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钱立和,燕山大学材料科学与工程学院、亚稳材料制备技术与科学国家重点实验室 教授,博士生导师。1986年于东北大学本科毕业,1989年和2001年于中科院金属研究所分别获得硕士和博士学位。 教育经历 [1]. 1998.9- 2001.6 中国科学院金属研究所 | 材料学 | 博士研究生 | 博士 [2]. 1986.9- 1989.4 中国科学院金属研究所 | 材料学 | 硕士研究生 | 硕士 [3]. 1982.9- 1986.7 东北大学 | 物理学 | 大学本科毕业 | 学士 工作经历 [1]. 2009.9- 至今 燕山大学 | 教授 [2]. 2007.4- 2009.8 九州大学(日本) | 研究员 [3]. 2003.7- 2007.3 丰桥技术科学大学(日本) | 研究员(JSPS fellow) [4]. 2001.11- 2003.6 东京大学(日本) | 研究员 [5]. 1989.5- 1998.8 马鞍山钢铁公司钢研所 | 工程师/高级工程师


[1].纳米结构高强高韧性钢 [2].亚稳金属材料 [3].材料的强度与破坏

主要从事高性能结构材料的研究,其中包括高性能钢铁材料、铝合金及其复合材料的成分设计、微观组织调控、宏/微观力学行为、疲劳性能等研究工作。参加/负责完成了包括国家973计划、863计划、国家自然科学基金、河北省自然科学基金、日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)重大科技项目、日本学术振兴会科技项目(JSPS fellow)、以及日本文部科学省重大科技项目等在内的多项科技项目。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.      L. Qian*, X. Cui, D. Li, S. Liu, J. Meng, F. Zhang, H. Xie, Cyclic deformation fields interactions between pores in cast high manganese steel, International Journal of Plasticity, 112 (2019) 18–35. 2.      L. Zhao, L. Qian*, Q. Zhou, D. Li, T. Wang, Z. Jia, F. Zhang, J. Meng, The combining effects of ausforming and below-Ms or above-Ms austempering on thtransformation kinetics, microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon bainitic steel, Materials and Design, 183 (2019) 108123. 3.      S. Liu, L. Qian*, J. Meng, D. Li, P. Ma, F. Zhang, Simultaneously increasing both strength and ductility of Fe-Mn-C twinning-induced plasticity steel via Cr/Mo alloying, Scripta Materialia 127 (2017) 10–14. 4.      L. Zhao, L. Qian*, J.Meng, Q. Zhou, F. Zhang, Below-Ms austempering to obtain refined bainitic structure and enhanced mechanical properties in low-C high-Si/Al steels, Scripta Materialia 112 (2016) 96–100. 5.      Q. Zhou, L. Qian*, J. Tan, J. Meng, F. Zhang, Inconsistent effects of mechanical stability of retained austenite on ductility and toughness of transformation-induced plasticity steels, Materials Sciences and Engineering A, 578 (2013) 370-376. 6.  P. Guo, Lihe Qian*, J. Meng, F. Zhang, L. Li, Low-cycle fatigue behavior of a high manganese austenitic twin-induced plasticity steel, Materials Sciences and Engineering A, 584 (2013) 133–142. 7.      L. Qian*, M. Todo, Y. Morita, Y. Matsushita, K. Koyano, Deformation analysis of the periodontium considering the viscoelasticity of the periodontal ligament, Dental Materials, 25 (2009) 1285-1292. 8.      L. Qian*, H. Toda, K.Uesugi, T. Kobayashi, T.Ohgaki, M. Kobayahsi, Application of synchrotron x-ray mS. Liu,钱立和,孟江英,D. Li,P. Ma,张福成.Simultaneously increasing both strength and ductility of Fe-Mn-C twinning-induced plasticity steel via Cr/Mo alloying.SCRIPTA MATERIALIA.2017 Leijie,Zhao,Zhou,Zhang,钱立和,Leijie(1,2),Meng.Below-Ms austempering to obtain refined bainitic structure and enhanced mechanical properties in low-C high-Si/Al steels.Scripta Materialia.2016 赵雷杰,钱立和,S. Liu.Producing superfine low-carbon bainitic structure through a new combined thermo-mechanical process.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS.2016 Qian,Zhou,钱立和,Zhao,Zhu,Meng,Zhang.Loading-rate dependence of fracture absorption energy of low-carbon carbide-free bainitic steel.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS.2015 周骞,Zhou,Qian,Lihe,Tan,Jun,(2),Meng,Jiangying,Zhang,Fucheng,(1),钱立和.Inconsistent effects of mechanical stability of retained austenite on ductility and toughness of transformation-induced plasticity steels.Materials Science and Engineering A.2013 Qian,Zhou,钱立和,Meng,Zhao,Zhang.Low-cycle fatigue behavior and microstructural evolution in a low-carbon carbide-free bainitic steel.Materials and Design.2015 钱立和,周骞,张福成,张明,田原.Microstructure and mechanical properties of a low carbon carbide-free bainitic steel co-alloyed with Al and Si.Materials and Design.2012 Shuai,Liu,Zhang,钱立和,Meng,Ma.On the more persistently-enhanced strain hardening in carbon-increased Fe-Mn-C twinning-induced plasticity steel.MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING.2015 Penhui,Ma,Zhang,钱立和,Meng,Liu.Influence of Al on the fatigue crack growth behavior of Fe-22Mn-(3Al)-0.6C TWIP steels.MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING.2015 孟江英,Zhang,钱立和,Feng,Zhou,Zhao.Effects of Austempering Temperature on Strength, Ductility and Toughness of Low-C High-Al/Si Carbide-Free Bainitic Steel.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE.2015icrotomogrphy to investigate ductile fracture in Al alloys, Applied Physics Letters, 87 (2005) 241907. 9.      L. Qian*, H. Toda, K. Uesugi, T. Kobayashi, M. Kobayahsi, Direct observation and image-based simulation of three-dimensional tortuous crack evolution inside opaque materials, Physical Review Letters, 100 (2008),115505. 10.  L. Qian*, H. Toda, S. Nishido, T. Kobayashi, Experimental and numerical investigations of the effects of the spatial distribution of alpha-phase on fracture behavior in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys, Acta Materialia, 54 (2006) 4881-4893.
