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李永平,加拿大里贾纳(Regina)大学硕士、博士。是国家杰出青年基金获得者、教育部“长江学者”特聘教授、第二批国家科技创新领军人才、科技部中青年创新领军人才、教育部新世纪优秀人才获得者。获中国青年女科学家奖、中国青年科技奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、国家电网公司科技进步一等奖、湖北省科技进步一等奖、福建省科技进步二等奖、厦门市科技进步二等奖、国际环境信息科学学会杰出青年科学家奖、加拿大Regina大学最高毕业生奖、教育部海外优秀自费留学生奖、北京市“三八”红旗奖章等。在国际SCI杂志上发表论文290余篇(80%为第一/通讯作者,SCI引用6000余次,SCI-H指数37),多次入选“环境科学”领域高被引学者(Elsevier)。担任国际ISEIS学会秘书长、ISEIS决策科学与运筹分会主席、10多个国内外杂志特邀主编、副主编及编委。受邀在国内外会议上作20多次主题演讲与学术报告,并作为大会主席、组织委员会委员、国际委员会委员组织或参与组织20多个国际会议。主持或参与国家杰出青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项A类子课题、国家基金委重大项目重点课题/面上基金/主任基金、国家电网公司总部科技项目等多个国家项目。 教育经历 武汉科技大学:学士 华中科技大学:硕士 加拿大里贾纳大学(University of Regina):硕士 加拿大里贾纳大学(University of Regina):博士 工作经历 北京师范大学环境学院,教授/博导 华北电力大学资源与环境研究院,教授/博导/常务副院长 北京大学城市与环境学院,研究员/博导




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Gong, J.W., Li, Y.P., Suo, C. (2019) Full-infiniteinterval two-stage credibility constrained programming for electric powersystem management by considering carbon emission trading. InternationalJournal of Electrical Power andEnergy Systems (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.610),105:440-453. Lv, J., Li, Y.P., Shan, B.G., Jin, S.W., Suo, C. (2018) Planningenergy-water nexus system under multiple uncertainties - A case study of Hebeiprovince. Applied Energy (Elsevier; SCIIF = 7.900), 229:389-403. Lv, J.P., Li, Y.P., Sun, J. (2018) Monte Carlo simulation based intervalchance-constrained programming for regional ecosystem management - A case studyof Zhuhai, China. Ecological Indicators (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.983), 85:214-228. Zhuang, X.W., Li, Y.P., Nie, S., Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H. (2018) Analyzing climatechange impacts on water resources under uncertainty using an integratedsimulation-optimization approach. Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.727),556:523-538. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Fan, Y.R., Nie, S. (2018) A copula-basedflexible-stochastic programming method for planning regional energy systemunder multiple uncertainties: A case study of the urban agglomeration ofBeijing and Tianjin. Applied Energy (Elsevier;SCI IF = 7.900), 210:60-74. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Fan, Y.R., Yin, S. (2018) Planningregional-scale electric power systems under uncertainty: A case study ofJing-Jin-Ji region, China. Applied Energy (Elsevier;SCI IF = 7.900), 212:834-849. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Shan, B.G., Huang, G.H., Xu, L.P. (2018) A scenario-basedinterval-stochastic basic-possibilistic programming method for planningsustainable energy system under uncertainty: A case study of Beijing, China. Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.651), 197:1454-1471. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Xu, L.P. (2018) Development of an integrated model forenergy systems planning and carbon dioxide mitigation under uncertainty –Tradeoffs between two-level decision makers. Environmental Research (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.732), 164:367-378. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Nie, S. (2018) An integrated bi-level optimization modelfor air quality management of Beijing’s energy system under uncertainty. Journalof Hazardous Materials (Elsevier; SCI IF= 6.434), 350:27-37. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Nie, S. (2018) Analyzing the performance ofclean development mechanism for electric power systems under uncertainenvironment. Renewable Energy (Elsevier;SCI IF = 4.900), 123:382-397 Li, Q.Q., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Wang, C.X. (2018) Risk aversion basedinterval stochastic programming approach for agricultural water managementunder uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer; SCI IF = 2.668), 32:715-732. Sun, J., Li, Y.P., Zhuang, X.W., Jin, S.W., Huang, G.H., Feng, R.F. (2018) Identifyingwater resources management strategies in adaptation to climate change underuncertainty. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (Springer; SCI IF = 2.585), 23:553–578. Sun, J., Li, Y.P., Gao, P.P., Suo, C., Xia, B.C. (2018) Analyzing urbanecosystem variation in the City of Dongguan: A stepwise cluster modelingapproach. Environmental Research (Elsevier;SCI IF = 4.732), 166:276-289. Sun, J., Li, Y.P., Gao, P.P., Xia, B.C. (2018) A Mamdani fuzzy inferenceapproach for assessing ecological security in the Pearl River Delta urbanagglomeration, China. Ecological Indicators (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.983) 94:386-396 Suo, C., Li, Y.P., Sun, J., Yin, S. (2018) An air quality index-basedmultistage type-2-fuzzy interval-stochastic programming model for energy andenvironmental systems management under multiple uncertainties. EnvironmentalResearch (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.732),167:98-114. Gao, P.P., Li, Y.P., Sun, J., Huang, G.H. (2018) A Monte-Carlo-based intervalDe Novo programming method for optimal system design under uncertainty. EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier; SCI IF = 2.819), 72:30-42. Gao, P.P., Li, Y.P., Sun, J., Li, H.W. (2018) Coupling fuzzy multipleattribute decision-making with analytic hierarchy process to evaluate urbanecological security: A case study of Guangzhou, China. Ecological Complexity(Elsevier; SCI IF =2.044), 34:23-34. Wang, C.X., Li, Y.P., Zhuang, X.W. (2018) Conjunctive water management undermultiple uncertainties: A centroid-based type-2 fuzzy-probabilistic programmingapproach. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier; SCI IF= 2.819), 72:437-448. Cheng, H.C., Li, Y.P., Sun, J. (2018) Interval double-sided fuzzy chance-constrainedprogramming model for water resources allocation. Environmental EngineeringScience ((MaryAnn Liebert Inc., SCI IF = 1.547),35(6):525-544. Guo, J.H., Huang, G.H., Wang, X.Q., Li, Y.P., Lin, Q.G. (2018) Dynamically-downscaledprojections of changes in temperature extremes over China. Climate Dynamics (Springer;SCI IF = 4.146), 50(3-4):1045-1066. Chen, C., Zhu, Y., Zeng, X.T., Huang,G.H., Li, Y.P. (2018) Analyzing thecarbon mitigation potential of tradable green certificates based on aTGC-FFSRO model: A case study inthe Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.610), 630:469-486. Li,Y.P.,Nie, S., Huang, Charley Z., McBean, E.A., Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H. (2017) An integratedrisk analysis method for planning water resource systems to support sustainabledevelopment of an arid region. Journal of Environmental Informatics (ISEIS; SCI IF = 5.562), 29(1):1-15. Liu, Y.R.+, Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zhang, J.L., Fan,Y.R. (2017) A Bayesian-based multilevel factorial analysis method for analyzingparameter uncertainty of hydrological model. Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.483), 553:750-762. Wang, C.X., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2017) Taguchi-factorial type-2 fuzzy randomoptimization model for planning conjunctive water management with compounduncertainties. Environmental Modelling and Software (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.404), 97:184-200. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Nie, S., Sun, J. (2017) The potential role of carboncapture and storage technology in sustainable electric-power systems undermultiple uncertainties. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier; SCI IF = 9.184), 80:467-480. Zhang, J.L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., Liu, J. (2017) Uncertaintyanalysis for effluent trading planning using a Bayesian estimation-basedsimulation-optimization modeling approach. Water Research (Elsevier; SCI IF = 6.942), 116:159-181. Zhuang, X.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Wang, C.X. (2017) Evaluating climate changeimpacts on the hydrology of watershed in northwestern China using astepwise-clustered downscaling approach. International Journal of Climatology (Wiley; SCI IF = 3.760), 37:2961-2976. Zeng, X.T., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Liu, J. (2017) Modeling of water resourcesallocation and water quality management for supporting regional sustainabilityunder uncertainty in an arid region. Water Resources Management (Springer; SCI IF =2.848), 31:3699-3721. Sun, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Wang, C.X. (2017) Analysis of interactiveeffects of DEM resolution and basin subdivision level on runoff simulation inKaidu River Basin, China. Hydrology Research (Taylor & Francis; SCI IF = 1.754), 48(4):1100-1117. Suo, C.+, Li, Y.P.*, Jin, S.W., Liu, J., Li,Y.F., Feng, R.F. Identifying optimal clean-production pattern for energysystems under uncertainty through introducing carbon emission trading and greencertificate schemes. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.715), 161:299-316. Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zhuang, X.W., Fu, H.Y. (2017) Assessment ofuncertainty effects on crop planning and irrigation water supply using a MonteCarlo simulation based dual-interval stochastic programming method. Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.715),149:945-967. Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Fu, H.Y., Zhang, J.L., Cheng, G.H. (2017) Identificationof water quality management policy of watershed system with multiple uncertaininteractions using a multi-level-factorial risk-inference-basedpossibilistic-probabilistic programming approach. Environmental Science andPollution Research (Springer; SCI IF =2.741), 24:14980-15000. Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Fan, Y.R. (2017) A semi-infinite interval-stochasticrisk management model for river water pollution control under uncertainty.Water (MDPI; SCI IF = 1.832), 9(5),351. Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Chen, L.R. (2017) A recourse-based type-2 fuzzyprogramming method for water pollution control under Uncertainty, Symmetry(MDPI; SCI IF = 1.457), 9:265 (doi: '10.3390/sym9110265). Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Suo, C., Yin, S. (2017) An interval fuzzy-stochasticchance-constrained programming based energy-water nexus model for planning electricpower systems. Energies (MDPI; SCI IF =2.262), 10(11) (doi:10.3390/en10111914). Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Shan, B.G. (2017) A hybrid fuzzy-stochastictechnique for planning peak electricity management under multipleuncertainties. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier; SCI IF = 2.894), 62:252-264. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., An, C.J. (2017) A robustflexible-probabilistic programming method for planning municipal energy systemwith considering peak-electricity price and electric vehicle. Energy Conversionand Management (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.589),137:97-112. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Shan, B.G. (2017) Interval-possibilisticbasic-flexible programming method for air quality management of municipalenergy system through introducing electric vehicles. Science of the TotalEnvironment (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.900),593(594):418-429. Guo, Z.S., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Jin, S.W., Baetz, B.W. (2017) An intervalrobust stochastic programming method for planning carbon sink trading tosupport regional ecosystem sustainability - a case study of Zhangjiakou, China.Ecological Engineering (Elsevier; SCI IF= 2.914), 104:99-115. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2017) An interactive optimization model forenergy systems planning associated with clean-energy development underuncertainty. International Journal of Energy Research (Wiley; SCI IF = 2.598), 41:482-501. Suo, C., Li, Y.P., Wang, C.X., Yu, L. (2017) A type-2 fuzzychance-constrained programming method for planning Shanghai’s energy system.International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.289), 90:37-53. Nie, S., Li, Y.P., Liu, J., Huang, Z.C. (2017) Risk management of energysystem for identifying optimal power mix with financial-cost minimization andenvironmental-impact mitigation under uncertainty. Energy Economics (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.199), 61:313-329. Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., Li, Y.P. , Huang, K. Developmentof a Copula-based Particle Filter (CopPF) approach for hydrologic data assimilationunder consideration of parameter interdependence. Water Resources Research (AGU; SCI IF = 3.792), 53(6):4850-4875. Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.P., Wang, X.Q., Li, Z., Jin, L.(2017) Development of PCA-based cluster quantile regression (PCA-CQR) frameworkfor streamflow prediction: Application to the Xiangxi river watershed, China. AppliedSoft Computing (Elsevier; SCI IF = 2.857),51:280-293. Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., Li, Y.P. , Huang, K., Chen, X.,Gao, M. (2017) Development of integrated approaches for hydrological data assimilationthrough combination of ensemble Kalman Filter and Particle Filter methods. Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.483),550:412-426. Zhang, X.Y., Huang, G.H., Zhu, H., Li, Y.P. (2017) A fuzzy-stochasticpower system planning model: Reflection of dual objectives and dual uncertainties.Energy (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.520), 123:664-676. Guo, J.H., Huang, G.H., Wang, X.Q., Li, Y.P., Lin, Q.G. (2017) Investigatingfuture precipitation changes over China through a high-resolution regionalclimate model ensemble. Earth's Future (AGU;SCI IF = 5.620), 5, doi:10.1002/2016EF000433. Fu, D.Z., Zheng, Z.Y., Shi, H.B., Xiao,R., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.P. (2017) Amulti-fuel management model for a community-level district heating system undermultiple uncertainties, Energy (Elsevier;SCI IF = 4.520), 128:337-356. Fu, D.Z., Zheng, Z.Y., Cui, J., Xiao,R., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.P. (2017) Developmentof a fuel management model for a multi-source district heating system undermulti-uncertainty and multi-dimensional constraints. Energy Conversion andManagement (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.589),153:243-256. Zeng, X.T., Zhu, Y., Chen, C., Tong, Y.F.,Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Nie, S.,Wang, X.Q. (2017) A production-emission nexus based stochastic-fuzzy model foridentification of urban industry-environment policy under uncertainty. Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier; SCI IF=5.715), 154:61-82. Zeng, X.T., Zhang, S.J., Feng, J., Huang,G.H., Li, Y.P.,Zhang, P., Chen, J.P., Li, K.L. (2017) A multi-reservoir water resourcesmanagement and risk analysis in a hyper-concentration river basin underuncertainty. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.589), 143:66-84. Zeng, X.T., Tong, Y.F., Cui, L., Kong,X.M., Sheng, Y.N., Chen, L., Li, Y.P.(2017) Population-production-pollution nexus based air pollution managementmodel for alleviating the atmospheric crisis in Beijing, China. Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier; SCIIF = 4.010), 197:507-521. Zeng, X.T., Huang, G.H., Zhang, J.L., Li, Y.P., You, L., Chen, Y., Hao, P.P.(2017) A stochastic rough-approximation water management model for supportingsustainable water-environment strategies in an irrigation district of aridregion. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer; SCI IF= 2.629), 31:2183–2200. Kong, X.M., Huang, G.H., Fan, Y.R., Li, Y.P., Zeng, X.T., Zhu, Y. (2017) Riskanalysis for water resources management under dual uncertainties throughfactorial analysis and fuzzy random value-at-risk, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch and Risk Assessment (Springer; SCI IF = 2.629), 31(9):2265-2280. Zhou, W.B., Liu, Y.F., Zhu, Y., Li, Y.P. (2017) Development of a stochasticprogramming model for design and optimization of activated-sludge wastewater-treatmentsystem considering efforts of uncertain factors. Journal of Environmental Engineering(ASCE; SCI IF = 1.32), 143(9):04017045. Cheng, G.H., Dong, C., Huang, G.H.,Baetz, B.W., Li, Y.P. (2017) Intervalrecourse linear programming for resources and environmental systems managementunder uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Informatics (ISEIS; SCI IF = 5.562), 30(2):119-136. Zhang, J.L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Wang, C.X., Cheng, G.H. (2016) Evaluation ofuncertainties in input data and parameters of a hydrological model using a Bayesianframework: A case study of a snowmelt-precipitation-driven watershed. Journalof Hydrometeorology (AmericanMeteorological Society; SCI IF = 3.511), 17(8):2333-2350. Li, Y.P., Sun, Y., Huang, G.H., Zhao, F. (2016) An interval-parameter queuingmodel for planning municipal solid waste management system with cost-effectiveobjective. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (SCI IF = 1.008), 15(8): 1673-1687. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.F., Nie, S. (2016) Planning carbondioxide mitigation of Qingdao’s electric power systems under dual uncertainties.Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier;SCI IF = 4.959), 139:473-487. Liu, J., Nie, S., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2016) Two-stage vertex analysis method forplanning electric power systems with greenhouse gas abatement consideration.International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor& Francis; SCI IF = 1.601), 13(10):1000-1015. Zhang, K., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Jin, S.W. (2016) Planning regional ecosystemsustainability under multiple uncertainties - an interval stochasticcredibility-constrained programming approach. Ecological Indicators (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.190), 70:134-150. Niu, G., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Liu, J., Chen, M. (2016) Interactive fuzzy-boundaryinterval programming for water resources management of the Hetao Basin, China. Journalof Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASEC;SCI IF = 1.364), 142(12):04016056. Zhuang, X.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Wang, X.Q. A hybrid factorialstepwise-cluster analysis method for streamflow simulation - a case study innorthwestern China. Hydrological Sciences Journal (Taylor & Francis; SCI IF = 2.182), 61(15):2775-2788. Zeng, X.T., Huang, G.H. Li, Y.P., Zhang, J.L., Cai, Y.P., Liu,Z.P., Liu, L.R. (2016) Development of a fuzzy-stochastic programming with GreenZ-score criterion method for planning water resources systems with a tradingmechanism. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer; SCI IF = 2.760), 23:25245-25266. Zeng, X.T., Huang, G.H., Yang, X.L.,Wang, X., Fu, H., Li, Y.P., Li, Z.(2016) A developed fuzzy-stochastic optimization for coordinating humanactivity and eco-environmental protection in a regional wetland ecosystem underuncertainties. Ecological Engineering (Elsevier;SCI IF = 3.041), 97:207-230. Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, K., Li, Z., Chen, X.,Xiong, L.H. (2016)Parameteruncertainty and temporal dynamics of sensitivity for hydrologic models: Ahybrid sequential data assimilation and probabilistic collocation method.Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.207), 86:30-49. Fan, Y.R., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.P., Wang, X.Q., Li, Z. (2016) Probabilisticprediction for monthly streamflow through coupling stepwise cluster analysisand quantile regression methods. Water Resources Management (Springer; SCI IF =2.463), 30:5313–5331. Zhuang, X.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Liu, J. (2016) Assessment of climate changeimpacts on watershed in cold-arid region: an integrated multi-GCM-basedstochastic weather generator and stepwise cluster analysis method. ClimateDynamics (Springer; SCI IF = 4.708),47:191-209. Zhang, J.L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Chen, X., Bao, A.M. (2016) Assessment ofparameter uncertainty in hydrological model using aMarkov-Chain-Monte-Carlo-based multilevel-factorial-analysis method. Journal ofHydrology (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.05), 538:471-486. Yu, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2016) A fuzzy-stochasticsimulation-optimization model for planning electric power systems withconsidering peak-electricity demand: A case study of Qingdao, China. Energy (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.844), 98:190-203. Wang, C.X., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zhang, J.L. (2016) A type-2 fuzzy intervalprogramming approach for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater underuncertainty. Information Sciences (Elsevier;SCI IF = 4.038), 340-341:209-227. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zhang, K. (2016) Inexact mixed-integerprogramming with interval-valued membership function for sustainablepower-generation capacity planning. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.959), 122:52-66. Hu, X.H., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zhuang, X.W., Ding, X.W. (2016) ABayesian-based two-stage inexact optimization method for supporting streamwater quality management in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research (Springer;SCI IF = 2.828),23:9164-9182. Liu, F.F., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Cui, L., Liu, J. (2016) Assessinguncertainty in hydrological processes using a fuzzy vertex simulation method.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE;SCI IF = 1.583), 21(4):05016002. Cui, L., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2016) Double-sided fuzzy chance-constrained linear fractionalprogramming approach for waterresources management. EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis; SCI IF = 1.076), 48(6):949-965. Zeng, X.T., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Liu, J. (2016) Modeling water trading underuncertainty for supporting water resources management in an arid region. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE; SCI IF = 1.76), 142(2):04015058. Nie, S., Huang, Charley Z., Huang, G.H.,Li, Y.P., Chen, J.P., Fan, Y.R., Cheng,G.H. (2016) Planning renewable energy in electric power system for sustainabledevelopment under uncertainty – a case study of Beijing. Applied Energy (Elsevier; SCI IF = 7.182), 162:772-786. Chen, C., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2016) Interval-fuzzy municipal-scale energy model foridentification ofoptimalstrategies for energy management -A case study of Tianjin, China. RenewableEnergy (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.476), 86:1161-1177. Niu, G., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Liu, J., Fan, Y.R. (2016) Crop planning andwater resources allocation for sustainable development of an irrigation regionin China under multiple uncertainties. Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier; SCI IF = 2.286), 166:53-69. Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zeng, X.T., Nie, S. (2016) An integratedoptimization method for river water quality management and risk analysis in arural system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer; SCI IF = 2.828), 23:477-497. Fan, Y.R., Huang, W.W., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.P., Huang, K., Li, Z. (2016) Hydrologicrisk analysis in the Yangtze River basin through coupling Gaussian mixturesinto Copulas. Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier;SCI IF = 3.417), 88:170-185. Fan, Y.R., Huang, W.W., Huang, G.H.,Huang, K., Li, Y.P., Kong, X.M. (2016)Bivariate hydrologic risk analysis based on a coupled entropy-copula method forthe Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Theoretical andApplied Climatology (Springer;SCI IF = 2.015),125(1):381-397. Kong, X.M.+, Huang, G.H.,Fan, R.Y., Li, Y.P. (2016) A dualitytheorem-based algorithm for inexact quadratic programming problems: Applicationto waste management under uncertainty. Engineering Optimization (Taylor &Francis; SCI IF = 1.23), 48(4):562-581. Zeng, X.T.+, Huang, G.H.,Chen, H.L., Li, Y.P., Kong, X.M. andFan, Y.R. (2016) A simulation-based water-environment management model forregional sustainability in compound wetland ecosystem under multipleuncertainties. Ecological Modelling (Elsevier;SCI IF = 2.321), 334:60-77. Hu, M.+, Huang, G.H., Sun,W., Ding, X.W., Li, Y.P., Fan, B.(2016) Optimization and evaluation of environmental operations for Three GorgesReservoir. Water Resources Management (Springer;SCI IF = 2.463), 30:3553-3576. An, C.J., McBean, E., Huang, G.H., Yao,Y., Zhang, P., Chen, X.J. and Li, Y.P.(2016) Multi-soil-layering systems for wastewater treatment in small and remotecommunities. Journal of Environmental Informatics (ISEIS; SCI IF = 3.857), 27(2):131-144. Zhu, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Fan, R.Y., Nie, S. (2015) A dynamic model tooptimize municipal electric power systems by considering carbon emissiontrading under uncertainty. Energy (Elsevier;SCI IF = 4.844), 88:636-649. Jin, S.W., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Hao, Q., Nie, S. (2015) Development of anintegrated optimization method for analyzing effect of energy conversionefficiency under uncertainty - A case study of Bayingolin Mongol AutonomousPrefecture, China. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.380), 106:687-702. Zhang, K., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., You, L., Jin, S.W. (2015) Modeling forregional ecosystem sustainable development under uncertainty - a case study ofDongying, China. Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier; SCI IF = 4.099), 533:462-475. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2015) Planning sustainable electric-powersystem with carbon emission abatement through CDM under uncertainty. AppliedEnergy (Elsevier; SCI IF = 5.613), 140:350-364. Wang, C.X., Li, Y.P., Zhang, J.L., Huang, G.H. (2015) Development of aninexact-variance hydrological modeling system for analyzing interactive effectsof multiple uncertain parameters. Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.05), 528:94-107. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2015) A robust possibilistic mixed-integerprogramming method for planning municipal electric power systems. InternationalJournal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.432), 73:757-772. Piao, M.J., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Nie, S. 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