1994.07~1998.07 上海大学(嘉定校区)材料科学与工程学院 本科
2004.02~2006.06 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 硕士
2012.01~至今 上海交通大学材料学院 高级工程师
研究方向一 金属基复合材料
研究方向二 材料表面改性,自润滑复合涂层材料
(1)The fabrication and properties of short carbon fiber reinforced copper matrix composites,Journal of Composite Materials,2011,45(24):2567–2571
(2)Effect of Cu-Coated Short Carbon Fibers on the Mechanical and Electrical,Macromolecular Research,2012,20(4):366-371
(3)A study of thermal stability in electrodeposited nanocrystalline Fe–Ni invar alloy,Materials Science and Engineering,2011,528(18):5701-5705
(4)Influence of Grain Size on the Thermal Expansion Behaviors of Fe-Ni Invar Alloy Prepared through Electrodeposition,Rare Metal Materials And Engineering,2011,40(2):280-282
(5)Grain growth and grain size effects on the thermal expansion properties of an electrodeposited Fe–Ni invar alloy,Scripta Materialia,2010,63:359-362
(6)Artificial neural network modeling of plating rate and phosphorus content in the coatings of electroless nickel plating,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2008,205:207-213