Lu-Xing Yang, Moez Draief, Xiaofan Yang*, The optimal dynamic immunization under a controlled heterogeneous node-based SIRS model, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 450 (2016): 403-415.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, A novel virus-patch mixed spreading model, PLos ONE, 10(9) (2015): e0137858.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, The impact of nonlinear infection rate on the spread of computer virus, Nonlinear Dynamics, 82(1) (2015): 85-95.
Lu-Xing Yang, Moez Draief, Xiaofan Yang*, The impact of the network topology on the viral prevalence: A node-based approach, PLos ONE, 10(7) (2015): e0134507.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Theoretical and experimental analysis of the impacts of removable storage media and antivirus software on viral spread, Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22(1-3) (2015): 167-174.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Qingyi Zhu, Jian Jin, The combined impact of external computers and network topology on the spread of computer viruses, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(12) (2014): 2491-2506.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, A new epidemic model of computer viruses, Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19(6) (2014): 1935-1944.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Qingyi Zhu, Propagation of computer virus under the influences of infected external computers and removable storage media: Modeling and analysis, Nonlinear Dynamics, 78(2) (2014): 1359-1366.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Qingyi Zhu, Global stability of a computer virus propagation model with two kinds of generic nonlinear probabilities, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014 (2014): 735327.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, The pulse treatment of computer viruses: a modeling study, Nonlinear Dynamics, 76(2) (2014): 1379-1393.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Wanping Liu, Qingyi Zhu, Jian Jin, Li He, Propagation of computer virus both across the Internet and external computers, Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (2014): 2785-2792.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Wanping Liu, Qingyi Zhu, A propagation model of computer virus with nonlinear vaccination probability, Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (2014): 92-100.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, The spread of computer viruses over a reduced scale-free network, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 396(1) (2014): 173-184.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, The effect of infected external computers on the spread of viruses: A compartment modeling study, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 392(24) (2013): 6523-6535.
Chenquan Gan*, Xiaofan Yang, Wanping Liu, Qingyi Zhu, Xulong Zhang, The spread of computer virus under the effect of external computers, Nonlinear Dynamics, 73(3) (2013): 1615-1620.
Qingyi Zhu*, Xiaofan Yang, Lu-Xing Yang, Xulong Zhang, A mixing propagation model of computer viruses and countermeasures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 73(3) (2013): 1433-1441.
Chenquan Gan, Xiaofan Yang*, Wanping Liu, Qingyi Zhu, Xulong Zhang, An epidemic model of computer viruses with vaccination and generalized nonlinear incidence rate, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 222 (2013): 265-274.
Lu-Xing Yang*, Xiaofan Yang, Jiming Liu, Qingyi Zhu, Epidemics of computer viruses: A complex-network approach, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(16) (2013): 8705-8717.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, Qingyi Zhu, Luosheng Wen, A computer virus model with graded cure rates, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 14(1) (2013): 414-422.
Xiaofan Yang*, Lu-Xing. Yang, Towards the epidemiological modeling of computer viruses, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2012 (2012): 259671.
Xiaofan Yang*, B.K. Mishra, Yanbin Liu, Computer virus: model, theory, and methods, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2012 (2012): 473508.
Lu-Xing Yang*, Xiaofan Yang, The spread of computer viruses under the influence of removable storage devices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(8) (2012): 3914-3922.
Chenquan Gan*, Xiaofan Yang, Wanping Liu, Qingyi Zhu, Xulong Zhang, Propagation of computer virus under human intervention: A dynamical model, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2012 (2012): 106950.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, Qingyi Zhu, Luosheng Wen, Jiming Liu, Propagation behavior of virus codes in the situation that infected computers are connected to the Internet with positive probability, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2012 (2012): 693695.
Lu-Xing Yang, Xiaofan Yang*, Luosheng Wen, Jiming Liu, A novel computer virus propagation model and its dynamics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 89(17) (2012): 2307-2314.
Qingyi Zhu*, Xiaofan Yang, Lu-Xing Yang, Chunming Zhang, Optimal control of computer virus under a delayed model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(23) (2012): 11613-11619.
Qingyi Zhu, Xiaofan Yang*, Jianguo Ren, Modeling and analysis of the spread of computer virus, Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17(12) (2012): 5117-5124.
Jianguo Ren*, Xiaofan Yang, Lu-Xing Yang, Yonghong Xu, Fanzhou Yang, A delayed computer virus propagation model and its dynamics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 45(1) (2012): 74-79.
Jianguo Ren*, Xiaofan Yang, Qingyi Zhu, Lu-Xing Yang, Chunming Zhang, A novel computer virus model and its dynamics, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13(1) (2012): 376-384.
Jing Zhang, Xiaofan Yang*, Cui Yu, Li He, Dynamic wavelength assignment for realizing hypercube-based Bitonic sorting on wavelength division multiplexing linear arrays, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 92(2) (2015): 218-229.
Xianyong Li*, Xiaofan Yang, Li He, Cui Yu, Jing Zhang, Conditional fault tolerance of hypermesh optical interconnection networks, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 26(1) (2015): 159-168.
Xianyong Li, Xiaofan Yang*, Li He, Jing Zhang, Cui Yu, Conditional diagnosability of optical multi-mesh hypercube networks under the comparison diagnosis model, Theoretical Computer Science, 531 (2014): 47-53.
Jing Zhang, Xiaofan Yang*, Li He, Xianyong Li, Wavelength assignment for locally twisted cube communication pattern on optical bus network-on-chip, Optical Fiber Technology, 20(3) (2014): 53-60.
Cui Yu, Xiaofan Yang*, Li He, Jing Zhang, Optimal wavelength assignment in the implementation of parallel algorithms with ternary n-cube communication pattern on mesh optical network, Theoretical Computer Science, 524 (2014): 68-77.
Jing Zhang, Xiaofan Yang*, Cui Yu, Li He, The congestion of generalized cube communication pattern in linear array network, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 25(3) (2014): 263-273.
Cui Yu, Xiaofan Yang*, Li He, Realizing the ternary n-cube communication pattern on a ring-connected WDM optical network, Optical Fiber Technology, 20(1) (2014): 53-60.
Li He*, Xiaofan Yang, Xianyong Li, A novel optical folded cube, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124 (24) (2013): 7062-7064.
Jing Zhang*, Xiaofan Yang, Cui Yu, Li He, Lu-Xing Yang, Implementing duplex crossed cube communication patterns on optical linear arrays, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124(24) (2013): 6496-6500.
Xianyong Li, Xiaofan Yang*, Li He, Diagnosability of optical multi-mesh hypercube networks under the comparison diagnosis model, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 90(9) (2013): 1774-1781.
Cui Yu, Xiaofan Yang*, Jing Zhang, Li He, Routing and wavelength assignment for 3-ary n-cube communication patterns in linear array optical networks for n communication rounds, Information Processing Letters, 113(18) (2013): 677-680.
Cui Yu*, Xiaofan Yang, Lu-Xing Yang, Jing Zhang, Routing and wavelength assignment for 3-ary n-cube in array-based optical network, Information Processing Letters, 112(6) (2012): 252-256.
Xiaofan Yang, Lei Wang*, Lu-Xing Yang, Optimal broadcasting for locally twisted cubes, Information Processing Letters, 112(4) (2012): 129-134.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Fault-tolerant cycle embedding in restricted hypercube-like networks with more faulty nodes, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 28(2) (2012): 419-426.
Erjie Yang*, Xiaofan Yang, Qiang Dong, Jing Li, Conditional diagnosability of hypermesh optical multiprocessor systems under the PMC model, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88(11) (2011): 2275-2284.
Erjie Yang*, Xiaofan Yang, Qiang Dong, Jing Li,Conditional diagnosability of hypermeshes under the comparison model, Information Processing Letters, 111(4) (2011): 188-193.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Fault-tolerant embedding of meshes/tori in twisted cubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88(8) (2011): 1595-1602.
Xiaofan Yang*, Qiang Dong, Erjie Yang, Jianqiu Cao,Hamiltonian properties of twisted hypercube-like networks with more faulty elements, Theoretical Computer Science, 412(22) (2011): 2409-2417.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Dajin Wang,Embedding multi-dimensional meshes into twisted cubes, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 36(6) (2010):1021-1026.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Embedding a long fault-free cycle in a crossed cube with more faulty nodes, Information Processing Letters, 110(11) (2010): 464-468.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Dajin Wang,Embedding paths and cycles in 3-ary n-cubes with faulty nodes and links, Information Sciences, 180(1) (2010): 198-208.
Xingchang Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, Ming Xiang, One-step t-fault diagnosis for hypermesh optical interconnection multiprocessor systems, Journal of System and Software, 82(9) (2009): 1491-1496.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Juan Zhao, Embedding a fault-free hamiltonian cycle in a class of faulty generalized honeycomb tori, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 35(6) (2009): 942-950.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, Yuan Yan Tang, Yongkang Xing, Largest connected component of a star graph with faulty vertices, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 85(12) (2008): 1771-1778.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Juan Zhao, Embedding a family of multi-dimensional meshes into a crossed cube, Information Processing Letters, 108(6) (2008): 394-397.
Qiang Dong*, Xiaofan Yang, Juan Zhao, Yuan Yan Tang, Embedding a family of disjoint 3D meshes into a crossed cube, Information Sciences, 178(11) (2008): 2396-2405.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yuan Yan Tang, Jianqiu Cao, Embedding torus in hexagonal honeycomb torus, IET Computers and Digital Techniques, 2(2) (2008): 86-93.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yuan Yan Tang, Jianqiu Cao, Qing Lu, Embedding even-length cycles in a hexagonal honeycomb mesh, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 85(2) (2008): 201-209.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yuan Yan Tang, Efficient fault identification of diagnosable systems under the comparison model, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 56(12) (2007): 1612-1618.
Hui Yang*, Xiaofan Yang, A fast diagnosis algorithm for locally twisted cube multiprocessor systems under the MM* model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 53(6) (2007): 918-926.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yuan Yan Tang, A (4n – 9)/3 diagnosis algorithm for hypercube networks, Information Sciences, 177(8) (2007): 1771-1781.
Xiaofan Yang*, Jun Luo, Shuangqing Li, Fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity in a class of faulty meshes, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182(1-2) (2006): 1697-1708.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yuan Yan Tang, Qing Lu, Zhongshi He, Optimal doublecast path in hexagonal honeycomb mesh, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182(1-2) (2006): 1267-1279.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, An oblivious shortest-path routing algorithm for fully connected cubic networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 66(10) (2006): 1294-1303.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, Jianqiu Cao, Jun Luo, A lower bound on the size of k-neighborhood in generalized cubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 179(1) (2006): 47-54.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, Pancyclicity of Möbius cubes with faulty nodes, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 30(3) (2006): 165-172.
Xiaofan Yang*, Jianqiu Cao, G.M. Megson, Jun Luo, Minimum neighborhood in a generalized cube, Information Processing Letters, 97(3) (2006): 88-93.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (III), International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 83(1) (2006): 27-38.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, Yuan Yan Tang, D.J. Evans, Diameter of parallelogramic honeycomb torus, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 50(8-9) (2005): 1477-1486.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, A comparison-based diagnosis algorithm tailored for crossed cube multiprocessor systems, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 29(4) (2005): 169-175.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, Maximum induced subgraph of a recursive circulant, Information Processing Letters, 95(1) (2005): 293-298.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, The locally twisted cubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 82(4) (2005): 401-413.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (II), International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81(10) (2004): 1175-1185.
Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, Locally twisted cubes are 4-pancyclic, Applied Mathematics Letters, 17(8) (2004): 919-925.
Xiaofan Yang, G.M. Megson*, Fault tolerance of Möbius cubes under two forbidden fault set models, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81(8) (2004): 909-916.
Xiaofan Yang*, A fast diagnosis algorithm for hypercube multiprocessor systems under the pessimistic one-step diagnosis, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(4) (2004): 546-553.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, B. Chen, G.M. Megson, Hongjian Lai, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81(5) (2004): 515-525.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, Hongjian Lai, G.M. Megson, Generalized honeycomb torus is Hamiltonian, Information Processing Letters, 92(1) (2004): 31-37.
Xiaofan Yang*, The diameter of honeycomb rhombic tori, Applied Mathematics Letters, 17(2) (2004): 167-172.
G.M. Megson*, Xiaofan Yang, Xiaoping Liu, Honeycomb tori are Hamiltonian, Information Processing Letters, 72(3-4) (1999): 99-103.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, Xinzhi Liu, S. Stevic, Part-metric and its applications in discrete systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 228(9) (2014): 320-328.
Chenquan Gan*, Xiaofan Yang, Wanping Liu, On behavior of two third-order nonlinear difference equations, Utilitas Mathematica, 93 (2014): 193-203.
Xiaofan Yang*, Chunming Zhang, Jiming Liu, Hongwei Li, Exact formulas for fixation probabilities on a complete oriented star, Information Sciences, 278 (2014): 862-867.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, Global behavior of two higher-order symmetric difference equations, Utilitas Mathematica, 92 (2013): 89-96.
Chenquan Gan*, Xiaofan Yang, Wanping Liu, Global behavior of xn+1 = (\alpha +\ beta xn-k)/(\gamma + xn), Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2011 (2011): 963757.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, Xinzhi Liu, Dynamics of a family of two-dimensional difference systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219 (11) (2013): 5949-5955.
Chunming Zhang*, Xiaofan Yang, Wanping Liu, Lu-Xing Yang, An efficient therapy strategy under a novel HIV model, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2011 (2011): 828509.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, S. Stevic, On a class of nonautonomous max-type difference equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011 (2011): 436852.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, S. Stevic, Part-metric and its applications to cyclic discrete dynamic systems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011 (2011): 243-252.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, Global behavior of two families of nonlinear symmetric difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2010 (2010): 367492.
Wanping Liu*, Xiaofan Yang, B. Iricanin, On some k-dimensional cyclic systems of difference equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2010 (2010): 528648.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xingchang Liu, Lidan Wang, Stability of a generalized Putnam equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(4) (2009): 565-568.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, Yuan Yan Tang, Local stability and attractive basin of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10(5) (2009): 2834-2841.
Luosheng Wen*, Xiaofan Yang, Jiang Zhong, L. Han, Canonical form of a nonlinear monetary system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 214(1): 90-94.
Fangkuan Sun*, Xiaofan Yang, Chunming Zhang, On the recursive sequence xn = A + xn–kp/xn–1r, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2009 (2009): 608976.
Xiaofan Yang*, Maobin Yang, Huaiyi Liu, Bautin bifurcation in a class of two-neuron networks with resonant bilinear terms, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 38(2 (2008)): 575-589.
Luosheng Wen*, Xiaofan Yang, Jiang Zhong, Two-sex epidemic spreading on bipartite scale-free networks,ACTA Physica Sinica, 57(8) (2008): 4794-4799.
Luosheng Wen*, Xiaofan Yang, Global stability of a delayed SIRS model with temporary immunity, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 38(1) (2008): 221-226.
Yi Yang*, Xiaofan Yang, On the difference equation xn+1 = (p*xn–s + xn–t) / (q*xn–s + xn–t), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 203(2) (2008): 903-907.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yuan Yan Tang, Jianqiu Cao, Global asymptotic stability of a family of difference equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56(10) (2008): 2643-2649.
Xiaofan Yang*, Fangkuan Sun, Yuan Yan Tang, A new part-metric-related inequality chain and an application, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2008 (2008): 193872.
Xiaofan Yang*, Limin Cui, Yuan Yan Tang, Jianqiu Cao, Global asymptotic stability in a class of difference equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2007 (2007): 16249.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, Yuan Yan Tang, Xiaofeng Liao, Robust global periodicity of interval bidirectional associative memory networks with finite distributed delays, International Journal of Systems Science, 38(7) (2007): 577-584.
Yu Zhang*, XiaofanYang, D.J. Evans, C. Zhu, On the nonlinear difference equation system xn+1 = A + yn−m/xn, yn+1 = A + xn−m/yn, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 53(10) (2007): 1561-1566.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yi Yang, Jun Luo, On the difference equation xn = (p + xn–s) /(qxn–t + xn–s), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189(1) (2007): 918-926.
Xiaofan Yang*, Maobin Yang, Huaiyi Liu, A part-metric-related inequality chain and application to the stability analysis of difference equation, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2007 (2007): 19618.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofan Liao, Yuan Yan Tang, D.J. Evans, Guaranteed attractivity of equilibrium points in a class of delayed neural networks, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 16(9) (2006): 2737-2744.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, On a difference equation with maximum, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 181(1) (2006): 1-5.
Xiaofan Yang*, Global asymptotic stability in a class of generalized Putnam equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 322(2) (2006): 693-698.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, On two rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 176(2): 422-430.
Lidan Wang*, Xiaofan Yang, Generation of multi-scroll delayed chaotic oscillator, Electronic Letters, 42(25) (2006): 1439-1441.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, New estimate on the domains of attraction of equilibrium points in continuous Hopfield neural networks, Physics Letters A, 351(3) (2006): 361-366.
Yu Zhang, Xiaofan Yang*, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, On the system of rational difference equations xn = A + 1/yn–p, yn = A + yn–1/xn–ryn–s, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 176(2) (2006): 403-408.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, Global attractivity in a class of Putnam-type equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory and Methods, 64(1) (2006): 42-50.***
Xiaofan Yang*, Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, Global exponential periodicity of a class of bidirectional associative memory networks with finite distributed delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 171(1) (2005): 108-121.
Xiaofan Yang*, On the global asymptotic stability of the difference equation xn = (xn-1xn-2 + xn-3 + a)/(xn-1 + xn-2xn-3 + a), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 171(2) (2005): 857-861.
Xiaofan Yang*, Yanxin Liu, Sen Bai, On the system of high order rational difference equations xn = a/yn–q, yn = byn–p/(xn–qyn–q), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 171(2) (2005): 853-856.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, On a non-autonomous difference equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 168(1) (2005): 180-188.
Xiaofan Yang*, On the system of rational difference equations xn = A + yn–1/xn–pyn–q, yn = A + xn–1/xn–ryn–s, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 307(1) (2005): 305-311.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofeng Liao, Sen Bai, D.J. Evans, Robust exponential stability and domains of attraction in a class of interval neural networks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 26(2) (2005): 445-451.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofeng Liao, D.J. Evans, Yuan Yan Tang, Existence and stability of periodic solution in impulsive Hopfield neural networks with finite distributed delays, Physics Letters A, 343(1-3) (2005): 108-116.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xiaofeng Liao, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, Global exponential periodicity of a class of neural networks with recent-history distributed delays, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 25(2) (2005): 441-447.
Xiaofan Yang*, D.J. Evans, Yuan Yan Tang, Existence and stability of periodic solution in a class of impulsive neural networks, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Neural Network, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 265-270.
Xiaofan Yang*, Weifeng Su, B. Chen, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, On the recursive sequence xn = (axn–1 + bxn–2)/(c + dxn–1xn–2), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 162(3) (2005): 1485-1497.
Xiaofan Yang*, Hongjian Lai, D.J. Evans, G.M. Megson, Global asymptotic stability in a rational recursive sequence, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158(3) (2004): 703-716.
Xiaofan Yang*, B. Chen, G.M. Megson, D.J. Evans, Global attractivity in a recursive sequence, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158(3) (2004): 667-682.
Xianyong Li*, Xiaofan Yang, Ronghua Hu, k-membered ring Spiro chains with extremal hyper-Wiener index, ARS Combinatoria, 113 (2014): 37-48.
Xianyong Li*, Xiaofan Yang, Guoping Wang, Ronghua Hu, Hosoya polynomials of general Spiro hexagonal chains, Filomat, 28(1) (2014): 211-215.
Xianyong Li*, Xiaofan Yang, Jian Zhu, Ronghua Hu, Hyper-Wiener index of k-membered ring Spiro systems, ARS Combinatoria, 113A (2014): 331-347.