1. 污水净化与资源化研究以及浮萍耐受重金属机制的研究.
2. 水生植物生物多样性在水域污染的生态功能研究
3. 浮游植物资源调查的研究
Zhao Zhao, Huijuan Shi, Cunqi Liu, Xianjiang Kang, Lingci Chen, Xiaofei Liang, Lei Jin, Duckweed diversity decreases heavy metal toxicity byaltering the metabolic function of associated microbial communities, Chemosphere, 2018, 203: 76-82.(二区 top, IF=4.427)
Zhao Zhao, Zhirong Zhang, Cunqi Liu , Junxia Wang, Yajuan Zhang, Huijuan Shi, Contrasting microbial community composition and function perspective of the biofilms in shrimps (Macrobrachium nipponense) cultured systems, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 222: 268-274 (二区, IF=4.005).
Zhao Zhao, Huijuan Shi, Xianjiang Kang, Cunqi Liu , Lingci Chen, Xiaofei Liang, Lei Jin, Inter- and intra-specific competition of duckweed under multiple heavy metal contaminated water, Aquatic toxicology, 2017, 192:216-223 . (二区 top,IF=3.884)
Zhao Zhao, Huijuan Shi, dongzhu Duan, Hongmei Li, Tingwen Lei, MaolinWang, Yun Zhao, The influence of duckweed species diversity on ecophysiological tolerance to copper exposure. Aquatic Toxicology, 2015, 164:92-98. (二区 top,IF=3.884)
Zhao Zhao, Hui-juan Shi, Mao-lin Wang, Long Cui, Hai Zhao, Yun Zhao, Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency on transcriptional regulation of genes encoding key enzymes of starch metabolism in duckweed (Landoltia punctata). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2015, 86:72-81. (三区, IF=2.718)
Z. Zhao, H. J. Shi, M. L. Wang, L. Cui, Z. G. Yang, Y. Zhao, Analysis of DNA methylation of Spirodela polyrhiza (greater duckweed) in responce to abscisic acid using methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology , 2015, 62(1): 127-135. (四区, IF=0.816)
Zhao Zhao, HuiJuan Shi, Yang Liu, Hai Zhao, Haifeng Su, Maolin Wang, Yun Zhao, The influence of duckweed species diversity on biomass productivity and nutrient removal efficiency in swine wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 167: 383-389. (一区 top, IF=5.807)
Haifeng Su,Juan Jiang,Qiuli Lu,Zhao Zhao,Tian Xie,Hai Zhao,Maolin Wang,Engineering Corynebacterium crenatum to produce higher alcohols for biofuel usinghydrolysates of duckweed (Landoltia punctata) as feedstock,Microbial Cell Factories,2015, 14:16-30. (二区, IF=3.831)
Haifeng Su,Qiuli Lu,Yun Zhao,Juan Jiang,Zhao Zhao,Maolin Wang,Preliminary investigation of metabolic engineering in a novel host bacterium Corynebacterium crenatum for alcohol biofuel production,RSC advances,2014,110(4):65021-65030 . (三区, IF=2.936).
赵昭,史慧娟,张楠,肖国华,刘存歧,金磊,浮萍休眠体形成过程中的淀粉积累, 江苏农业科学,2018, 46(22):315-318.
赵昭, 姚广保, 张艺琼, 赵云,猪场污水中浮萍生物量和淀粉含量变化研究,四川大学学报,2012,49(3):20-25.