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1996年7月,本科毕业于河南大学计算机系,计算机应用专业,理学学士学位 2005年6月,硕士毕业于河南大学计算机学院,应用数学专业,理学硕士学位 2011年6月,博士毕业于西安交通大学电信学院计算机系,计算机系统结构专业,工学博士学位 2016年2月,河南大学环境与规划学院,GIS专业,博士后出站 1996年7月-至今,河南大学软件学院教师 现任河南大学软件学院院长 奖励及荣誉 1)“基于云计算技术的移动医疗研究与应用”,河南省科技进步三等奖,河南省人民政府,2015 2)河南省第二届自然科学学术奖---河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,论文The localized area coverage algorithm based on distance priority Scheme in wireless sensor networks,河南省人力资源和社会保障厅、河南省科学技术协会,2013 3) 基于综合评价的高校教学效果度量模型(豫社科联字【2010】24),获河南省素质教育理论与实践优秀教育教学一等奖,河南省社科联,2010 4) 2016年开封市优秀教师 5)2015年河南大学师德先进个人 6) 2013年河南大学教学质量奖特等奖 7)2013年、2015年河南大学教学优秀奖 8)2015年河南大学科研优秀奖




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[1] Shuang Ding, Xin He (通讯作者), Jicheng Wang.,Pre-Decoding Recovery Mechanism for Network Coding Opportunistic Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,IEEE ACCESS journal,online,2018,.SCI,计算机类二区. [2] 王瀛,何欣(通讯作者),左方.基于最大整体包容度约束非负矩阵分解的高光谱遥感图像混合像元分析算法.光子学报,2018 Vol. 47 (3).EI期刊 [3] Hui Zhao,Meikang Qiu,Keke Gai,Xin He. Optimal solution to intelligent multi-channel wireless communications using dynamic programming. The journal of supercomputing ,Feb 2018:p.1-15. SCI期刊. [4] Shuang Ding, Xin He (通讯作者), Jicheng Wang. Multi-objective Optimization Model for Service Node Selection Based on Trade-off between Quality of Service and Resource Consumption in Mobile Crowd Sensing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, First online: Jan 2017,:P 1-11.SCI一区,TOP期刊 [5] Shuang Ding, Xin He, Jicheng Wang,Baojun Qiao,Keke Gai. Static Node Center Opportunistic Coverage and Hexagonal Deployment in Hybrid Crowd Sensing. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, March 2017, Volume 86, Issue 2, pp 251–267. SCI期刊、EI期刊(已经First online: 11 March 2016:P 1-17. SCI期刊. [6] An, Jian; Gui, Xiaolin; Wang, Zhehao; Yang, Jianwei; He, Xin. A Crowdsourcing Assignment Model Based on Mobile Crowd Sensing in the Internet of Things,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, v 2, n 5, p 358-369, October 1, 2015. SCI期刊、EI期刊(SCI WOS:000373098700002,EI:20153901317036);SCI一区,TOP期刊 [7] Xin He, Chunxi Wang, Tianxu Liu, Keke Gai, Dehong Chen, Lin Bai. Research on Campus Mobile Model Based on Periodic Purpose for Opportunistic Network, 17th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. IEEE HPCC 2015. August 24-26,2015. New York, USA. (EI: 20161402178228) [8] Fang Zuo, Yanping Chu, Xin He , Hui ZhaoAn E-R model based formal description scheme for social emergency management system. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(6):1809-1818. EI期刊,EI :20151100647965; [9] Zhao Hui, Gai Keke ,Li Jie, He Xin. Novel differential schema for high performance big data telehealth systems using pre-cache. Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications.(EI: 20161402178103) [10] Zhao Hui,Qiu Meikang,Gai Keke,Li Jie,He xin.Maintainable Mobile Model Using Pre-Cache Technology for High Performance Android System. Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, CSCloud 2015, p 175-180, 2015.(EI: 20161602251549) [11] Jian, An ; Xiaolin, Gui; Jianwei, Yang; Yu, Sun; Xin, He. Mobile Crowd Sensing for Internet of Things: A Credible Crowdsourcing Model in Mobile-Sense Service. Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, BigMM 2015, p 92-99, 2015,(EI: 20153701270918) [12] 何欣,刘天须,丁爽,白琳.混合群智感知中服务节点优化选择机制.计算机科学,2017,44(1):113-116. B类核心期刊.


