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彭秋明,男,教授,博士生导师,2008年在中科院长春应用化学研究所无机化学专业获得博士学位。2009-2011年德国GKSS镁合金创新技术研究中心洪堡访问学者。 2012年入选教育部新世纪人才,2014年获国家优秀青年基金,2020年入选教育部长江学者特聘教授。在中国仪器仪表协会(常务理事)、中国材料研究学会镁合金材料与应用专业委员会(理事)、中国生物材料学会(青年委员)等多个学术组织任职; 担任JMST 编委、 FNP(波兰-洪堡基金)国际外审专家。近五年应邀做国际/国内学术报告20多次。共计发表学术论文200多篇,其中以一作/通讯在 Adv Energy Mater,Adv Funct Mater, ACS Nano,J Am Chem Soc,Nat Commun, Nano Lett 和 Acta Mater上发表 120 余篇,近五年SCI引用9400多次,H因子56,获国家发明专利30项,国家保密专利1项,欧盟专利2项,参与编写书籍3部(英文1部), 主编教材1部。主持国家自然基金 3 项、重点研发计划子课题 1 项;参与创新群体、 重点研发计划各 1 项。入选教育部长江学者特聘教授、德国洪堡、国家优青、教育部新世纪人才、省杰青、省拔尖人才、省“三三三”人才(第一层次)和省优秀省管专家。获河北省技术发明一等奖(排1)。 教育经历 2003.9- 2008.6 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 无机化学 博士研究生毕业 博士 1998.9- 2002.6 湘潭大学 化学 本科 学士 工作经历 2009.1- 2011.5 GKSS研究中心 洪堡学者 2011.5- 至今 燕山大学 亚稳态材料科学与技术国家重点实验室 Professor


[1].超高压下轻合金的结构改性及性能 [2].轻金属材料的储能性能 [3].新型二维MXene基材料的合成与功能化

[1].超高压下轻合金的结构改性及性能 [2].轻金属材料的储能性能 [3].新型二维MXene基材料的合成与功能化


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Fan.彭秋明.Strengthening Precipitate, Thermal Stability, and Mechanical Properties of Melt-Spun Mg-8Gd-3Nd Alloy.2014 彭秋明.Freestanding MXene-MnO2Films for Li-CO2Cathodes with Low Overpotential and Long-Term Cycling.2021 蔡学成.彭秋明,孙宝茹,沈同德.A thermally stable and strong Mg-MgF2nanocomposite.2017 彭秋明.Age strengthening behavior and mechanical properties of Mg-Dy based alloys containing LPSO phases.2015 Ge.彭秋明.A Co-Doped MnO2 Catalyst for Li-CO2 Batteries with Low Overpotential and Ultrahigh Cyclability.2019 Fang.彭秋明.Age hardening behaviors, mechanical and corrosion properties of deformed Mg-Mn-Sn sheets by pre-rolled treatment.2014 彭秋明.李慧.Gadolinium solubility and precipitate identification in Mg-Gd binary alloy.2012 Fan.彭秋明.Microstructures and electrochemical hydrogen storage performances of La0.75Ce0.25Ni3.80 Mn0.90Cu0.30(V0.81Fe0.19)(x) (x=0-0.20) alloys.2014 彭秋明.High ductile as-cast Mg–RE based alloys at room temperature.2012 guodong,Zou.彭秋明.Synthesis of MXene/Ag Composites for Extraordinary Long Cycle Lifetime Lithium Storage at High Rates.2016 彭秋明.田永君,李慧.High Pressure Solidification: An Effective Approach to Improve the Corrosion Properties of Mg-Y Based Implants.2012 Ning,Ma.彭秋明.Effects of cerium on microstructures, recovery behavior and mechanical properties of backward extruded Mg-0.5Mn alloys.2013 邹国栋.刘迪,杨猛,彭秋明.Lithiation MXene Derivative Skeletons for Wide-Temperature Lithium Metal Anodes.2021 张庆瑞.彭秋明,焦体峰,向建勇.Efficient phosphate sequestration for water purification by unique sandwich-like MXene/magnetic iron oxide nanocomposites.2016 邹国栋.张庆瑞,彭秋明.Synthesis of Nanoflower-Shaped MXene Derivative with Unexpected Catalytic Activity for Dehydrogenation of Sodium Alanates.2017 张庆瑞.彭秋明,焦体峰.A Simple Green Fabrication for Polymer Supported Nano-Titanium Oxides Gels and Its Efficient Selective Sequestration of Phosphate in Waters.2015 Xuejun,Li.彭秋明.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Backward-extruded Mg-Zn-xCa Biomaterials.Chinese Materials Congress (CMC 2012).2013 彭秋明.李慧.Mg-Y基生物材料研究进展.2015[19] Zhao.彭秋明.Effects of super-high pressure on microstructures, nano-mechanical behaviors and corrosion properties of Mg-Al alloys.2014 石宝东.彭秋明,彭艳.Thermodynamically consistent constitutive modeling of distortional hardening for wrought Mg alloys under non-proportional loading.2017 Sun.彭秋明.Anomalous sublimation passivation of nanotwinned silver particles.2020 彭秋明.刘日平.Effects of backward extrusion on mechanical and degradation properties of Mg–Zn biomaterial.2012 张舜.彭秋明.Coherent interface strengthening of ultrahigh pressure heat-treated Mg-Li-Y alloys.2020 刘迪.黄建宇,李悦明,彭秋明.Theoretical investigation of selective hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene on Pt doping Cu nanoparticles.2018 房大庆.李慧,彭秋明.Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Backward Extruded Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys in Different Media.2013 彭秋明.田永君.Development of Degradable Mg-RE Based Biomaterials.2012 彭秋明.李慧,田永君,刘日平.Microstructures, aging behaviour and mechanical properties in hydrogen and chloride media of backward extruded Mg-Y based biomaterials.2013 张庆瑞.彭秋明.Selective and Efficient Removal of Fluoride from Water: In Situ Engineered Amyloid Fibril/ZrO2 Hybrid Membranes.2019 Cai.彭秋明.Negative Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Mg Alloys Containing 18R and 14H|Long-Period Stacking-Ordered Phases at Intermediate Temperatures.2014 张庆瑞.彭秋明,焦体峰.Distinguished Cr(VI) capture with rapid and superior capability using polydopamine microsphere: Behavior and mechanism.2018 彭秋明.The effect of extension twinning on the electrochemical corrosion properties of Mg-Y alloys.2015 zhe,leng.彭秋明.Influence of biocorrosion on microstructure and mechanical properties of deformed Mg-Y-Er-Zn biomaterial containing 18R-LPSO phase.2013 Sun.彭秋明.In Situ Atomic-Scale Oscillation Sublimation of Magnesium under CO2 Conditions.2019 hui,Fu.彭秋明.Hydrogen diffusion kinetics and structural integrity of superhigh pressure Mg-5 wt%Ni alloys with dendrite interface.2016 Jianxin,Guo.彭秋明.Heavy-Metal Adsorption Behavior of Two-Dimensional Alkalization-Intercalated MXene by First-Principles Calculations.2015 李慧.彭秋明.Microstructures, mechanical and cytocompatibility of degradable Mg-Zn|based orthopedic biomaterials.2014 Xianyun,Peng.彭秋明.Microstructures and electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics of La0.7Ce0.3Ni4.2Mn0.9-xCu0.37(Fe0.43B0.57)x(x=0-0.20) alloys.2013 彭秋明.田永君.Effect of backward extrusion on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–Gd based alloy.2012 guodong,Zou.彭秋明.Synthesis of urchin-like rutile titania carbon nanocomposites by iron-facilitated phase transformation of MXene for environmental remediation.2016 彭秋明.Age hardening response of a Mg–5 wt.%Sc alloy under an applied stress field.2012
