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教育背景 2006.09 – 2010.6,河南师范大学,理学学士,生物科学 2010.09 – 2013.6,中国林业科学研究院,理学硕士,生态学 2013.09 – 2016.6,中国科学院植物研究所,理学博士,生态学 工作经历 2016.07 – 今,河南大学生命科学学院




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1. Su Lei, Xie Zongqiang, Xu Wenting, Zhao Changming. 2019. Variability of throughfall quantity in a mixed evergreen-deciduous broadleaved forest in central China. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 67: 225-231. 2. Su Lei, Zhao Changming, Xu Wenting, Xie Zongqiang. 2019. Hydrochemical Fluxes in Bulk Precipitation, Throughfall, and Stemflow in a Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaved Forest. Forests, 10: 507. 3. Su Lei, Yang Yongsheng, Li Xiaoya, Wang Dong, Liu Yanchun, Liu Yinzhan, Yang Zhongling, Li Mingming. 2018. Increasing plant diversity and forb ratio during the re-vegetation processes of trampled areas and trails enhance soil infiltration. Land Degradation & Development, 29: 4025-4034. 4. Su Lei, Xu Wenting, Zhao Changming, Xie Zongqiang, Ju Hua. 2016. Inter- and intra-specific variation in stemflow for evergreen and deciduous tree species in a subtropical forest. Journal of Hydrology, 537: 1-9. 5. Su Lei, Zhao Changming, Xu Wenting, Xie Zongqiang. 2016. Modeling interception loss using the revised Gash model: a case study in a mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forest in China. Ecohydrology. 9: 1580-1589. 6. 苏磊, 杨浩, 徐杰. 2014. 木本植物构件生态学研究概况. 世界林业研究, 27(2): 17-22. 7. 苏磊, 苏建荣, 刘万德, 李帅锋. 2013. 云南红豆杉人工林萌枝特性. 生态学报, 33(22): 7300-7308. 8. 苏磊, 苏建荣, 刘万德, 李帅锋. 2012. 异质光环境下云南红豆杉的构型与叶构件水分特征. 林业科学研究, 25(4): 505-509.
