Li, X. Zhang, Z. Qian, G. Feng, and Y. Ren, Key Based Artificial Fingerprint Generation for Privacy Protection, IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, (to appear)
Feng, X. Zhang, Y. Ren, Z. Qian, and F. Li, Diversity-based Cascade Filters for JPEG Steganalysis, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, (to appear)
Zhu, S. Li, X. Zhang, L. Liang, A. Kot, and F. Li, Detection of Spoofing Medium Contours for Face Anti-spoofing, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, (to appear)
Ren, X. Zhang, G. Feng, Z. Qian, and F. Li, How to Extract Image Features Based on Co-occurrence Matrix Securely and Efficiently in Cloud Computing, IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, (to appear)
Ren, M. Dong, Z. Qian, X. Zhang, and G. Feng, Efficient Algorithm for Secure Outsourcing of Modular Exponentiation with Single Server, IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, (to appear)
Wang, X. Zhang, and Z. Qian, Practical Cover Selection for Steganography, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, (to appear)
Shi, Z. Wang, Z. Qian, N. Huang, and X. Zhang, Distortion Function for Emoji Image Steganography, Computers, Materials & Continua, (to appear)
Ren, X. Zhang, D. Gu, and G. Feng, Efficient Outsourced Extraction of Histogram Features over Encrypted Images in Cloud, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, (to appear)
Qiu, Z. Qian, H. Zeng, X. Lin, and X. Zhang, Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Adaptive Reversible Integer Transformation, Signal Processing, 167, 2020.
Li, and X. Zhang, Towards Construction Based Data Hiding: From Secrets to Fingerprint Images, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 28(3), pp. 1482-1497, 2019.
Tao, S. Li, X. Zhang, and Z. Wang, Towards Robust Image Steganography, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(2), pp. 594-600, 2019.
Qian, H. Xu, X. Luo, and X. Zhang, New Framework of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(2), pp. 351-362, 2019.
Qin, Q. Zhou, F. Cao, J. Dong, and X. Zhang, Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image with Image Inpainting, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(11), pp. 3341-3355, 2019.
Ni, G. Feng, L. Shen, and X. Zhang, Selective Ensemble Classification of Image Steganalysis via Deep Q Network, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26(7), pp. 1065-1069, 2019.
Ying, Z. Qian, X. Zhang, and D. Ye, Reversible Data Hiding with Image Enhancement using Histogram Shifting, IEEE Access, 7, pp. 46506-46521, 2019.
Wang, and X. Zhang, Secure Cover Selection for Steganography, IEEE Access, 7, pp. 57857-57867, 2019.
Wang, S. Li, and X. Zhang, Towards Improved Steganalysis: When Cover Selection Is Used in Steganography, IEEE Access, 7, pp. 168914-168921, 2019.
Qin, X. Qian, W. Hong, and X. Zhang, An Efficient Coding Scheme for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image with Redundancy Transfer, Information Sciences, 487, pp. 176-192, 2019.
Jia, Z. Yin, X. Zhang, and Y. Luo, Reversible Data Hiding Based on Reducing Invalid Shifting of Pixels in Histogram Shifting, Signal Processing, 163, pp. 238-246, 2019.
Liang, X. Zhang, and H. Cheng, Huffman-Code Based Retrieval for Encrypted JPEG Images, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 61, pp. 149-156, 2019.
Du, W. Zhang, H. Fu, W. Ren, and X. Zhang, An Efficient Privacy Protection Scheme for Data Security in Video Surveillance, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 59, pp. 347-362, 2019.
Zhong, Z. Qian, Z. Wang, and X. Zhang, Steganography in Stylized Images, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 28(3), 033005, 2019.
Zeng, G. Feng, and X. Zhang, Detection of Double JPEG Compression Using Modified Dense Net Model, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(7), pp. 8183-8196, 2019.
Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Qian, X. Zhang, and G. Feng, Steganography in Beautified Images, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(4), pp. 2322-2333, 2019.
Shi, Z. Wang, Z. Qian, N. Huang, P. Puteaux, and X. Zhang, Distortion Function for Emoji Image Steganography, Computers, Materials & Continua, 59(3), pp. 943-953, 2019.
Qian, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, and G. Feng, Breaking Steganography: Slight Modification with Distortion Minimization, International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 11(1), pp. 114-125, 2019.
Wang, Z. Yin, and X. Zhang, Asymmetric Distortion Function for JPEG Steganography Using Block Artifact Compensation, International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 11(1), pp. 90-99, 2019.
Wang, J. Ni, X. Zhang, and Q. Huang, Efficient Compression of Encrypted Binary Images Using the Markov Random Field, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics & Security, 13(5), pp. 1271-1285, 2018.
Qian, H. Zhou, X. Zhang, and W. Zhang, Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams, IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, 15(6), pp. 1055-1067, 2018.
Wang, X. Zhang, and Z. Yin, Joint Cover-Selection and Payload-Allocation by Steganographic Distortion Optimization, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 25(10), pp. 1530-1534, 2018.
Li, K. Wu, X. Zhang, J. Lei, and M. Wen, Robust Batch Steganography in Social Networks With Non-Uniform Payload and Data Decomposition, IEEE Access, 6, pp. 29912-29925, 2018.
Wang, Z. Qian, X. Zhang, M. Yang, and D. Ye, On Improving Distortion Functions for JPEG Steganography, IEEE Access, 6, pp. 74917-74930, 2018.
Qiu, H. He, Z. Qian, S. Li, and X. Zhang, Lossless Data Hiding in JPEG Bitstream Using Alternative Embedding, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 52, pp. 86-91, 2018.
Qin, X. Chen, X. Luo, X. Zhang, and X. Sun, Perceptual Image Hashing via Dual-cross Pattern Encoding and Salient Structure Detection, Information Sciences, 423, pp. 284-302, 2018.
Qin, W. Zhang, F. Cao, X. Zhang, and C.-C. Chang, Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images via Adaptive Embedding Strategy with Block Selection, Signal Processing, 153, pp. 109-122, 2018.
Yao, C. Qin, Z. Tang, and X. Zhang, A General Framework for Shiftable Position-Based Dual-image Reversible Data Hiding, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 41, pp. 1-10, 2018.
Qian, L. Pan, N. Huang, and X. Zhang, Constructive Steganography by Tangles, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 12(8), pp. 3911-3925, 2018.
Qian, N. Huang, S. Li, and X. Zhang, Constructive Steganography Using Texture Synthesis, IETE Technical Review, 35(Sup. 1), pp. 14-22, 2018.
Li, X. Chen, Z. Wang, Z. Qian, and X. Zhang, Data Hiding in Iris Image for Privacy Protection, IETE Technical Review, 35(Sup. 1), pp. 34-41, 2018.
Wang, Z. Yin, and X. Zhang, Distortion Function for JPEG Steganography Based on Image-Texture and Correlation in DCT Domain, IETE Technical Review, 35(4), pp. 351-358, 2018.
Wei, Z. Yin, Z. Wang, and X. Zhang, Distortion Function Based on Residual Blocks for JPEG Steganography, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(14), pp. 17875-17888, 2018.
Lv, S. Li, and X. Zhang, A Novel Auxiliary Data Construction Scheme for Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(14), pp. 18029-18041, 2018.
Yin, X. Niu, X. Zhang, J. Tang, and B. Luo, Reversible data hiding in encrypted AMBTC images, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(14), pp. 18067-18083, 2018.
Liang, X. Zhang, H. Cheng, and Q. Wei, Secure and Efficient Image Retrieval over Encrypted Cloud Data, Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2018, Article ID 7915393, 14 pages, 2018.
Li, K, Wu, X. Zhang, J. Lei, and M. Wen, Multi-Source Stego Detection with Low-Dimensional Textural Feature and Clustering Ensembles, Symmetry, 10(5), 128, 2018.