诸颖,2008毕业于清华大学获得生物学学士学位,2014年毕业于美国耶鲁大学获得神经生物学博士学位。2014至2017年,于美国耶鲁大学生物统计系和神经生物学系进行联合博士后研究工作,2017年至2019年初于美国耶鲁大学担任副研究科学家。于2019年加入复旦大学脑科学研究院。其研究成果发表在 Nature, Science等多家知名期刊上。
Zhu Y#, Sousa AMM#, Gao T#, Skarica M#, Li M#, Santpere G, Esteller-Cucala P, Juan D, Ferrández-Peral L, Gulden FO, Yang M, Miller DJ, Marques-Bonet T, Kawasawa YI, Zhao H, Sestan N* (2018). Spatio-temporal transcriptomic divergence across human and macaque brain development. Science. 362(6420):eaat8077. (*Co-first author)
Sousa AMM#, Zhu Y#, Raghanti MA, Kitchen RR, Onorati M, Tebbenkamp ATN, Stutz B, Meyer KA, Li M, Kawasawa YI, Liu F, Perez RG, Mele M, Carvalho T, Skarica M, Gulden FO, Pletikos M, Shibata A, Stephenson AR, Edles MK, Ely JJ, Elsworth JD, Horvath TL, Hof PR, Mane SM, Noonan JP, State MW, Lein ES, Knowles JA, Marques-Bonet T, Sherwood CC, Gerstein MB, Sestan N* (2017). Molecular and cellular reorganization of neural circuits in the human lineage. Science. 358, 1027-1032. (*Co-first author)
Zhu Y#, Silbereis JC#, Pochareddy S#, Li M, Sestan N*. (2016) The Molecular Landscape of the Developing Human Central Nervous System. In Genomics, circuits, and pathways in clinical neuropsychiatry, T. Lehner, B. Miller, and M. State, eds. (Boston, MA: Elsevier). pp. 203-220. (*Co-first author; Book Chapter)
Zhu Y, Li M, Sousa AM, Sestan N*(2014). XSAnno: a framework for building ortholog models in cross-species transcriptome comparisons. BMC Genomics. 15, 343.
Kang HJ#, Kawasawa YI#, Cheng F#, Zhu Y#, Xu X#, Li M#, Sousa AM, Pletikos M, Meyer KA, Sedmak G, Guennel T, Shin Y, Johnson MB, Krsnik Z, Mayer S, Fertuzinhos S, Umlauf S, Lisgo SN, Vortmeyer A, Weinberger DR, Mane S, Hyde TM, Huttner A, Reimers M, Kleinman JE, Sestan N* (2011). Spatio-temporal transcriptome of the human brain. Nature. 478, 483-9. (*Co-first author)