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宋永臣,博士、教授、博士生导师,工程热物理领域专家。1997-2005年曾在日本地球环境产业技术研究所等研究机构工作,历任研究员、主任研究员等职。曾任大连理工大学能源与动力学院院长、科学技术研究院常务副院长、大连理工大学副校长。现任海洋能源利用与节能教育部重点实验室主任、教育部111学科引智基地主任、科技部国际合作基地主任。兼任中国工程热物理学会常务理事,国家自然科学基金委专家评审组成员,教育部科技委地学与资源环境学部委员,教育部能源动力类专业教指委委员。 教育经历 1989.91992.12 大连理工大学内燃机博士 1985.91989.7 大连理工大学内燃机硕士 1981.91985.7 大连理工大学应用物理学士 工作经历 2004.10至今 大连理工大学教授 2003.42004.10 日本国立产业技术综合研究所特别研究员 2000.42003.3 日本地球环境产业技术研究所主任研究员 1998.42000.3 日本地球人间环境研究所客员研究员 1997.41998.3 日本名古屋大学访问学者 1997.11997.3 日本群马大学访问学者 1992.121996.12 大连理工大学教师


多孔介质中传质传热 新能源与节能技术 石油、天然气开采新技术 海洋资源的研究与开发 CO2消减,隔离技术研究 天然气储运与天然气水合物利用技术研究 天然气水合物开采技术及环境评价研究 天然气水合物成因机理,分布规律及基础物理化学性质研究


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Wang, Dayong,Zheng, Zhanpeng,Ma, Qingsong,Hu, Pei,Huang, Xuehua,Song, Yongchen.Effects of the errors between core heterogeneity and the simplified models on numerical modeling of CO2/water core flooding[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020,149 Shakerian, Mojtaba,Afrough, Armin,Vashaee, Sarah,Marica, Florea,Zhao, Yuechao,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen,Balcom, Bruce J..Direct measurement of pore gas pressure and water/gas phase transitions during methane hydrate dissociation[J],MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY,2020,116 Liu, Rui,Zhang, Yan,Ling, Zheng,Song, Yongchen.Some new insights into the synergy occurring during char gasification in CO2/H2O mixtures[J],FUEL,2020,268 Chen, Cong,Sun, Jingyue,Zhang, Yi,Mu, Jianshu,Li, Weizhong,Song, Yongchen.Adsorption characteristics of CH4 and CO2 in organic-inorganic slit pores[J],FUEL,2020,265 Liu, Zheyuan,Fu, Jin,Yang, Mingjun,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.New model for particle removal from surface in presence of deformed liquid bridge[J],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020,562:268-272 Song, Yongchen,Zhao, Changzhong,Chen, Mingkun,Chi, Yuan,Zhang, Yi,Zhao, Jiafei.Pore-scale visualization study on CO2 displacement of brine in micromodels with circular and square cross sections[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL,2020,95 Luo, Tingting,Li, Yanghui,Madhusudhan, B. N.,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Comparative analysis of the consolidation and shear behaviors of CH4 and CO2 hydrate-bearing silty sediments[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020,75 Chu, Jiawei,Yang, Lei,Liu, Yu,Song, Yongchen,Yu, Tianho,Lv, Xin,Li, Qingping,Zhao, Jiafei.Pressure pulse wave attenuation model coupling waveform distortion and viscous dissipation for blockage detection in pipeline[J],ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING,2020,8(1):260-265 Liu, Shezhan,Zhang, Yi,Zhao, Jiafei,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.Dispersion characteristics of CO2 enhanced gas recovery over a wide range of temperature and pressure[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020,73 Liu Zheyuan,Fu Jin,Yang Mingjun,Zhao Jiafei,Song Yongchen.New model for particle removal from surface in presence of deformed liquid bridge[J],Journal of colloid and interface science,2020,562:268-272 Zhao, Changzhong,Song, Yongchen,Chen, Mingkun,Chi, Yuan,Zhang, Yi.EFFECT OF SALINITY ON THE CAPTURING CO2 CAPABILITIES OF BRINE IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL POROUS MEDIA[A],2019 Zhang, Lunxiang,Kuang, Yangmin,Dai, Sheng,Wang, Jiaqi,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Kinetic enhancement of capturing and storing greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound: Micro-mechanism and micro-structure of hydrate growth[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020,379 Wang, Xin,Dong, Bo,Chen, Cong,Li, Weizhong,Song, Yongchen.Pore-scale investigation on the influences of mass-transfer-limitation on methane hydrate dissociation using depressurization[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2019,144 Song, Yongchen,Luo, Tingting,Madhusudhan, B. N.,Sun, Xiang,Liu, Yu,Kong, Xianjing,Li, Yanghui.Strength behaviors of CH4 hydrate-bearing silty sediments during thermal decomposition[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2019,72 Guo, Xianwei,Jinyong, Wang,Wangji,Yu, Tianbo,Yang, Lei,Kuang, Yangmin,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Effect of thermal properties on the production behavior from water saturated methane hydrate-bearing sediments using depressurization[A],2019,158:5453-5458 Sun, Xiang,Luo, Tingting,Wang, Lei,Wang, Haijun,Song, Yongchen,Li, Yanghui.Numerical simulation of gas recovery from a low-permeability hydrate reservoir by depressurization[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2019,250:7-18 Yu, Tao,Guan, Guoqing,Abudula, Abuliti,Yoshida, Akihiro,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen.Enhanced Gas Recovery from Methane Hydrate Reservoir in the Nankai Trough, Japan[A],2019,158:5213-5218 Sun, Ronghui,Fan, Zhen,Yang, Mingjun,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.In-situ observation of MH formation/decomposition in unconsolidated sands recovered from the South China Sea[A],2019,158:5433-5438 Li, Yanghui,Wu, Zhaoran,Liu, Weiguo,Luo, Tingting,Song, Yongchen.Effect of reformation of gas hydrate on the gas phase permeability of montmorillonite[A],2019,158:5269-5274 Gao, Yi,Ma, Zhanquan,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen,Lv, Xin.Dissociation Characteristic of Remolded Methane Hydrates Deposits from South China Sea using Depressurization[A],2019,158:5355-5360 Sun, Huiru,Chen, Bingbing,Yang, Mingjun,Yi, Zhang,Song, Yongchen.Promotion of gas hydrate dissociation with seawater flow through the sediment[A],2019,158:5581-5586 Li, Xingbo,Song, Yongchen,Zhao, Jiafei,Liu, Yu,Zhang, Hanquan,Xiao, Bo,Lv, Xin,Yao, Haiyuan,Pang, Weixin,Li, Qingping,Yang, Lei.Non-Embedded Ultrasonic Detection for Pressure Cores of Natural Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments[J],ENERGIES,2019,12(10) Wei, Rupeng,Yang, Lei,Zhao, Jiafei,Wang, Ji,Wang, Youle,Ling, Zheng,Li, Yanghui,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen.Evolution of effective thermal conductivity during hydrate formation and decomposition in natural sediments[A],2019,158:5825-5831 Fu, Jin,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen,Liu, Zheyuan.A theoretical model for hydrate removal in gas-dominated pipelines[A],2019,158:5349-5354 Luo, Tingting,Li, Yanghui,Liu, Weiguo,Song, Yongchen.Experimental studies on gas production rate of in-situ hydratebearing clay in thermal recovery and depressurization methods[A],2019,158:5251-5256 Ma, Shihui,Zheng, Jia-nan,Lv, Xin,Li, Qingping,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen.DSC Measurement on Formation and Dissociation Process of Methane Hydrate in Shallow Sediments from South China Sea[A],2019,158:5421-5426 Wang, Bin,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen,Lv, Xin,Li, Yuanping,Pang, Weixin,Li, Qingping.Dynamical mechanism of hydrate formation resulting from free gas migration into seeping seafloor sediments[A],2019,158:5329-5335 Chi, Yuan,Zhang, Yi,Li, Guanchu,Zhang, Qian,Zhao, Changzhong,Liu, Shuyang,Yuan, Lei,Liu, Shezhan,Song, Yongchen.CO2/CH4 adsorption property on shale from China for ESGR operation[A],2019,158:5396-5401 Li, Yanghui,Wu, Peng,Liu, Weiguo,Sun, Xiang,Cui, Zhi,Song, Yongchen.A microfocus x-ray computed tomography based gas hydrate triaxial testing apparatus[J],REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,2019,90(5):055106 Chen, Bingbing,Yang, Mingjun,Sun, Huiru,Wang, Dayong,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.Visualization study on the promotion of depressurization and water flow erosion for gas hydrate production[A],2019,158:5563-5568 Liu, Zheyuan,Yang, Mingjun,Liu, Yu,Song, Yongchen,Li, Qingping.Analyzing the Joule-Thomson effect on wellbore in methane hydrate depressurization with different back pressure[A],2019,158:5390-5395 Jiang, Lanlan,Wang, Sijia,Abudula, Abuliti,Liu, Yu,Song, Yongchen.The effect of density difference on the development of density-driven convection under large Rayleigh number[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2019,139:1087-1095 李洋辉,李洋辉,刘卫国.Effect of reformation of gas hydrate on the gas phase permeability of montmorillonite,The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2018),2019 Li, Xingbo,Liu, Yu,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.Diffusion Properties for CO2-Brine System under Sequestration Related Pressures with Consideration of the Swelling Effect and Interfacial Area[J],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018,57(45):15556-15564 Yu, Minghao,Li, Weizhong,Jiang, Lanlan,Wang, Xin,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen.Numerical study of gas production from methane hydrate deposits by depressurization at 274 K[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2018,227(,SI):28-37 Wang, Bin,Fan, Zhen,Wang, Pengfei,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Analysis of depressurization mode on gas recovery from methane hydrate deposits and the concomitant ice generation[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2018,227(,SI):624-633 Wang, Bin,Dong, Hongsheng,Liu, Yanzhen,Lv, Xin,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Evaluation of thermal stimulation on gas production from depressurized methane hydrate deposits[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2018,227(,SI):710-718 Wang, Pengfei,Wang, Shenglong,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun.Dynamic measurements of methane hydrate formation/dissociation in different gas flow direction[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2018,227(,SI):703-709 Wang, Xin,Dong, Bo,Li, Weizhong,Yu, Minghao,Song, Yongchen.Microscale effects on methane hydrate dissociation at low temperature in the micro porous media channels by depressurization[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,122:1182-1197 Yang, Mingjun,Zhou, Hang,Wang, Pengfei,Song, Yongchen.Effects of additives on continuous hydrate-based flue gas separation[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2018,221:374-385 Song, Yongchen,Zhou, Hang,Ma, Shihui,Liu, Weiguo,Yang, Mingjun.CO2 sequestration in depleted methane hydrate deposits with excess water[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH,2018,42(7):2536-2547 Song, Yongchen,Kuang, Yangmin,Fan, Zhen,Zhao, Yuechao,Zhao, Jiafei.Influence of core scale permeability on gas production from methane hydrate by thermal stimulation[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,121:207-214 Li, Lin,Tang, Dawei,Song, Yongchen,Jiang, Bo.Dual-film optofluidic microreactor with enhanced light-harvesting for photocatalytic applications[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018,339:71-77 Li, Lin,Tang, Dawei,Song, Yongchen,Jiang, Bo,Zhang, Qian.Hydrogen production from ethanol steam reforming on Ni-Ce/MMT catalysts[J],ENERGY,2018,149:937-943 Jiang, Lanlan,Yu, Minghao,Teng, Ying,Yang, Mingjun,Liu, Yu,Li, Weizhong,Song, Yongchen.Displacement and Dissolution Characteristics of CO/Brine System in Unconsolidated Porous Media[J],TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA,2018,122(3):595-609 Teng, Ying,Jiang, Lanlan,Liu, Yu,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen.MRI study on CO2 capillary trap and drainage behavior in sandstone cores under geological storage temperature and pressure[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,119:678-687 Ling, Zheng,Nicolosi, Valeria,Coleman, Jonathan,Harvey, Andrew,McAteer, David,Godwin, Ian J.,Szydlowska, Beata,Griffin, Aideen,Vega-Mayoral, Victor,Song, Yongchen,Seral-Ascaso, Andres.Quantifying the Role of Nanotubes in Nano:Nano Composite Supercapacitor Electrodes[J],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018,8(8) Chen, Bingbing,Yang, Mingjun,Zheng, Jia-nan,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen.Measurement of water phase permeability in the methane hydrate dissociation process using a new method[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,118:1316-1324 Liu, Shuyang,Song, Yongchen,Zhao, Changzhong,Zhang, Yi,Lv, Pengfei,Jiang, Lanlan,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Yuechao.The horizontal dispersion properties of CO2-CH4 in sand packs with CO2 displacing the simulated natural gas[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018,50:293-300 李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Effect of reformation of gas hydrate on the gas phase permeability of montmorillonite[A],2018 刘卫国,李洋辉,杨明军,赵佳飞,宋永臣.DSC studies of methane hydrate formation and dissociation in water-in-mineral oil emulsions[A],2018 于明豪,李维仲,蒋兰兰,王兴,杨明军,宋永臣.Numerical Studies on Gas Production from Methane Hydrate Deposits by Depressurization at 274 K[J],Applied Energy,2018,27:28-37 李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Experimental studies on gas production rate of in-situ hydrate-bearing clay in thermal recovery and depressurization methods[A],2018 Zhang, Yi,Chi, Yuan,Zhao, Changzhong,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Yuechao,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.CO2 Adsorption Behavior of Graphite Oxide Modified with Tetraethylenepentamine[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018,63(1):202-207 Liu, Yu,Wang, Pengfei,Yang, Mingjun,Zhao, Yuechao,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.CO2 sequestration in depleted methane hydrate sandy reservoirs[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018,49:428-434 Lv, Pengfei,Liu, Yu,Chen, Junlin,Jiang, Lanlan,Wu, Bohao,Liu, Shuyang,Song, Yongchen.Pore-scale investigation of effects of heterogeneity on CO2 geological storage using stratified sand packs[J],GREENHOUSE GASES-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017,7(6):972-987 Jiang, Lanlan,Wu, Bohao,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun,Wang, Dayong,Liu, Yu,Xue, Ziqiu.Mass transfer coefficient measurement during brine flush in a CO2-filled packed bed by X-ray CT scanning[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2017,115:615-624 Lv, Pengfei,Song, Yongchen,Liu, Yu,Wang, Bin,Jiang, Lanlan,Wu, Bohao,Liu, Shuyang,Chen, Junlin.Pore-Scale Imaging and Analysis of Phase Topologies and Displacement Mechanisms for CO2-Brine Two-Phase Flow in Unconsolidated Sand Packs[J],WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2017,53(11):9127-9144 Han, Dongyan,Wang, Ziming,Song, Yongchen,Zhao, Jiafei,Wang, Dayong.Numerical analysis of depressurization production of natural gas hydrate from different lithology oceanic reservoirs with isotropic and anisotropic permeability[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2017,46:575-591 Wang, Pengfei,Yang, Mingjun,Chen, Bingbing,Zhao, Yuechao,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Methane hydrate reformation in porous media with methane migration[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017,168:344-351 Wang, Dayong,Han, Dongyan,Li, Wenqiang,Zheng, Zhanpeng,Song, Yongchen.Magnetic-resonance imaging and simplified Kozeny-Carman-model analysis of glass-bead packs as a frame of reference to study permeability of reservoir rocks[J],HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL,2017,25(5):1465-1476 Wang, Pengfei,Yang, Mingjun,Jiang, Lanlan,Zhao, Yuechao,Song, Yongchen.Effects of Multiple Factors on Methane Hydrate Reformation in a Porous Medium[J],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2017,2(21):6030-6035 Li, Lin,Song, Yongchen,Jiang, Bo,Wang, Kaiqiang,Zhang, Qian.A novel oxygen carrier for chemical looping reforming: LaNiO3 perovskite supported on montmorillonite[J],ENERGY,2017,131:58-66 Zhang, Lunxiang,Kuang, Yangmin,Zhang, Xiaotong,Song, Yongchen,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Jiafei.Analyzing the Process of Gas Production from Methane Hydrate via Nitrogen Injection[J],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017,56(26):7585-7592 Wang, Bin,Fan, Zhen,Lv, Pengfei,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Measurement of effective thermal conductivity of hydrate-bearing sediments and evaluation of existing prediction models[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2017,110:142-150 Yang, Mingjun,Chong, Zheng Rong,Zheng, Jianan,Song, Yongchen,Linga, Praveen.Advances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques for the investigation of clathrate hydrates[J],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2017,74:1346-1360 Chen, Cong,Chai, Zhuang,Shen, Weijun,Li, Weizhong,Song, Yongchen.Wettability of Supercritical CO2-Brine-Mineral: The Effects of Ion Type and Salinity[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2017,31(7):7317-7324 Teng, Ying,Jiang, Lanlan,Fan, Yingting,Liu, Yu,Wang, Dayong,Abudula, Abuliti,Song, Yongchen.Quantifying the dynamic density driven convection in high permeability packed beds[J],MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING,2017,39:168-174 Zhao, Yuechao,Song, Yongchen.Experimental investigation on spontaneous counter-current imbibition in water-wet natural reservoir sandstone core using MRI[J],MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY,2017,55(6):546-552 Wang, Shenglong,Hu, Sijia,Brown, Erika P.,Nakatsuka, Matthew A.,Zhao, Jiafei,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen,Koh, Carolyn A..High pressure micromechanical force measurements of the effects of surface corrosion and salinity on CH4/C2H6 hydrate particle-surface interactions[J],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017,19(20):13307-13315 Lv, Pengfei,Liu, Yu,Wang, Zhe,Liu, Shuyang,Jiang, Lanlan,Chen, Junlin,Song, Yongchen.In Situ Local Contact Angle Measurement in a CO2-Brine-Sand System Using Microfocused X-ray CT[J],LANGMUIR,2017,33(14):3358-3366 Jiang, Lanlan,Yu, Minghao,Liu, Yu,Yang, Mingjun,Zhang, Yi,Xue, Ziqiu,Suekane, Tetsuya,Song, Yongchen.Behavior of CO2/water flow in porous media for CO2 geological storage[J],MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING,2017,37:100-106 Chen, C.,Zhang, N.,Shen, W. J.,Li, W. Z.,Song, Y. C..Interaction between hydroxyl group and water saturated supercritical CO2 revealed by a molecular dynamics simulation study[J],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017,231:185-191 Wang, Bin,Huo, Peng,Luo, Tingting,Fan, Zhen,Liu, Fanglan,Xiao, Bo,Yang, Mingjun,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Analysis of the Physical Properties of Hydrate Sediments Recovered from the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea: Preliminary Investigation for Gas Hydrate Exploitation[J],ENERGIES,2017,10(4) Liu, Yu,Teng, Ying,Jiang, Lanlan,Zhao, Jiafei,Zhang, Yi,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen.Displacement front behavior of near miscible CO2 flooding in decane saturated synthetic sandstone cores revealed by magnetic resonance imaging[J],MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING,2017,37:171-178 Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen,Lim, Xin-Le,Lam, Wei-Haur.Opportunities and challenges of gas hydrate policies with consideration of environmental impacts[J],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2017,70:875-885 Liu, Yu,Tang, Jingda,Wang, Mengting,Wang, Qianyi,Tong, Jianing,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Measurement of Interfacial Tension of CO2 and NaCl Aqueous Solution over Wide Temperature, Pressure, and Salinity Ranges[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017,62(3):1036-1046 Liu, Shuyang,Zhang, Yi,Chi, Yuan,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun,Liu, Yu,Lv, Pengfei.Density characteristics of CO2-CH4 binary mixtures at temperatures from (300 to 308.15) K and pressures from (2 to 18) MPa[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS,2017,106:1-9 Yang, Mingjun,Fu, Zhe,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.Gas recovery from depressurized methane hydrate deposits with different water saturations[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2017,187:180-188 Zhang, Lunxiang,Yang, Lei,Wang, Jiaqi,Zhao, Jiafei,Dong, Hongsheng,Yang, Mingjun,Liu, Yu,Song, Yongchen.Enhanced CH4 recovery and CO2 storage via thermal stimulation in the CH4/CO2 replacement of methane hydrate[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017,308:40-49 李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Creep behaviors of frozen clayey sediments containing methane hydrate[A],2017 刘瑜,李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Experimental study on the creep properties of CO2 hydrate-bearing sediments[A],2017 李维仲,杨明军,蒋兰兰,宋永臣.Numerical Studies of Methane Gas Production from Hydrate Decomposition by Depressurization in Porous Media[J],Energy Procedia,2017,250-255 Chen, Bingbing,Gao, Yi,Yang, Mingjun,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen,Li, Nan.The influence of electric field and peroxide of THF on the THF hydrate formation[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY,2017,142:3956-3961 Wu, Bohao,Li, Xingbo,Mutailipu, Meiheriayi,Yang, Mingjun,Wang, Dayong,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.Saturation comparison of CO2 containing N-2 at different injection velocities and conditions by X-ray CT scanning[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY,2017,142:3350-3355 刘瑜,王大勇,宋永臣.Pore-scale mass transfer experiments in porous media by X-ray CT scanning.[J],Energy Procedia.,2017,105(-):5079-5084 Jiang, Lanlan,Liu, Yu,Teng, Ying,Zhao, Jiafei,Zhang, Yi,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen.Permeability estimation of porous media by using an improved capillary bundle model based on micro-CT derived pore geometries[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2017,53(1):49-58 Zheng, Jia-nan,Yang, Ming-jun,Liu, Yu,Wang, Da-yong,Song, Yong-chen.Effects of cyclopentane on CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation as a co-guest molecule for desalination[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS,2017,104:9-15 Meiheriayi, Mutailipu,Liu, Yu,Wu, Bohao,Song, Yongchen,Wang, Dayong,Ai, Li.Gas-Water Two Phase Flow Simulation Based on Pore Network Model for Reservoir Rocks[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY,2017,142:3214-3219 Li, Xingbo,Song, Yongchen,Wu, Bohao,Liu, Yu,Jiang, Lanlan.Determination of Swelling Effect in CO2-Brine Systems Using Microfocus X-ray CT[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY,2017,142:3344-3349 Fan, Yinting,Liu, Yu,Teng, Ying,Yang, Mingjun,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen.Experimental Study of Density-Driven-Convection Mixing in Hele-Shaw cell[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY,2017,142:3375-3380 李维仲,蒋兰兰,杨明军,宋永臣.Numerical study of gas production from methane hydrate deposits by depressurization at 274 K[J],Applied Energy,2017 Mutailipu, Meiheriayi,Song, Yong-Chen,Liu, Yu,Wang, Da-Yong.Measurements of Contact Angles for CO2-Brine-Berea Sandstones System at Reservoir Conditions[A],MATERIALS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,2017,1295-1302 吕秋楠,宋永臣,李小森.鼓泡器中环戊烷-甲烷-盐水体系水合物的生成动力学[J],化工进展,2016,35(12):3777-3782 Song, Yongchen,Wang, Pengfei,Wang, Shenglong,Zhao, Jiafei,Yang, Mingjun.Tetrahydrofuran hydrate decomposition characteristics in porous media[J],RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A,2016,90(12):2377-2382 Zhao, Jiafei,Fan, Zhen,Dong, Hongsheng,Yang, Zhi,Song, Yongchen.Influence of reservoir permeability on methane hydrate dissociation by depressurization[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS 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in conjunction with thermal stimulation[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:4713-4717 Teng, Ying,Lu, Guohuan,Fan, Yinting,Liu, Yu,Jiang, Lanlan,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen.Experimental study of density-driven convection in porous media by using MRI[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:4210-4215 Wu, Bohao,Jiang, Lanlan,Liu, Yu,Lv, Pengfei,Wang, Dayong,Song, Yongchen.Pore-scale mass transfer experiments in porous media by X-ray CT scanning[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:5079-5084 Wang, Zeng,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun,Wang, Lei.Influence of Porous Media on Methane Hydrate Formation from Ice Powders[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:224-229 Luo, Tingting,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Wu, Qi,Wu, Zhaoran.Mechanical properties of Stratified hydrate-bearing sediments[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:200-205 Zhang, Yi,Chi, Yuan,Xing, Wanli,Liu, Shuyang,Song, Yongchen.Competitive adsorption/desorption of CH4/CO2/N-2 mixture on anthracite from China for ECBM operation[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:4289-4294 Wang, Pengfei,Wang, Shenglong,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun.Methane Hydrate Formation and Decomposition Properties during Gas Migration in Porous Medium[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:4668-4673 Fan, Zhen,Sun, Chaomin,Kuang, Yangmin,Wang, Bin,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.MRI analysis for methane hydrate dissociation by depressurization and the concomitant ice generation[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:4763-4768 Zheng, Jia-nan,Yang, Mingjun,Chen, Bingbing,Song, Yongchen,Wang, Dayong.Research on the CO2 gas uptake of different hydrate structures with cyclopentane or methyl-cyclopentane as co-guest molecules[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:4133-4139 张川,豆斌林,蒋博,杨明军,宋永臣.蒙脱石负载纳米镍甘油水蒸气重整制氢[J],大连理工大学学报,2016,56(5):454-456 Zhang, Yi,Wang, Lulu,Liu, Shuyang,Song, Yongchen,Liu, Yu,Jiang, Lanlan.Density and Volumetric Behavior of CO2 + Undecane System from 313.15 to 353.15 K and Pressures up to 19 MPa[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2016,61(9):3003-3012 Lv, Pengfei,Liu, Yu,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen,Huang, Qingxun.Pore-scale contact angle measurements of CO2-brine-glass beads system using micro-focused X-ray computed tomography[J],MICRO & NANO LETTERS,2016,11(9):524-527 Wang, Shanrong,Yang, Mingjun,Liu, Weiguo,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Investigation on the induction time of methane hydrate formation in porous media under quiescent conditions[J],JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016,145:565-572 Teng, Ying,Liu, Yu,Jiang, Lanlan,Song, Yongchen,Zhao, Jiafei,Zhang, Yi,Wang, Dayong.A visualization study on two-phase gravity drainage in porous media by using magnetic resonance 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