1. Y. Su, C. Tang, B. Li, Z. Lei, Optical colour image watermarking based on phase-truncated linear canonical transform and image decomposition, Journal of Optics, 20(5): 055702, 2018. (SCI,EI)
2.Y. Su, C. Tang, B. Li, Y. Qiu, T. Zheng, Z. Lei, Greyscale image encoding and watermarking based on optical asymmetric cryptography and variational image decomposition, Journal of Modern Optics, 66(4): 377-389,2018.(SCI,EI)
3. Y. Su, C. Tang, G. Gao, F. Gu, Z. Lei, S. Tang, Optical encryption scheme for multiple color images using complete trinary tree structure, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 98: 46-55, 2017.(SCI,EI)
4. Y. Su, C. Tang, X. Chen, B. Li, W. Xu, Z. Lei, Cascaded Fresnel holographic image encryption scheme based on a constrained optimization algorithm and Henon map, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 88: 20-27, 2017.(SCI,EI)
5. Y. Su, C. Tang, X. Chen, B. Li, W. Xu, Y. Cai, Single-lens Fourier-transform-based optical color image encryption using dual two-dimensional chaotic maps and the Fresnel transform, Applied Optics, 56(3): 498-505, 2017.(SCI,EI)
6. Y. Su, C. Tang, X. Chen, B. Li, W. Xu, Z. Lei, Optical image encryption based on mixed chaotic maps and single-shot digital holography, Transactions of Tianjin University, 23: 184-191, 2017.(EI)
7. Y. Su, C. Tang, Z. Lei, Z. Wang, A novel image encryption scheme based on single random phase encoding and chaos, 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Information Engineering (ICMSIE 2017). Guangzhou, China, Dec. 2-3, 2017, pp: 321-328.
8. 苏永钢,唐晨,程佳佳,谷帆,基于 Mean Shift 的目标跟踪算法性能比较研究,激光与红外, 46(3), 372-376, 2016.(中文核心)
9. Y. Su, C. Tang, Z. Lei, Optical single-channel color image encryption with two security levels based on chaotic random phase encoding in Gyrator domain, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2018.(EI,修回)
10. Y. Su, J. Zhao, X. Tian, L. Chen, Z. Liu, Double image encryption based on chaotic random phase encoding in Fresnel domain, 3D Research, 2018.(EI,修改中)
11. W. Xu, C. Tang, Y. Su, B. Li, Z. Lei, An image decomposition model Shearlet-Hilbert-L2 with better performance for denoising in ESPI fringe patterns, Applied Optics, 57(4): 861-871, 2018.(SCI,EI)
12. X. Chen, C. Tang, B. Li, Y. Su, Variational image decomposition for estimation of fringe orientation and density from electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringe patterns with greatly variable density, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 86: 197-205, 2016.(SCI,EI)
13. X. Chen, C. Tang, B. Li, Y. Su, Gradient vector fields based on variational image decomposition for skeletonization of electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringe patterns with variable density and their applications, Applied Optics, 55(25): 6893-6902, 2016.(SCI,EI)
14. X. Chen, C. Tang, W. Xu, Y. Su, K. L. Su, General construction of transform-domain filters, filtering methods for electronic speckle pattern interferometry, and comparative analyses, Applied Optics, 55(9), 2214-2222, 2016.(SCI,EI)
15. B. Li, C. Tang, X. Zhu, Y. Su, W. Xu, Shearlet transform for phase extraction in fringe projection profilometry with edges discontinuity, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 78: 91-98, 2016.(SCI,EI)
16. W. Xu, C. Tang, J. Zhang, Y. Su, R. K. L. Su, Two parabolic-hyperbolic oriented partial differential equations for denoising in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes, Applied Optics, 54(15): 4720-4726, 2015.(SCI,EI)
17. B. Li, C. Tang, X. Zhu, X. Chen, Y. Su, Y. Cai, A 3D shape retrieval method for orthogonal fringe projection based on a combination of variational image decomposition and variational mode decomposition, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 86: 345-355, 2016.(SCI,EI)
18. C. Tang, J. Zhang, C. Sun, Y. Su, K. L. Su, Electronic speckle pattern interferometry for fracture expansion in nuclear graphite based on PDE image processing methods, Conference on Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX, Munich, Germany, Jun 22-25, 2015, pp: 95252Y-1-8.(EI)
19. 谷帆,唐晨,苏永钢,程佳佳,李碧原,雷振坤,基于离散余弦变换与二维Ushiki混沌的图像加密[J],光学技术, 43(4): 319-328, 2017.(中文核心)
20. 程佳佳,唐晨,苏永钢,李碧原,谷帆,雷振坤,结合二次核函数的 Mean Shift 图像平滑,小型微型计算机系统, 38(10): 2374-2378, 2017.(中文核心)