neurons. Chin Med J (Engl) 2016,20;129(22):2714-2724. Zhang W, Zhang JQ, Meng FM, Xue FS. Dexmedetomidine protects against lung ischemia-reperfusion injury by the PI3K/Akt/HIF-1α signaling pathway. J Anesth. 2016,30(5):826-833. 通讯作者 Zhang J, Xu C, Puentes DL, Seubert CN, Gravenstein N, Martynyuk AE. Role of Steroids in Hyperexcitatory Adverse and Anesthetic Effects of Sevoflurane in Neonatal Rats. Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(5):440-451. Zhang JQ, Wang Q, Xue FS. Ischemic preconditioning produces more powerful anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects than limb remote ischemic postconditioning in rats with myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013;126(20):3949-3955. Zhang JQ, Xue FS, Meng FM .Comparing face-to-face intubation with different devices. J Anesth. 2016,30(4):735. Zhang JQ, Xue FS, Meng FM, Li RP. Assessing the anaesthetic and analgesic effects of electroacupuncture in patients undergoing craniotomy. Acupunct Med. 2015 Jul 15. Zhang JQ, Xue FS, Meng FM, Liu GP. Comparing video and direct laryngoscopes for pediatric intubation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Am J Emerg Med. 2015 May 30. Zhang JQ, Xue FS, Meng FM, Liu GP. Is basal haemoglobin level really a prognostic factor for early death of elderly patients undergoing hip fracture surgery? Injury. 2015 May 14. Zhang JQ, Meng FM, Xue FS, Li RP.Comparing performance of ProSeal laryngeal mask airway and I-gel in anesthetized adult patients.Saudi Med J. 2015 ,36(9):1130. Xu C, Zhang J, Seubert CN, Gravenstein N, Sumners C, Vasilopoulos T, Martynyuk AE. Anesthesia with sevoflurane in neonatal rats: Developmental neuroendocrine abnormalities and alleviating effects of the corticosteroid and Cl(-) importer antagonists.Psychoneuroendocrinology.2015 ,60:173-181.


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