[1]工程认证背景下以学生为中心的《软件工程A》课程教学改革研究, 2019/03/25, 进行
[2]面向Web应用程序开发过程的漏洞在线预警分析研究, 2018/08/20, 进行
[3]面向OBE的软件质量保证与测试课程教学改革, 2018/09/01, 进行
[4]基于ACM/ICPC竞赛标准的软件工程专业学生程序设计能力培养, 2014/08/26-2016/03/01, 完成
[5]《软件工程A》CPS关键技术教育课程建设, 2018/01/01, 进行
[6]《C/C++程序设计》CPS关键技术教育课程建设, 2018/01/01, 进行
[7]软件系统关键模块结构挖掘及其演化分析方法研究, 2017/08/19, 进行
[8]软件系统复杂网络层次化实体挖掘方法及关键技术研究, 2015/08/18, 进行
[9]基于软件安全漏洞分析的数据流序列模式研究, 2015/03/27-2018/06/21, 完成
[10]云计算产业布局与发展模式研究, 2014/01/01, 进行
[11]大数据分析的云计算, 2013/11/18, 进行
[12]复杂网络数据的聚类方法研究, 2010/08/04-2013/01/08, 完成
[13]时态数据序列模式挖掘技术的研究, 2011/09/26-2014/07/15, 完成
[14]基于数据挖掘方法的软件安全特性建模与分析, 2011/08/06-2016/03/21, 完成
[1] 董俊.杨禄群,任家东,卢海涛.软件网络中关键函数节点的识别方法.燕山大学学报.2018
[2] 何海涛.尹腾腾,董俊,张鹏,任家东.Efficient mining of high utility software behavior patterns from software executing traces.International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control.2015
[3] 任家东.王春阳,何红豆,董俊.Identifying influential nodes in weighted network based on evidence theory and local structure.International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control.2015
[4] 黄国言.曹萌萌,董俊.Clustering uncertain data based on probability attribute value similarity.International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012
[5] 任家东.刘之岗,董俊.Subspace clustering based on finding effective spaces.International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications.2012
[6] 任家东.袁雪梅,董俊.An algorithm based on bit complementary tree for mining closed frequent itemsets.International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012
[7] 董俊.袁雪梅,任家东.A clustering algorithm for data stream based on spatial directed graph with core.Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012
[8] 董俊.张媛媛,宋薇,任家东.An algorithm based on compressed tree and bit vector table for mining frequent patterns on uncertain data streams.Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012
[9] 董俊.曹萌萌,黄国言,任家东.Virtual grid-based clustering of uncertain data on vulnerability database.Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012
[10] 任家东.袁雪梅,董俊.Data stream clustering algorithm based on spatial directed graph.Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences.2012
[11] 董俊.陈帅.A DAG-based algorithm of mining frequent closed itemsets in high dimensional datasets.International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012
[12] 任家东.李硕,董俊.Mining weighted closed sequential patterns by memory indexing.International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications.2012
[13] 黄国言.陈帅,任申圆,董俊.A RIHS-Tree-Based Algorithm of Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets in High Dimensional Datasets.Journal of Convergence information Technology.2012
[14] 董俊.一种基于复杂网络属性值的K-means聚类算法.燕山大学学报.2012