截止目前,承担国家级、省部级及企业委托等教科研项目30余项,其中第一负责人主持国家自然科学基金(2项)、中石油科技创新基金、湖北省自然科学基金及湖北省高等学校省级教研项目等纵向项目15余项。担任长江青年科技创新团队基金团队负责人。在《Energy》、《Energy&fuels》、《International Journal of Heat and Technology》、《天然气工业》、《油气储运》等权威学术期刊发表论文50余篇,第1作者或通讯作者30余篇,SCI12篇,EI20篇。申请或获批专利8项,软件著作权2项。作为主编出版系列教材3部,学术专著1部
Yindi Zhang, Fengshan Liu, Daniel Clavel, Gregory J. Smallwood, Chun Lou, Measurement of Soot Volume Fraction and Primary Particle Diameter in Oxygen Enriched Ethylene Diffusion Flames Using the Laser-induced Incandescence Technique. Energy, 2019, 177:421-432. (SCI)
Yindi Zhang, Fengshan Liu, Chun Lou, Experimental and numerical investigations of soot formation in laminar coflow ethylene flames burning in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres at different O2 mole fractions, Energy&fuels, 2018, 32:6252-6263. (SCI)
Emmanuel Adu, Y. D. Zhang*, D.H.Liu*, Parametric Process Design and Economic Analysis of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture and Compression for Coal- and Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants, Energy, 2020.(SCI)
Emmanuel Adu, Y. D. Zhang*, D.H.Liu*, Current situation to carbon dioxide capture, storage and enhanced oil recovery in the oil and gas industry, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, Vol. 9999. (SCI)
Y. D. Zhang, D. Wang, J. P. Yang, Lei Tian and Lijuan Wu, Correlative comparison of gas CO2 pipeline transportation and natural gas pipeline transportation, Modelling, Measurement and Control B, 2017, 86(1):63-75. (EI)
Y. D. Zhang, D. Wang, J. P. Yang, Lei Tian and Lijuan Wu, Research on the Hydrate Formation in the process of Gas Phase CO2 Pipeline Transportation. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2016, 34(2):339-344.(EI)
D. Wang, Y. D. Zhang*, Emmanuel Adu, J. P. Yang, Q.W. Shen, Lei Tian and Lijuan Wu, Influence of Dense Phase CO2 Pipeline Transportation Parameters. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2016, 34(3):479-484.(EI)
Shan Li, Yindi Zhang*, Yong Li, Ruiquan Liao. Equilibrium calculation and technological parameters optimization of Natural Gas Liquefaction Process with Mixed Refrigerant. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2015, 33(2):123-128.(EI)
Yindi Zhang, Longfei Ruan, and Yong Li, Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Soot Precursors Formation Characteristics in Ethylene Oxidation, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014,26(14):4481-4485.(SCI)
Yindi Zhang, Shan Li, and Chun Lou, Dynamics Simulation and Reaction Pathway Analysis of Characteristics of Soot Particles in Ethylene Oxidation at High Temperature, Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2014, 87(4):525−535.(SCI)
Yindi Zhang, Longfei Ruan, Shan Li, and Chun Lou, The Influence of Gravity Levels on Soot Formation for the Combustion of Ethylene/Air Mixture, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, 88(13):18-25. (SCI)
Longfei Ruan,Yindi Zhang*, and Dehua Liu, Numerical Simulation of Gas-liquid Flow Regimes in Horizontal and Vertical Pipes. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2014,7(5):1823-1828.(EI)
Yindi Zhang*, Chun Lou, Chemical Effects of CO2 Concentration on Flame Structure and Soot Formation in Rich Ethylene Oxidation, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013, 21(11): 1269-1283. (SCI)
Zhang Y D, Lou C,Xie M L,Fang Q Y, Zhou H C*. Computation and measurement for distributions of temperature and soot formation in diffusion flames. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18:1263-1271. (SCI)
Zhang Y D, Zhou H C*, Xie M L,Fang Q Y. Modeling of soot formation in gas burner using reduced chemical kinetics coupled with CFD code. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 18(6):123-128. (SCI)
薛鹏, 张引弟*, 杨建平等. 基于变压吸附制氮系统的BOG再冷凝工艺. 天然气工业, 2017(12):92-98. (EI)
张引弟, 陈世英, 李言钦, 周怀春. 四角切圆炉内空气动力特性的声学测量试验. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2009(12):88-91.(EI)
王珂,张引弟*,王城景,辛玥, CH4 掺混H2的燃烧数值模拟及掺混比合理性分析.过程工程学报,2020年3月.
任昕,张引弟*,刘畅,王珂. O2/CO2气氛下水蒸气预混CH4燃烧特性与烟气余热梯级利用方案.过程工程学报,2019年10月.
刘梅梅,张引弟*,任昕. LNG接收站轻烃回收冷能应用于BOG预冷再冷凝工艺流程模拟分析.石油与天然气化工,2019年6月.
胡多多,张引弟*等,O2 /H2O 气氛下 CH4 燃烧特性与置换天然气水合物联产方案,过程工程学报,2018年5月。
张引弟, 胡多多等,石油石化行业CO2捕集、利用和封存技术的研究进展, 油气储运,2017,36(6): 636-645.
薛鹏,张引弟*等,管输工况对 LNG 冷能梯级利用效益的影响,油气储运,2017年11月,36卷,11期。
张引弟, 周怀春, 谢明亮. 湍流扩散火焰的大涡模拟及验证. 动力工程, 2009(05):47-51.
吕国政,张引弟*等,超级开架式气化器加热段的数值模拟研究. 低温与超导, 2020.