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教育背景 2009.09-2012.07 博士, 浙江大学, 概率论与数理统计专业 2003.09-2006.07 硕士, 西北工业大学, 应用数学专业 1999.09-2003.07 学士, 河南大学, 数学与应用数学专业 工作经历 2018.03-2018.05 香港浸会大学, 访问学者 2016.08-2017.08 美国明尼苏达大学, 访问学者 2015.12至今 河南大学, 副教授 2009.07-2015.12 河南大学, 讲师 2006.07-2009.07 河南大学, 助教 荣誉与奖励 2013年 河南省教育系统教学技能大赛一等奖、河南省教学标兵 2014年 河南大学教学质量大赛一等奖





查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] J.S.XIE. Limiting spectral distribution of normalized sample covariance matrices with p/n→0, Statistics and Probability Letters(SCI), 83, 543-550, 2013. [2] J.S.XIE. The moment convergence rates for largest eigenvalues of Beta ensembles, Acta Math Sinica, English Series(SCI), 29, 477-488, 2013. [3] J.S.XIE. Limiting spectral distribution for a type of sample covariance matrices, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(SCI), 44(5), 695-710, 2013. [6] J.S.XIE. Precise asymptotics on spectral statistics of random matrices, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society(SCI), 43, 293-302, 2014. [5] J.S.XIE. Gaussian fluctuation for linear eigenvalue statistics of large dilute Wigner matrices, Science China:Mathematics (SCI) 57(6), 1221-1236, 2014. [6] J.S.XIE. Limiting theorems for the counting function of eigenvalues up to edge in covariance matrices, Mathematica Slovaca(SCI), 65, 199-214, 2015. [7] J.S.XIE. A limit theorem on moment convergence of centered spectral statistics of random matrices, Communication in statistics: Theory and Methods(SCI), 45, 7119-7129, 2016. [8] Z.G. BAO, J.S.XIE *. CLT for linear spectral statistics of Hermitian Wigner matrices with general moment conditions, Theory of Probability and its Applications(SCI), 62, 187-206, 2016. [9] J.S.XIE. N.N. XIAO . The likelihood ratio test for high-dimensional linear regression model. Communication in statistics: Theory and Methods(SCI), 46, 8479-8492 , 2017. [10] L.Q.YI, J.S.XIE * A high-dimensional likelihood ratio test for circular symmetric covariance structure. Communication in statistics: Theory and Methods(SCI), 47, 1392-1402 , 2018.


