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主要学习经历 1995.9-1999.6 吉林大学生命科学学院生物制药专业,工学学士 2000.9-2003.6 北京工业大学数理学院流体力学专业,理学硕士 2005.9-2008.6 北京工业大学生物医学工程专业,工学博士 主要研究工作经历 1999.7-2000.9 吉林省黄金管理局黄金技术开发公司,助理工程师 2003.7-2013.6 乐山师范学院学院,讲师、副教授、教授 2013.6-至今 成都大学药学与生物工程学院,教授 2015.3-2016.3 匹兹堡大学药学院国家公派访问学者




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Zuo K, Liang L, Du W Y, Sun X, Liu W, Gou X J*, Wan H, Hu J P*. 3D-QSAR, Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LpxC Inhibitors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017. (SCI收录,in press) 2.Du W Y, Liu W, Zuo K, Sun X, Liang L, Wan H, Hu J P*. An effective HIV-1 integrase inhibitor screening platform: rationality validation of drug screening, conformational mobility and molecular recognition analysis for PFV integrase complex with viral DNA, journal of molecular structure, 2017, (SCI 收录,in press) 3.Hu J P, Feng Z W, Ma S F, Zhang Y, Tong Q, Alqarni M H, Gou X J, Xie X Q*. Difference and Influence of Inactive and Active States of Cannabinoid Receptor Subtype CB2: From Conformation to Drug Discovery. J Chem Inf Model. 2016, 56: 1152-1163. (SCI收录) 4.Hu J P, Hu Z H, Zhang Y, Wang L R*, Xie X Q*. Metal binding mediated conformational change of XPA protein:a potential cytotoxic mechanism of Nickel in the nucleotide excision repair. J Mol Model. 2016, 22: 156-174. (SCI收录) 5.Chang S, He H Q, Kong R, Xie Z J, Hu J P*. Study on Molecular Recognition between Euphorbia Factor L713283 and β-Tubulin via Molecular Simulation Methods. J Chem. 2015, vol. 2015, Article ID 879238, 13 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/879238(SCI收录) 6.Hu J P, Liu M, Tang D Y, Chang S*. Substrate recognition and motion mode analyses of PFV integrase in complex with viral DNA via coarse-grained models. Plos ONE. 2013, 8(1), e54929.(SCI收录) 7.Hu J P*, He H Q, Tang D Y, Sun G F, Zhang Y Q, Fan J, Chang S*. Study on the interactions between diketo-acid inhibitors and prototype foamy virus integrase-DNA complex via molecular docking and comparative molecular dynamics simulation methods. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2013, 31(7): 734-747.(SCI收录) 8.Hu J P, He H Q, Jiao X, Chang S*. Understanding the folding and stability of a designed WW domain protein with replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. Molecular Simulation. 2013, 39(10), 828-836.(SCI收录) 9.Tang D Y*, Chen Z Z, Hu J P*, Sun G F, Lu S Z, Hu C W. CO oxidation catalyzed by silver nanoclusters: mechanism and effects of charge. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2012, 14, 12829-12837.(SCI收录) 10.唐典勇, 刘嵬, 胡建平*, 孙国峰, 张元勤, 常珊. 戊烷与颗粒型甲烷单加氧酶的相互作用研究. 化学学报. 2011, 69(24): 2939-2946.(SCI收录) 11.胡建平*, 刘嵬, 唐典勇, 张元勤, 常珊. HIV-1整合酶与L708,906抑制剂结合模式及运动性的研究. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2011, 38(4): 338-346.(SCI收录) 12.胡建平, 王俊, 唐典勇*, 伏秦超, 张元勤. 二元铜簇负离子催化CO氧化反应机理. 物理化学学报. 2011, 27(2): 329-336.(SCI收录) 13.胡建平*, 唐典勇, 范晶, 常珊. HIV-1整合酶G140A/G149A及T66I/S153Y突变后的构象变化.化学学报. 2010, 68(15): 1499-1506.(SCI收录) 14.Hu J P, Wang C X*. Molecular dynamics simulation of HIV-1 integrase dimer complexed with viral DNA. Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 2010, 28: 33-40.(SCI收录) 15.胡建平*, 张小轶, 唐典勇, 常珊. HIV-1整合酶与芳香二酮酸类抑制剂相互作用的分子模拟研究. 化学学报. 2009, 67(19): 2177-2183.(SCI收录) 16.Hu J P, Gong X Q, Su J G, Chen W Z, Wang C X*. Study on the molecular mechanism of inhibiting HIV-1 integrase by EBR28 peptide via molecular modeling approach. Biophysical chemistry. 2008, 132: 69-80.(SCI收录) 17.胡建平, 柯国涛, 常珊, 陈慰祖, 王存新*. 用分子模拟方法研究HIV-1整合酶与病毒DNA的结合模式. 高等学校化学学报. 2008, 29(7): 1432-1437.(SCI收录) 18.胡建平, 柯国涛, 常珊, 陈慰祖, 王存新*. HIV-1病毒DNA与整合酶结合后的构象变化. 物理化学学报. 2008, 24(10):1803-1810.(SCI收录) 19.胡建平, 常珊, 陈慰祖, 王存新*. HIV-1 整合酶与抑制剂LCA 的结合模式及抗药性研究. 中国科学. 2007, 37(3): 279-287.(SCI收录) 20.Hu J P, Chang S, Chen W Z, Wang C X*. Study on the drug resistance and the binding mode of HIV-1 integrase with LCA inhibitor. Science in China Series B: Chemistry. 2007, 50 (5): 665-674. (SCI收录)
