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1、Lin Zhang#, Hua Pu#, Zhikun Duan#, Yonghong Li, Bei Liu, Qiqi Zhang, Wenjing Li, Jean-David Rochaix, Lin Liu, Lianwei Peng. Nucleus-Encoded Protein BFA1 Promotes Efficient Assembly of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase Coupling Factor 1. The Plant Cell, 2018, 30 (8): 1770-1788 (# co-first author). 2、Honglei Jin#, Mei Fu#, Zhikun Duan#, Sujuan Duan, Mengshu Li, Xiaoxiao Dong, Bing Liu, Dongru Feng, Jinfa Wang, Lianwei Peng, Hong-Bin Wang. LOW PHOTOSYNTHETIC EFFICIENCY 1 is required for light-regulated photosystem II biogenesis in Arabidopsis. PNAS, 2018 115 (26): E6075-E6084 (# co-first author). 3、Zhikun Duan#, Fanna Kong#, Lin Zhang, Wenjing Li, Jiao Zhang, Lianwei Peng. A bestrophin-like protein modulates the proton motive force across the thylakoid membrane in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol, 2016, 58: 848-858 (# co-first author). 4、Lin Zhang, Zhikun Duan, Jiao Zhang, Lianwei Peng. BIOGENESIS FACTOR REQUIRED FOR ATP SYNTHASE 3 Facilitates Assembly of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase Complex. Plant Physiology, 2016, 171 (2): 1291-1306. 5、段志坤, 秦晓惠, 朱晓红, 宋纯鹏. 解析植物冷信号转导途径: 植物如何感知低温. 植物学报 2018,53:149-153。
