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1985.8-1999.6:兰州医学院一附院内分泌研究室,检验师 2000.10-2001.6:年在哈佛大学医学院血液研究所担任技术员 2001.10-2005.5:美国乔治亚医学院分子医学与遗传研究所分子免疫项目组担任科研助理 2005.6-2007.8:乔治亚医学院附属医院血液内科副研究员 2007.9-2009.3: 肯塔基大学医学院解剖系脊髓与脑损伤中心高级实验师 2009.4-至今:河南大学基础医学院 实验师




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1)Natarajan K, Kutlar F,Li T, Gallagher P, Kutlar A. A Case of Spectrin Mutations. Blood,bandaHPP with a Novel Combination of 118(11):516a(1736), 2007. 2)Natarajan K, Catravas J, Cannon J,Li T, Kutlar F, Sloan G, Fields S, Clair B, Kutlar A. Heat Shock Protein Inhibition in Sickle Cell Disease: A Novel Approach to Attenuating the Inflammatory Response? Blood, 118(11):671a(2263), 2007. 3)Shimoda M, Mmanywa F, Joshi SK,Li T,Miyake K, Pihkala J, Abbas JA, Koni PA.Conditional Ablation of MHC-II Suggests an Indirect Role for MHC-II in Regulatory CD4 T Cell Maintenance. J Immunol. 2006 Jun 1;176(11):6503-11. 4)Shimoda M,Li T, Pihkala JP, Koni PA. Role of MHC class II on memory B cells in post-germinal center B cell homeostasis and memory response. J Immunol. 2006 Feb 15;176(4):2122-33. 5)Zhang J,Hu YZ,Xueli L,Li S,Wang M,Kong X,Li T,Shen P,Ma Y.The inhibition of CMV promoter by heat shock factor 4b is regulated by Daxx. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2010, 42(10). 185(6):1698-1707. 6)Niu BH,Li T, Xi Y, Wu SX. Bis{tris-[3-(2-pyrid-yl) pyrazole] manganese(II)} dodeca- molybdosilicate hexa-hydrate. Acta Crystallogr E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jan 27;66(Pt 2):m201. 7)Li T, Li WY, Bai HL, Ma HB, Zhang H, Zhu JM, Li XH, Huang HY, Ma YF, Ji XY.The genetic profiling of preferentially expressed genes in murine splenic CD8α+dendritic cells. Immunol Res. 2011 Oct; 51(1):80-96. 8) LI Tao, LIU Yafang, CHEN Xin. Selective abosorption of leucine-rich amelogenin protein on hydroxyapatite(010) surface by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Henan University(Natural Sciences)(核心期刊), 2014, 44(5):537-541. 9) Cui XZ, Ji XY, Gao F, Yang KP, Bai HL, Ma HB,Li T, Zhang QY. Evaluation of the new classification and surgical strategy for myasthenia gravis. Am Surg. 2012 Dec;78(12):1329-35. 10) Zhang J, Hu YZ, Xueli L, Li S, Wang M, Kong X,Li T, Shen P, Ma Y. The inhibition of CMV promoter by heat shock factor 4b is regulated by Daxx. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2010 Oct; 42(10):1698-707. 11)李涛,马远方,姬新颖*. CD8α+树突状细胞研究进展, 细胞与分子免疫学杂志(核心期刊),2013, 29(1):96-98. 12)李涛,何敏,姬新颖,朱玉楠.肿瘤坏死因子α诱导蛋白家族与疾病的关系,细胞与分子免疫学杂志(核心期刊), 2014,30(4):433-436. 13)Wu DD,Li T,Ji XY*. Dendritic Cells in Sepsis: Pathological Alterations andTherapeutic Implications. J Immunol Res. 2017;2017:3591248. doi:10.1155/2017/3591248. Epub 2017 Sep 18. 14)Wu DD,Gao YR,Li T,Wang DY, Lu D, Liu SY, Hong Y, Ning HB, Liu JP, Shang J, Shi JF, Wei JS*, Ji XY*. Pest-containing nuclear protein mediates the proliferation, migration, and invasion of human neuroblastoma cells through MAPK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways. BMC Cancer(accepted).
