1. Jianqiang Lan, Lijun Chen, Weiming Sun, Hailong Zhou, Xiaoping Diao, Hongwei Zhao*. Simultaneously rapid detection of carbofuran and 3-hydroxy-carbofuran in drinking waters and pesticide preparations using lateral-flow immunochromatographic assay. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2019 (on line).
2. Sunlan Ruan, Jie Luo, Tengyun Zhang, Inga Nordhaus, Xiaoping Diao, Hongwei Zhao*. Spatial and seasonal variation of chloramphenicol resistance genes and their co-occurring analysis with bacteria in a typical mangrove area of Hainan island, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2019 (on line).
3. Jianqiang Lan, Mifang Wang, Shang Ding, Yongmei Fan, Xiaoping Diao, Qing X. Li, Hongwei Zhao*. Simultaneous detection of carbofuran and 3-hydroxy-carbofuran in vegetables and fruits by broad-specific monoclonal antibody-based ELISA. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2019, 30: 1085-1096.
4. Jianqiang Lan, Hongwei Zhao*, Xiaotuo Jin, et al. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based immunoaffinity chromatography and a sensitive immunoassay for detection of spinosyn A in milk, fruits, and vegetables. Food Control, 2019, 95, 196-205.
5. Shang Ding, Yang Fu, Haohao Guo, Chenyang Song, Boling Li, Hongwei Zhao. Nitrogen and phosphorus loads and its environmental effects of animal manure in Hainan island from 1988 to 2018. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, (accepted, in Chinese)
丁尚,付阳,郭浩浩,宋晨阳,李博玲,赵洪伟. 海南岛1988-2018年畜禽粪尿氮磷负荷量及环境效应. 中国农业科学, 2019 (已接受)
6. Shang Ding, Haohao Guo, Chenyang Song, Xiaoping Diao, Hongwei Zhao*. Spatial and temporal characteristics of nitrogen flows in farming and animal production system in Hainan Province. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agricuture, 2019, 27(2): 246-256. (in Chinese)
丁尚, 郭浩浩, 程鸣宇,宋晨阳,刁晓平, 赵洪伟*. 海南农牧生产体系氮素养分流动时空变化特征. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2019, 2, 246-256.
7.Shang Ding, Haohao Guo, Chenyang Song, Xiaoping Diao, Hongwei Zhao*. Temporal and Spatial variation characteristics of phosphorus flows in the crop-livestock production system of Hainan island. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 5: 860-873. (in Chinese)
丁尚, 郭浩浩,宋晨阳,刁晓平,赵洪伟*. 海南岛农牧生产体系磷元素流动时空变化特征, 中国农业科学,2019, 5: 860-873.
8.Xiaotuo Jin, Yanyu Zhou, Yangrongchang Xia, Lijun Chen, Tao Li, Hongwei Zhao*. Effects of Paclobutrazol on Soil Bacterial Diversity in Mango Orchard and PICRUSt-based Predicted Metagenomic Analysis. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2019, 40 (4): 807-814. (in Chinese)
靳晓拓,周彦妤,夏杨荣畅,陈丽君,李涛,赵洪伟. 多效唑对芒果园土壤细菌多样性的影响及PICRUSt基因功能预测分析. 热带作物学报, 2019, 40(4): 807-814.
9.Xiaotuo Jin, Jiyong Ma, Yanyu Zhou, Lijun Chen, Tao Li, Hongwei Zhao. Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure Characteristics of Mango Orchard Soil under Reduced Chemical Fertilizer and Increased Organic Fertilizer Application. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2019, 40(4): 807-814.
靳晓拓, 马继勇, 周彦妤, 陈丽君, 李涛, 赵洪伟. 化肥减量配施有机肥下芒果园土壤细菌多样性及群落结构特征. 热带作物学报, 热带作物学报 2019, 40(6): 1205-1212.
10.H. Cheng, H. Zhao*, Tinghan Yang, et al. Comparative evaluation of five protocols for protein extraction from stony corals (Scleractinia) for proteomics. Electrophoresis, 2018, 39(8):1062-1070.
11.Rong Xiao, Hailong Zhou, Chien-Min Chen, Huamin Cheng, Hongwu Li, Jia Xie, Hongwei Zhao, Qian Han, Xiaoping Diao. Transcriptional responses of Acropora hyacinthus embryo under the benzo(a)pyrene stress by deep sequencing, Chemosphere, 2018, 206: 387-397.
12.Teng Zhou, Yongbo Deng, Hongwei Zhao, et al. The mechanism of size-based particle separation by dielectrophoresis in the viscoelastic flows. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2018, 140(9): 091302.
13.Sunlan Ruan, Hongwei Zhao, Yu Zhang, et al. Distribution of chloramphenicol resistance genes in the typical areas of Mangroves in Dongzhai harbor, Hainan, China. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2018, 2: 129-137. (in Chinese)
阮孙兰, 赵洪伟, 张禹, 等. 东寨港红树林典型区域氯霉素抗性基因的分布, 热带生物学报, 2018, 2: 129-137.
14.Y. Zhang, Y. Cheng, H. Cai, S. He, Q. Shan, H. Zhao, Y. Chen, B. Wang. Catalyst-free aerobic oxidation of aldehydes into acids in water under mild conditions. Green Chemistry, 2017, 19: 5708.
15.X. Jiang, L. Qiu, H. Zhao, Q. Song, H. Zhou, Q. Han, X. Diao. Transcriptomic responses of Perna viridis embryo to Benzo(a)pyrene exposure elucidated by RNA sequencing. Chemosphere, 2017, 163:125-132.
16.Xiu Jiang, Tianle Tang, Hongwei Zhao, Qinqin Song, Hailong Zhou, Xiaoping Diao. Differential gene responses in the embryo of the green mussel exposed to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). Toxicol Res. 2017, 6(4): 477-486.
17.Boting Wen, Margaret R. Baker, Hongwei Zhao, Zongjun Cui, Qing X. Li. Expression and Characterization of Windmill Palm Tree (Trachycarpus fortunei) Peroxidase by Pichia pastoris. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017, 65 (23): 4676-4682.
18.Nan Xiang, Tinghan Yang, Huamin Cheng, Hailong Zhou, Hongwei Zhao, Xiaoping Diao. Research progress on effects of chemical pollutants on the coral reef ecosystems. Asian Journal of ecotoxicology, 2017, 12(5): 19-26.
项楠, 杨婷寒, 程华民, 周海龙, 赵洪伟, 刁晓平. 化学污染物对珊瑚礁生态系统的影响研究进展. 生态毒理学报, 2017, 12(5): 19-26.
19.Liguo Qiu, Qinqin Song, Xiu Jiang, Hongwei Zhao, Hao Chen, Hailong Zhou, Qian Han, Xiaoping Diao. Comparative gonad protein and metabolite responses to a binary mixture of 2,4’-DDT and benzo(a)pyrene in the female green mussel Perna viridis. Metabolomics, 2016, 12(8): 1-11.
20.Q. Song, P. Zheng, L. Qiu, X. Jiang, H. Zhao, H. Zhou, Q. Han and X. Diao. Toxic effects of male Perna viridis gonad exposed to BaP, DDT and their mixture: A metabolomic and proteomic study of the underlying mechanism. Toxicology Letters, 2016, 240:185-195.