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教育背景 2005-08--2009-09 美国宾夕法尼亚大学 博士 2003-09--2005-06 南京大学地理与海洋科学院 硕士 1999-09--2003-06 南京大学地理与海洋科学院 学士 工作简历 2011-11--今 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 研究员 2009-09--2011-10 美国宾夕法尼亚大学 博士后 2009-09--2011-10 美国农业部牧场系统与流域管理实验室 Soil Scientist 奖励信息 (1) 江苏省科学技术二等奖,二等奖,省级,2011 (2) Alex and Jessie R. Black Fellowship,研究所(学校)级,2005 科研项目 (1) 太湖流域丘陵区不同土地利用类型下的地表土壤水文过程研究,主持,国家级,2013-01--2016-12 (2) 农村土地整治的生态环境效应研究,主持,其他级,2012-11--2013-11 (3) 太湖典型入湖流域氮、磷迁移转化关键过程机理与调控,参与,研究所(学校)级,2012-07--2015-06 (4) 太湖流域丘陵区不同土地利用类型下营养盐流失研究,主持,省级,2012-07--2015-06 (5) 太湖流域典型丘陵小流域水文土壤过程及其对营养盐输移的影响机制,主持,研究所(学校)级,2011-07--2013-06 (6) 太湖流域土地利用变化对生态服务功能影响机理与评估,参与,国家级,2011-01--2014-12 参与会议 (1) Hot moments and hot spots of nutrient losses from a mixed land use watershed,2011-10,Zhu, Q., J.P. Schmidt, and R.B. Bryant (2) Nitrogen loss from a mixed land use watershed as influenced by hydrology and seasons,2010-10,Zhu, Q., J.P. Schmidt, A. R. Buda, R.B. Bryant, and G.J. Folmar (3) Creeping Bentgrass response to a stabilized amine form of nitrogen fertilizer,2010-08,Zhu, Q., M.J. Schlossberg, R.B. Bryant, and J.P. Schmidt (4) Repeated Electromagnetic Induction Surveys for Understanding Landscape Soil and Water Dynamics.,2009-11,Zhu, Q., H.S. Lin, and J.A. Doolittle (5) Main Controls of Soil Moisture Dynamics in an Agricultural Landscape in Central Pennsylvania,2008-10,Zhu, Q., and H.S. Lin (6) Inferring Subsurface Flow Pathways in an Agricultural Landscape using Soil Hydrology Monitoring,2008-07,Zhu, Q., and H.S. Lin (7) Determining the Optimal Spatial Interpolations for Soil Properties with Different Sample Sizes,2007-11,Zhu, Q., H.S. Lin, X.B. Zhou, and J. Zhang (8) Soil Moisture Patterns across Spatial Scales on an Agronomy Farm,2006-11,Zhu, Q., H.S. Lin, and X.B. Zhou (9) Soil Moisture Temporal Patterns in a Forested Catchment,2006-07,Zhu, Q., H.S. Lin, and X.B. Zhou


水文土壤学(Hydropedology) 土地利用变化及其生态环境效应 农业非点源污染控制及流域管理 地球物理技术(地透雷达和电磁感应)在探测水文和土壤空间异质性中的运用


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Functional soil mapping for site-specific soil moisture and crop yield management,Geoderma,2013,第1作者 (2) Creeping bentgrass putting green response to foliar nitrogen fertilization,Agronomy Journal,2012,第1作者 (3) Hot moments and hot spots of nutrient losses from a mixed land use watershed,Journal of Hydrology,2012,第1作者 (4) Monitoring and prediction of soil moisture spatial–temporal variations from a hydropedological perspective: a review,Soil Research,2012,第1作者 (5) Influences of soil, terrain, and crop growth on soil moisture variation from transect to farm scales,Geoderma,2011,第1作者 (6) Nitrogen loss from a mixed land use watershed as influenced by hydrology and seasons,Journal of Hydrology ,2011,第1作者 (7) An approach to partition the anthropogenic component of heavy metal accumulations in roadside agricultural soil,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,2011,第5作者 (8) Managing Agricultural Phosphorus for Water Quality Protection: Principles for Progress,Plant and Soil,2011,第5作者 (9) Dissolved organic carbon export and soil carbon storage in the Shale Hills critical zone observatory,Vadose Zone Journal,2011,第3作者 (10) Fraction distribution and bioavailability of soil heavy metals in the Yangtze River Delta: A case study of Kunshan City in Jiangsu Province, China,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2011,第3作者 (11) Improving in-season nitrogen recommendations for corn using an active sensor,Field Crops Research,2011,第3作者 (12) Influence of plow pan on the enrichment and depletion of heavy metals in the surface soils,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2010,第1作者 (13) Comparing ordinary kriging and regression kriging for soil properties in contrasting landscapes,Pedosphere,2010,第1作者 (14) Repeated electromagnetic induction surveys for improved soil mapping in an agricultural landscape,Soil Science Society of America Journal,2010,第1作者 (15) Creeping Bentgrass response to a stabilized amine form of nitrogen fertilizer,Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Science,2010,第1作者 (16) Repeated electromagnetic induction surveys for identifying flow paths and quantifying water dynamics,Soil Science Society of America Journal,2010,第1作者 (17) Simulation and validation of concentrated subsurface lateral flow paths in an agricultural landscape,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2009,第1作者 (18) Hydropedological processes and implications for nitrogen availability to corn,Geoderma,2009,第1作者 (19) Precision soil mapping for hydropedologic functional units and its application in soil moisture monitoring and nitrogen management,Proceedings of the 1st Global Workshop on High-resolution Soil Sensing and Mapping,2008,第2作者 (20) Temporal stability of soil moisture spatial variability at two scales and its implication for optimal field monitoring,ydrology and Earth System Science Discussion,2007,第3作者 (21) 江苏省沿江地区农用地资源质量评价研究,长江流域资源与环境,2005,第1作者 (22) 近十几年来南京市土地利用结构变化特征研究,土壤,2005,第2作者 (23) 两种模糊数学模型在土壤重金属综合污染评价中的应用与比较,环境保护科学,2004,第1作者 (24) 农用地分等指标区与参评因素定量确定,土壤学报,2004,第5作者


2010-04--今 Water Resources Research期刊,审稿人 2010-04--今 Journal of Hydrology期刊,审稿人 2010-03--今 Geoderma期刊,审稿人 2008-10--今 Soil Science Society of America Journal,审稿人 2006-06--今 美国土壤学会,会员 2005-08--今 国际水文土壤学会,会员
