1998.9-2002.7 哈尔滨工业大学材料成形及控制专业 本科
2002.9-2004.7 哈尔滨工业大学材料加工专业 硕士 2004.9-2007.10 哈尔滨工业大学材料加工专业 博士
2007.11-2010.12上海交通大学塑性成形工程系 讲师
2011.1-至今 上海交大材料学院塑性成形技术与装备研究院 副研究员海外经历:
2011.5-2012.5 美国西北大学机械工程系 访问学者
研究方向一 新材料的制备及其冲压成形基础理论与方法研究
研究方向二 板料的电致塑性成形
X.F.Li, K.F.Zhang, G.F.Wang. Preparation and tensile properties of amorphous Fe78Si9B13/nano-Ni laminated composite. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(27): 4901-4905 (IF=2.117, SCI他引2次)
X.F.Li, K.F.Zhang, G.F.Wang, W.B.Han. Plastic deformation behavior of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy at elevated temperature, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 2008, 354 (10-11):1061-1065 (IF= 1.483, SCI他引2次)
X.F.Li, K.F.Zhang. Improved tensile ductility of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy using electrodeposited Nano-Ni layers. Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 2008, 354(26): 3088-3092 (IF = 1.483, SCI他引1次)
Xifeng Li, Jun Chen, Kaifeng Zhang. High temperature deformation behavior of amorphous Fe78Si9B13/nano-Ni laminated composite. Materials & Design, 2009, 30(7): 2665-2669 (IF=1.694)
Xifeng Li, Jun Chen, Zhihui Ma, Kaifeng Zhang. High-temperature tensile properties of amorphous Fe78Si9B13/nano-Ni laminated composite. Materials & Design, 2010, 31(10): 4713 -4718 (IF=1.694)
X.F.Li, K.F.Zhang, W.B.Han, G.F.Wang. Gas pressure forming of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy. Materials Science Forum, 2007, 551~552: 575-580(SCI/EI)
Xifeng Li, Kaifeng Zhang, Changli Wang, Weibo Han, Guofeng Wang. Microstructural and microhardness variation of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy during bend stress relaxation. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2007, 23(2): 253-256 (IF=0.759)
X.F.Li, K.F.Zhang, G.F.Wang. Nanoscale morphology in tensile fracture of a brittle amorphous ribbon. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2008, 24(5):745-749 (IF=0.759, SCI他引1次)
X.F.Li, J.Chen, K.F.Zhang. Deformation characteristics of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy ribbons during stress relaxation forming. The 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Gyeongju, Korea. 2008, 1854-1859
ZHANG Kai-feng, LI Xi-feng. New fracture morphology of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2008, 18(2):383-387 (IF=0.676)