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2005年9月-2009年7月:河南大学生命科学学院 生物技术专业 本科 2009年9月-2012年7月:河南大学医学院 微生物学专业 硕士研究生 2012年9月-2015年7月:北京协和医学院 免疫学专业 获医学博士学位 2015年7月至今:河南大学基础医学院抗体药物开发技术国家地方联合工程实验室 获奖情况 (1)基于ABCG2肿瘤多药耐药机制及其逆转剂的研究:中国人民解放军军事医学科学院基础医学研究所2010优秀论文 (2)替尼类药物耐药机制及NO供体型化合物克服肿瘤耐药研究:河南省2012年优秀硕士毕业论文 (3)河南大学2016-2017教学质量二等奖,河南大学2017-2018教学质量二等奖




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(1)Zhiguang Ren,et al.Inclusion of membrane-anchored LTB or flagellin protein in H5N1 virus-like particles enhances protective responses following intramuscular and oral immunization of mice,Vaccine.2018.08.053. (2)Zhiguang Ren,et al.Intramuscular and intranasal immunization with an H7N9influenza virus-like particle vaccine protects mice against lethal influenza virus challenge,International Immunopharmacology58 (2018) 109–116. (3)Zhiguang Ren,et al.Anticancer efficacy of a nitric oxide-modified derivative of bifendate against multidrug-resistant cancer cells.J. Cell. Mol. Med.2016,20(6):1095-1105. (4)Zhiguang Ren, et al.H5N1 Influenza Virus-Like Particle Vaccine Protects Mice from Heterologous Virus Challenge better than Whole Inactivated Virus.Virus Research.2015; 16;200:9-18. (5)Xiaoke Gu#,Zhiguang Ren#(Co-first author), et al. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel bifendate derivatives bearing 6,7-dihydro-dibenzo[c,e] azepine scaffold as potent P-glycoprotein inhibitors.Eur J Med Chem.2012; 51:137-44. (6)Jing Liu, Zhiguang Ren, et al. Influenza virus-like particles composed of conserved influenza proteins and GPI-anchored CCL28/GM-CSF fusion proteins enhance protective immunity against homologous and heterologous viruses,International Immunopharmacology,63 (2018) 119–128. (7)Xiaoke Gu,Zhangjian Huang,Zhiguang Ren, et al.Potent Inhibition of Nitric Oxide-Releasing Bifendate Derivativesagainst Drug-Resistant K562/A02 Cells in Vitro and in Vivo.J Med Chem.2017.2.9,60(3):928~940. (8)Kun Zhang,…,Zhiguang Ren, et al.The innate immunity of guinea pigs against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection.Oncotarget.2017; 8:30422-30437. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.16503. (9)Xianliang Ji,ZhiguangRen, et al.Intranasal Immunization with Influenza Virus-Like ParticlesContaining Membrane-Anchored Cholera Toxin B or Ricin Toxin B Enhances AdaptiveImmune Responses and Protection against an Antigenically DistinctVirus.Viruses-Basel,2016,8(4):1-16 (10)Xiaoke Gu,Zhiguang Ren, et al. Bifendate-chalcone hybrids: a new class of potential dual inhibitors of P-glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014,12;455;318-22. (11)Xiaoke Gu,Zhiguang Ren, et al. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Bifendate- Chalcone Hybrids as a New Class of Potential P-glycoprotein Inhibitors.Bio Med Chem. 2012,2540-2548. (12)Xiaobo Tang, Xiaoke Gu,Zhiguang Ren, et al. Synthesis and Evaluation of Substituted Dibenzo [c,e]azepine-5-ones as P-glycoprotein-mediated Multidrug Resistance Reversal Agents.Bio & Med Chem Lett22(2012);2675-2680. (13)Yinxiang Wei, Yuanfang Ma, Qing Zhao,Zhiguang Ren, et al. New Use for an Old Drug: Inhibiting ABCG2 with Sorafenib.Mol Cancer Ther; (2012) 11(8). (14)Xiaoyu Sang,…,Zhiguang Ren, et al.Rapid emergence of a PB2-E627K substitution confers a virulent phenotype to an H9N2 avian influenza virus during adaption in mice.Archives of Virology.2015, 160,5; 1267-1277.
