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2007-2011年 四川大学--美国科罗拉多大学医学院联合培养博士 2011-2014年 美国科罗拉多大学医学院皮肤病系/癌症中心 博士后 2014-2016年 美国杜克大学医学院皮肤病系/癌症中心 博士后 2016年6月作为海外引进人才到成都大学医学院从事科研,教学工作 获奖情况 获2018年上海市科技进步二等奖一项(个人排名第四)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Deng Y#, Li H, Yin X, Liu H, Liu J, Guo D, Shi Z.C-Terminal Binding Protein 1 Modulates Cellular Redox via Feedback Regulation of MPC1 and MPC2 in Melanoma Cells. Med Sci Monit. 2018 Oct 25;24:7614-7624. (#通讯作者) (IF 1.8) 2. Wu M, Li Y, Guo D, Kui G, Li B, Deng Y#, Li F#.Microbial Diversity of Chronic Wound and Successful Management of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Jul 9.(# 共同通讯作者) (IF 2.0) 3. Wu M*, Deng Y*, Li S, Chen Y, Guo D, Jin X, Xu Q Li B1, Li F.The Immunoregulatory Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Psoriasis via its Action on Interleukin: Advances and Considerations. Am J Chin Med. 2018;46(4):739-750. (*共同一作) (IF 3.2) 4. Deng Y#, Li F, He P, Yang Y, Yang J, Zhang Y, Liu J, Tong Y, Li Q, Mei X, Shu Z, Zhao Q#.Triptolide sensitizes breast cancer cells to Doxorubicin through the DNA damage response inhibition. Mol Carcinog. 2018 Jun;57(6):807-814. (# 通讯作者) (IF 4.12) 5. Liu H, Wang C, Lee S, Deng Y, Wither M, Oh S, Ning F, Dege C, Zhang Q, Liu X, Johnson AM, Zang J, Chen Z, Janknecht R, Hansen K, Marrack P, Li CY, Kappler JW, Hagman J, Zhang G. Clipping of Arginine Methylated Histone Tails by JMJD5 and JMJD7.PNAS. 2017 Sep 12;114(37):E7717-E7726.(IF 9.2) 6. Liu X, Li F, Huang Q, Zhang Z, Zhou L, Deng Y, Zhou M, Fleenor DE, Wang H, Kastan MB, Li CY. Self-inflicted DNA double-strand breaks sustain tumorigenicity and stemness of cancer cells. Cell Research.2017 27(6):764-783.(IF 15) 7. Deng H, Li F, Li H, Deng Y, Liu J, Wang D, Han G, Wang XJ, Zhang Q.CtBP1 Overexpression in Keratinocytes Perturbs Skin Homeostasis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2013 Nov 26. doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.504(IF 7.21) 8. Han G, Bian L, Li F, Cotrim A, Wang D, Lu J, Deng Y, Bird G, Sowers A, Mitchell JB, Gutkind JS, Zhao R, Raben D, ten Dijke P,Refaeli Y, Zhang Q, Wang XJ. Preventive and therapeutic effects of Smad7 on radiation-induced oral mucositis. Nature Medicine. 2013 Apr;19(4):421-8. (IF 27.3) 9. Hui Deng# Jing Liu# Yu Deng# ,Gangwen Han, Yiqun G. Shellman, Steven Robinson, John Tentler, William Robinson, David A. Norris, Xiao-Jing Wang*and Qinghong Zhang2*. CtBP1 is expressed in melanoma and represses the transcription of p16INK4a and Brca1 .Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2013 May;133(5):1294-301 (#共同一作)(IF 7.21) 10. Deng Y, Deng H, Liu J, Han G, Malkoski S, Liu B, Zhao R, Wang XJ, Zhang Q. Transcriptional down-regulation of Brca1 and E-cadherin by CtBP1 in breast cancer. Mol Carcinog. 2012 Jun;51(6):500-7. doi: 10.1002/mc.20813 (IF 4.8) 11. Deng Y, Deng H, Bi F, Liu J, Bemis LT, Norris D, Wang XJ, Zhang Q. MicroRNA-137 targets carboxyl-terminal binding protein 1 in melanoma cell lines. Int J Biol Sci. 2011 Jan 27;7(1):133-7. (IF 4.5) 12. Deng Y, Liu J, Han G, Lu SL, Wang SY, Malkoski S, Tan AC, Deng C, Wang XJ, Zhang Q.Redox-dependent Brca1 transcriptional regulation by an NADH-sensor CtBP1. Oncogene. 2010 Dec 16;29(50):6603-8. (IF 8.25) 13. Chen J, Zhou H, Li Q, Qiu M, Li Z, Tang Q, Liu M, Zhu Y, Huang J, Lang N, Liu Z, Deng Y, Zhang S, Bi F Epigenetic modification of RhoE expression in gastric cancer cells. Oncol Rep. 2011 Jan;25(1):173-80 (IF 1.3) 14. Liu M, Lang N, Qiu M, Xu F, Li Q, Tang Q, Chen J, Chen X, Zhang S, Liu Z, Zhou J, Zhu Y, Deng Y, Zheng Y, Bi F. miR-137 targets Cdc42 expression, induces cell cycle G1 arrest and inhibits invasion in colorectal cancer cells. Int J Cancer. 2010 (IF5.0) 15. Zhang S, Tang Q, Xu F, Xue Y, Zhen Z, Deng Y, Liu M, Chen J, Liu S, Qiu M, Liao Z, Li Z, Luo D, Shi F, Zheng Y, Bi F. RhoA regulates G1-S progression of gastric cancer cells by modulation of multiple INK4 family tumor suppressors. Mol Cancer Res. 2009 Apr;7(4):570-80 (IF 4.3)


