1997-2001年 太原重型机械学院 材料加工工程专业 学士学位
2001-2004年 华东船舶工业学院 材料加工工程 硕士学位
2004-2007年 上海交通大学材料 科学与工程专业 博士学位
2007-2009年 上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院 助理研究员
2009-2011年 法国阿海珐核电公司(AREVA NP)博士后
2011-至今 上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院 助理研究员
J. J. Xu, J.Y. Chen, Y. Duan, C. Yu, J.M. Chen, H. Lu, Comparison of residual stress induced by TIG and LBW in girth weld of AISI 304 stainless steel pipes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 248 (2017) 178-184.
Y. Duan, J.J. Xu*, J.Y. Chen, et al. The effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and cyclic behavior of A7N01-T4 aluminum alloy. Materials Characterization. 131(2017): 201-209.
H. Xu, M.J. Xu, C. Yu, H. Lu, X. Wei, J.M. Chen, J.J. Xu*. Effect of the microstructure in unmixed zone on corrosion behavior of 439 tube/308L tube-sheet welding joint. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 240(2017):162-167.
M.J. Xu, J.J. Xu*, H. Lu, J.S. Chen, J.M. Chen, X. Wei. Fractal and probability analysis of creep crack growth behavior in 2.25Cr-1.6W steel incorporating residual stresses. Applied Surface Science. 359 (2015): 73-81
J.J. Xu, P. Gilles, Y.G. Duan, C. Yu. Temperature and Residual Stress Simulations of the NeT Single-Bead-on-Plate Specimen Using SYSWELD. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 99-100(2012): 51-60.
J.J. Xu, P. Gilles, Y.G. Duan. Simulation and validation of welding residual stresses based on non-linear mixed hardening model. Strain. 48(2012): 406-414.
J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, C.Z.Ni. A study on the mechanical stress relieving and safety assessment without post-weld heat treatment. Materials Science and Engineering A. 443(2007): 107-113.
J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, C.Z.Ni. Low stress welding technology without post-weld heat treatment. Materials Science and Technology. 2009, 25(8): 976-980
J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, J.H. Wang,C.Z.Ni. Prediction of welding distortion in multipass girth-butt welded pipes of different wall thickness. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 35(2008): 987-993
Jijin Xu, Ligong Chen, Chunzhen Ni. Effect of vibratory weld conditioning on the residual stresses and distortion in multipass girth-butt welded pipes. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 84(2007): 298-303.
J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, C.Z.Ni. Effects of Vibratory Weld Conditioning on the Residual Stresses and Transverse Contraction Distortions in Multipass Welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 2006, 11(4): 374-378.