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教育经历 1977年毕业于北京大学地质地理系 1981年、1984年获美国堪萨斯大学硕士、博士学位 工作经历 1984年至今在北京大学工作 2009年当选为中国科学院地学部院士 现为北京大学城市与环境学院教授(1991年) 曾获杰出青年基金(1995)、创新研究群体(2001)和包括面上、重点、重大和重大国际合作在内的多项自然科学基金项目




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Tao, S*; Ru, MY; Du, W; Zhu, X; Zhong, QR; Li, BG; Shen, GF; Pan, XL; Meng, WJ; Chen, YL; Shen, HZ; Lin, N; Su, S; Zhuo, SJ; Huang, TB; Xu, Y; Yun, X; Liu, JF; Wang, XL; Liu, WX; Cheng, HF; Zhu, DQ, Quantifying the rural residential energy transition in China from 1992 to 2012 through a representative national survey, NATURE ENERGY, 2018, 3, 567-573 Du, W; Cohen, A; Shen, GF; Ru, MY; Shen, HZ; Tao, S*, Fuel Use Trends for Boiling Water in Rural China (1992-2012) and Environmental Health Implications: A National Cross-Sectional Study, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 52, 12886-12894 Chen, YL; Shen, HZ; Smith, KR; Guan, DB; Chen, YC; Shen, GF; Liu, JF; Cheng, HF; Zeng, EY; Tao, S, * Estimating household air pollution exposures and health impacts from space heating in rural China, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 119, 117-124 Zhong, QR; Ma, JM; Shen, GF; Shen, HZ; Zhu, X; Yun, X; Meng, WJ; Cheng, HF; Liu, JF; Li, BG; Wang, XL; Zeng, EY; Guan, DB; Tao, S*, Distinguishing Emission-Associated Ambient Air PM2.5 Concentrations and Meteorological Factor-Induced Fluctuations, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 52, 10416-10425 Pan, XL; Zhuo, SJ; Zhong, QR; Chen, YC; Du, W; Cheng, HF; Wang, XL; Zeng, EY; Xing, BS; Tao, S*, A novel enhanced diffusion sampler for collecting gaseous pollutants without air agitation, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 2018, 8, 766-770 Zhang, YY; Pignatello, JJ*; Tao, S*, Bioaccessibility of PAHs and PAH derivatives in a fuel soot assessed by an in vitro digestive model with absorptive sink: Effects of aging the soot in a soil-water mixture, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2018, 615, 169-176 Xu, Y; Shen, HZ; Yun, X; Gao, F; Chen, YL; Li, BG; Liu, JF; Ma, JM; Wang, XL; Liu, XP; Tian, CG; Xing, BS; Tao, S*, Health effects of banning beehive coke ovens and implementation of the ban in China, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2018, 115, 2693-2696 Shen, HZ; Chen, YL; Russell, AG; Hu, YT; Shen, GF; Yu, HF; Henneman, LRF; Ru, MY; Huang, Y; Zhong, QR; Chen, YC; Li, YF; Zou, YF; Zeng, EY; Fan, RF; Tao, S*, Impacts of rural worker migration on ambient air quality and health in China: From the perspective of upgrading residential energy consumption, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 113, 290-299 Zhang, YY; Pignatello, JJ*; Tao, S*, Bioaccessibility of PAHs and PAH derivatives in a fuel soot assessed by an in vitro digestive model with absorptive sink: Effects of aging the soot in a soil-water mixture, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2017, 615, 169-176 Du, W; Shen, GF; Chen, YC; Zhuo, SJ; Xu, Y; Li, XY; Pan, XL; Cheng, HF; Wang, XL; Tao, S*, Wintertime pollution level, size distribution and personal daily exposure to particulate matters in the northern and southern rural Chinese homes and variation in different household fuels, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2017, 231, 497-508 Huang, TB, Zhu, X, Zhong, QR, Yun, X, Meng, WJ, Li, BG, Ma, JM, Zeng, EY, Tao, S*, Spatial and Temporal Trends in Global Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from 1960 to 2014, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 51, 7992-8000. Shen, HZ, Tao, S*, Chen, YL, Ciais, P, Guneralp, B, Ru, MY, Zhong, QR, Yun, X, Zhu, X, Huang, TB, Tao, W, Chen, YC, Li, BG, Wang, XL, Liu, WX, Liu, JF, Zhao, SQ, Urbanization-induced population migration has reduced ambient PM2.5 concentrations in China, SCIENCE ADVANCES, 2017, 3, DI 10.1126/sciadv.1700300. Lin, N, Mu, X, Wang, GL, Ren, YA, Su, S, Li, ZW, Wang, B, Tao, S*, Accumulative effects of indoor air pollution exposure on leukocyte telomere length among non-smokers, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2017, 227, 1-7. Du, W, Shen, GF, Chen, YC, Zhu, X, Zhuo, SJ, Zhong, QR, Qi, M, Xue, CY, Liu, GQ, Zeng, E, Xing, BS, Tao, S*, Comparison of air pollutant emissions and household air quality in rural homes using improved wood and coal stoves, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2017, 166, 215-223. Su, S, Wang, B, Lin, N, Zhuo, SJ, Liu, JF, Wang, XL, Cheng, HF, Chen, DR, Zeng, EY, Tao, S*, Collecting Particulate Matter and Particle-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic, Hydrocarbons Using a Cylindrical Thermal Precipitator, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 143, 4017013 Sun, Z, Liu, J, Zhuo, SJ, Chen, YC, Zhang, YY, Shen, HZ, Yun, X, Shen, GF, Liu, WP, Zeng, EY, Tao, S*, Occurrence and geographic distribution of polycyclic aromatic, hydrocarbons in agricultural soils in eastern China, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2017, 24, 12168-12175 Chen, YC, Du, W, Zhuo, SJ, Liu, WJ, Liu, YL, Shen, GF, Wu, SP, Li, JJ, Zhou, BH, Wang, GH, Zeng, EY, Cheng, HF, Liu, WX, Tao, S*, Stack and fugitive emissions of major air pollutants from typical brick, kilns in China, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2017, 224, 421-429 Zhong QR, Huang Y, Shen HZ, Chen YL, Chen H, Huang TB, Zeng EY, Tao S*, Global estimates of carbon monoxide emissions from 1960 to 2013, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2017, 24, 864-873 Chen, Y, Du, W, Shen, G, Zhuo, S, Zhu, X, Shen, H, Huang, Y, Su, S, Lin, N, Pei, L, Zheng, X, Wu, J, Duan, Y, Wang, X, Liu, W, Wong, M, Tao, S*, Household air pollution and personal exposure to nitrated and oxygenated, polycyclic aromatics (PAHs) in rural households: Influence of household, cooking energies, INDOOR AIR, 2017, 27, 169-178 Meng, W.; Zhong, Q.; Yun, X.; Zhu, X.; Huang, T.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Chen, H.; Zhou, F.; Liu, J.; Wang, X.; Zeng, E. Y.; Tao, S*, Improvement of a Global High-Resolution Ammonia Emission Inventory for Combustion and Industrial Sources with New Data from the Residential and Transportation Sectors, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 51, 2821-2829 Qi M, Zhu X, Du W, Chen YL, Chen YC, Huang TB, Pan XL, Zhong QR, Sun X, Zeng EY, Xing BS, Tao S*, Exposure and health impact evaluation based on simultaneous measurement of indoor and ambient PM2.5 in Haidian, Beijing, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2017, 220, 704-712 Lin, N; Chen, YC; Du, W; Shen, GF; Zhu, X; Huang, TB; Wang, XL; Cheng, HF; Liu, JF; Xue, CY; Liu, GQ; Zeng, EY; Xing, BS; Tao, S*, Inhalation exposure and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) among the rural population adopting wood gasifier stoves compared to different fuel-stove users, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2016, 147, 485-491 Chen YL, Shen HZ, Zhong QR, Chen H, Huang TB, Liu JF, Cheng HF, Zeng EY, Smith KR, Tao S*, Transition of household cookfuels in China from 2010 to 2012, APPLIED ENERGY, 2016, 184, 800-809 Chen, H; Huang, Y; Shen, HZ; Chen, YL; Ru, MY; Chen, YC; Lin, N; Su, Shu; Zhuo, SJ; Zhong, QR; Wang, XL; Li, BG; Tao, S*, Modeling temporal variations in global residential energy consumption, APPLIED ENERGY, 2016, 184, 820-829 Chen YC, Shen GF, Liu WJ, Du W, Su S, Duan YH, Lin N, Zhuo SJ, Wang XL, Xing BS, Tao S, Field measurement and estimate of gaseous and particle pollutant emissions from cooking and space heating processes in rural households, northern China, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2016, 125, 265-271 Zhang, YY, Pignatello, JJ, Tao, S*, Bioaccessibility of nitro- and oxy-PAHs in fuel soot assessed by an in vitro digestive model with absorptive sink, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 50, 901-908 Chen, YC, Shen, GF, Su, S, Du, W, Huangfu, YB, Liu, GQ, Wang, XL, Xing, BS, Smith, KR, Tao, S*, Efficiencies and pollutant emissions from forced-draft biomass-pellet semi-gasifier stoves: Comparison of International and Chinese water boiling test protocols, ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 2016, 32, 22-30 Wang, R, Balkanski, Y, Boucher, O, Ciais, P, Schuster, GL, Chevallier, F, Samset, BH, Liu, JF, Piao, SL, Valari, M, Tao, S*, Estimation of global black carbon direct radiative forcing and its uncertainty constrained by observations, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2016, 121, 5948-5971 Shen, GF, Chen, YC, Du, W, Lin, N, Wang, XL, Cheng, HF, Liu, JF, Xue, CY, Liu, GQ, Zeng, EY, Xing, BS, Tao, S*, Exposure and size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the population using different household fuels, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2016, 216, 935-942 Li, W, Shen, GF, Yuan, CY, Wang, C, Shen, HZ, Jiang, H, Zhang, YY, Chen, YC, Su, S, Lin, N, Tao, S*, The gas/particle partitioning of nitro- and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of northern China, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 2016, 172, 66-73 Chen, YC, Shen, GF, Huang, Y, Zhang, YY, Chen, H, Wang, R, Shen, HZ, Su, S, Lin, N, Zhu, D, Pei, L, Zheng X, Wu, J, Wang, X, Liu, W, Wong, M, Tao, S*, Household air pollution and personal exposure risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among rural residents in Shanxi, China, INDOOR AIR, 2016, 26, 246-258 Jin, WJ, Su, S, Wang, B, Zhu, X, Chen, YL, Shen, GF, Liu, JF, Cheng, HF, Wang, XL, Wu, SP, Zeng, ED, Xing, BS, Tao, S*, Properties and cellular effects of particulate matter from direct emissions and ambient sources, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS, SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 51, 1075-1083 Ru, MY; Tao, S*; Kirk, S; Shen, GF; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Chen, H; Chen, YL; Chen, X; Liu, JF; Li, BG; Wang, XL; He, CF., Direct Energy Consumption Associated Emissions by Rural-to-Urban Migrants in Beijing, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 49, 13708-13715 Huang, Y; Shen, HZ; Chen, YL; Zhong, QR; Chen, H; Wang, R; Shen, GF; Liu, JF; Li, BG; Tao, S*, Global organic carbon emissions from primary sources from 1960 to 2009, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2015, 122, 505-512 Han, Y; Qi, M; Chen, YL; Shen, HZ; Liu, J; Huang, Y; Chen, H; Liu, WX; Wang, XL; Liu, JF; Xing, BS; Tao, S. *, Influences of ambient air PM2.5 concentration and meteorological condition on the indoor PM2.5 concentrations in a residential apartment in Beijing using a new approach, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2015, 205, 307-314 Shen, GF; Chen, YC; Xue, CY; Lin, N; Huang, Y; Shen, HZ; Wang, YL; Li, TC; Zhang, YY; Su, S; Huangfu, YB; Zhang, WH; Chen, XF; Liu, GQ; Liu, WX; Wang, XL; Wong, MH; Tao, S*, Pollutant Emissions from Improved Coal- and Wood-Fuelled Cookstoves in Rural Households, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 49, 6590−6598 Zhou BT, Shen HZ, Huang Y, Li W, Chen H, Zhang YY, Su S, Chen YC, Lin N, Zhuo SJ, Zhong QR, Liu JF, Li BG, Tao S*, Daily variations of size-segregated ambient particulate matter in Beijing, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2015, 197, 36-42. Li W, Wang C, Shen HZ, Su S, Shen GF, Huang Y, Zhang YY, Chen YC, Chen H, Lin N, Zhuo SJ, Zhong QR, Wang XL, Liu JF, Li BG, Liu WX, Tao S*, Concentrations and origins of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air in urban and rural areas in northern China, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2015, 197, 156-164. Shen, GF; Zhang, YY; Wei, SY; Chen, YC; Yang, CL; Lin, PC; Xie, H; Xue, M; Wang, XL; Tao, S*, Indoor/outdoor pollution level and personal inhalation exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through biomass fuelled cooking, AIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERE AND HEALTH, 2014, 7, 449-458 Huang, Y; Shen, HZ; Chen, H; Wang, R; Zhang, YY; Su, S; Chen, YC; Lin, N; Zhuo, SJ; Zhong, QR; Wang, XL; Liu, JF; Li, BG; Liu, WX; Tao, S*, Quantification of Global Primary Emissions of PM2.5, PM10, and TSP from Combustion and Industrial Process Sources, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 48, 13834-13843 Shen, HZ; Tao,S*; Liu, JF; Huang,Y; Chen, H; Li, W; Zhang, YY; Chen, YC; Su, S; Lin, N; Xu, YY; Li, BG; Wang, XL; Liu, WX, Global lung cancer risk from PAH exposure highly depends on emission sources and individual susceptibility, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2014, 4:6561,DOI: 10.1038/srep06561, 1-8 Chen, YC; Shen, GF; Su, S.; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Li, TC; Li, W; Zhang, YY; Lu, Y; Chen, H; Yang, CL; Lin, N; Zhu, Y; Fe, XF; Liu WX; Wang, XL, Tao, S*, Contamination and distribution of parent, nitrated,and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in smoked meat, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2014, 21, 11521–11530 Li, W; Wang, C; Wang, HQJ; Chen, JW; Shen, HZ; Shen, GF; Huang, Y; Wang, R; Wang, B; Zhang, YY; Chen, H; Chen, YC; Su, S*; Lin, N; Tang, JH; Li, QB; Wang, XL; Liu, JF; Tao, S, Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural and urban areas of northern China, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 192, 83-90 Lu, Y; Su, S; Jin, WJ; Wang, B; Li, N; Shen, HZ; Li, W; Huang, Y; Chen, H; Zhang, YY; Chen, YC; Lin, N; Wang, XL; Tao, S*, Characteristics and cellular effects of ambient particulate matter from Beijing, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 191, 63-69 Zhang, YY; Lin, N; Su, S; Shen, GF; Chen, YC; Yang, CL; Li, W; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Chen, H; Wang, XL; Liu, WX; Tao, S*, Freeze drying reduces the extractability of organochlorine pesticides in fish muscle tissue by microwave-assisted method, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 191, 250-252 Wang, R; Tao, S*; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Chen, H; Balkanski, Y; Boucher, O; Ciais, P; Shen, GF; Li, W; Zhang, YY; Chen, YC; Lin, N; Su, S; Li, BG; Liu, JF; Liu, WX, Trend in global black carbon emissions from 1960 to 2007, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 48, 6780-6787 Shen, GF; Xue, M; Chen, YC; Yang, CL; Li, W; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Zhang, YY; Chen, H; Zhu, Y; Wu, HS; Ding, AJ; Tao, S*, Comparison of carbonaceous particulate matter emission factors among different solid fuels burned in residential stoves, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2014, 89, 337-345 Chen, YL; Wang, R; Shen, HZ; Li, W; Chen, H; Huang, Y; Zhang, YY; Chen, YC; Su, S; Lin, N; Liu, J; Li, BG; Wang, XL; Liu, WX; Coveney, RM; Tao, S*, Global Mercury Emissions from Combustion in Light of International Fuel Trading, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 48, 1727-1735 Li, W; Wang, C; Wang, HQJ; Chen, JW; Yuan, CY; Li, TC; Wang, WT; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Wang, R; Wang, B; Zhang, YY; Chen, H; Chen, YC; Tang, JH; Wang, XL; Liu, JF; Coveney, RM; Tao, S*, Distribution of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in rural field, rural village and urban areas of northern China, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 185, 134-140 Shen, GF; Chen, YC; Wei, SY; Fu, XF; Ding, AJ; Wu, HS; Tao, S*, Can Coronene and/or Benzo(a)pyrene/Coronene ratio act as unique markers for vehicle emission?, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 184, 650-653 Wei, SY, Shen, GF, Zhang, YY, Xue, M, Xie, H, Lin, PC, Chen, YC, Wang, XL, Tao, S*, Field measurement on the emissions of PM, OC, EC and PAHs from indoor crop straw burning in rural China, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 184, 18-24 Zhang, YY, Ding, JN, Shen, GF, Zhong, JJ, Wang, C, Wei, SY, Chen, CQ, Chen, YC, Lu, Y, Shen, HZ, Li, W, Huang, Y, Chen, H, Sun, S, Lin, N, Wang, XL, Liu, WX, Tao, S*, Dietary and inhalation exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and urinary excretion of monohydroxy metabolites: A controlled case study in Beijing, China, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2014, 184, 515-522 Wang R. Tao S*, Balkanski Y, Ciais P, Boucher O, Liu JF, Piao SL, Shen HZ, Vuolo R, Valari M, Chen H, Chen YC, Zozic A, Huang Y, Li BG, Li W, Shen GF, Wang B, Zhang YY, Exposure to ambient black carbon derived from a new inventory and high resolution model, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2014, 111, 2459–2463


学术任职 International Societies 2016 – present Member of ACS Asian Editorial Advisory Committee 1999 – 2018 Board member of International Panel on Chemical Pollutants (IPCP) 1999 – present Board member of Pacific Basin Consortium for Environ & Health Sci (PBC) 2013 – present member of research committee of the Global Alliance for Clean cookstove 2014 – present member of Environment/Climate Advisory Committee of the Global Alliance for Clean cookstove 2008 – 2010 Chair of SETAC Asia-Pacific region and international committee member National Committee and Societies 2009 – present Member of Chinese Academy of Science 2009 – present Member of National Steering Committee on Environmental Protection 2001 – 2018 Associate director of Chinese Association of Geography 2001 – 2013 Director of Environmental Geography Division, Chinese Geographical Association 1995 – present Member of Chinese Chemistry Association
