M.C. Li, M. Royer, D. Stien, A. Lecante, C. Roos. Inhibitive effect of sodium eperuate on zinc corrosion in alkaline solutions, Corrosion Science, 2008, 50(7): 1975-1981
M.C. Li, Y.F. Cheng. Corrosion of the stressed pipe steel in carbonate-bicarbonate solution studied by scanning localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53(6): 2831-2836
M.C. Li, S.Z. Luo, Y.H. Qian, W.Q. Zhang, L.L. Jiang, J.N. Shen. Effect of additives on electrodeposition of nanocrystalline zinc from acidic sulfate solutions, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2007, 154(11): D567-D571
M.C. Li, Y.F. Cheng. Mechanistic investigation of hydrogen-enhanced anodic dissolution of X-70 pipe steel and its implication on near-neutral pH SCC of pipelines, Electrochimica Acta, 2007, 52 (28): 8111-8117
M.C. Li, L.L. Jiang, W.Q. Zhang, Y.H. Qian, S.Z. Luo, J.N. Shen. Electrochemical corrosion behavior of nanocrystalline zinc coatings in 3.5% NaCl solutions, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2007, 11(9): 1319-1325
M.C. Li, L.L. Jiang, W.Q. Zhang, Y.H. Qian, S.Z. Luo, J.N. Shen. Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline zinc from acidic sulfate solutions containing thiourea and benzalacetone as additives. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2007, 11(4): 549-553
M.C. Li, J.N. Shen. Photoelectrochemical oxidation behavior of organic substances on TiO2 thin-film electrodes, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2006, 10(12): 980-986
M.C. Li, S.Z. Luo, P.F. Wu, J.N. Shen. Photocathodic protection effect of TiO2 films for carbon steel in 3% NaCl solution, Electrochimica Acta, 2005, 50(16-17): 3401-3406
M.C. Li, S.Z. Luo, C.L. Zeng, J.N. Shen, H.C. Lin, C.N. Cao. Corrosion behavior of TiN coated type 316 stainless steel in simulated PEMFC environments. Corrosion Science, 2004, 46(6): 1369-1380 (SCI他引近40次)
M.C. Li, C.L. Zeng, S.Z. Luo, J.N. Shen, H.C. Lin, C.N. Cao. Electrochemical corrosion characteristics of type 316 stainless steel in simulated anode environment for PEMFC. Electrochimica Acta, 2003, 48(12): 1735-1741 (SCI他引30余次)
M.C. Li, Z. Han, H.C. Lin, C.N. Cao. A new probe for investigation of soil corrosivity. Corrosion, 2001, 57(10): 913-917
M.C. Li, C.L. Zeng, H.C. Lin, C.N. Cao. Effect of internal resistance of reference electrode system on EIS. Bulletin of Electrochemistry, 2001, 17(7): 299-302
M.C. Li, C.L. Zeng, H.C. Lin, C.N. Cao. Electrochemical corrosion behavior of 316 stainless steel in acid media containing fluoride ions. British Corrosion Journal, 2001, 36(3): 179-183
J.N. Shen, M.C. Li, D. Liu, et al. Effects of applied bias and dopants on the photocatalytic degradation of aqueous dye solution by TiO2/Ti electrode, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 539-543 (2007) pp. 2240-2245
S.Z. Luo, Y.G. Zheng, M.C. Li, Z.M. Yao, W. Ke. Effect of cavitation on corrosion behavior of 20SiMn low-alloy steel in 3% sodium chloride solution. Corrosion, 2003, 59(7): 597-605