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1.唐宏亮,贺学礼.中国岩黄耆属植物的花粉形态.中国草地,2004,26(6):16-22,29. 2.唐宏亮,贺学礼.豆科植物在可持续农业发展中的作用.干旱地区农业研究,2004,22(2):194-199. 3.许林军,彭鸿,陈存根,唐宏亮,杨亚娟.秦岭太白红杉林分布及太白山高山林线特征的定量分析.西北植物学报,2005,25(5):968-972. 4.贺学礼,唐宏亮.岩黄耆属系统分类研究进展.西北植物学报,2005,25(5):1051-1057. 5.贺学礼,唐宏亮,张玉宵.中国岩黄耆属(Hedysarum L.) 植物区系生态地理分布.河北大学学报(自然科学版),2006,26(6):625-630,648. 6.唐宏亮,贺学礼.中国岩黄耆属(豆科)种皮纹饰特征及其系统学意义.植物学通报,2007,24(5):614-619. 7.罗都强,唐宏亮.Fungicidal activity of L-696,474 and cytochalasin D from the ascomycete Daldinia concentrica against plant pathogenic fungi.植物保护学报,2007,34(2):113-121. 8.贺学礼,杨磊,唐宏亮,赵丽莉.克隆植物芦苇(Phragmites communis)生长对AM真菌时空分布的影响.自然科学进展,2007,17(7):978-983. 9.顾雅君,张明艳,唐宏亮,张瑞英. 蜜环菌和天麻.猪苓的关系及尚未大量人工驯化原因. 中国食用菌.2008, 27(6):20,28. 10.唐宏亮,刘龙,王莉,巴超杰.土地利用方式对球囊霉素土层剖面分布的影响.中国生态农业学报, 2009,17(6):1137-1142. 11.Luo DQ,Zhao LY,Shi YL,Tang HL,Li YY,Yang LM,Zheng YT,Zhu HJ,Liu JK.Velleratretraol, an unusual highly functionalized lactarane sesquiterpene from Lactarius vellereus. J Antibiot. 2009, 62(3):129-132. 12.Luo DQ,Liang SJ,Shi YL,Tang HL. Mitissimolone, a new sesquiterpene with a novel carbon skeleton from the basidiomycete Lactarius mitissimus. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2009, 92(10): 2082-2085. 13.Bai CM,He XL,Tang HL,Shan BQ,Zhao LL.Spatial distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin and soil enzymes under the canopy of Astragalus adsurgens Pall. in the Mu Us sandland, China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009,41(5):941-947. 14.Tang HL, Li XQ, Zu C, Zhang FS, Shen JB. 2013. Differential response patterns of intra-and extra-cellular acid phosphatase at different stages of cluster roots in white lupin, Journal of plant physiology. 2013,17:1243-1250 15.Tang HL, Shen JB, Zhang FS, Rengel Z. 2013. Interactive effects of phosphorus deficiency and exogenous auxin on root morphological and physiological traits in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), Science China Life Sciences, 56(4):313-323 16.Ma QH, Tang HL, Rengel Z, Shen JB. Banding phosphorus and ammonium enhances nutrient uptake by maize via modifying root spatial distribution. Crop and Pasture Science. 2013,64:965-975 17.林雅茹, 唐宏亮, 申建波. 野生大豆根系形态对局部磷供应的响应及其对磷吸收的贡献. 植物营养与肥料学报.2013,19(1):162-169 18.王昕, 唐宏亮, 申建波. 玉米根系对土壤氮.磷空间异质性分布的响应. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2013,19(5):1058-1064
