1993-09--1997-10 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 理学博士学位
1990-09--1993-06 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 理学硕士学位
1983-09--1987-06 南京大学地理系 理学学士学位
1993-09~1997-10,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 理学博士学位
1990-09~1993-06,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 理学硕士学位
1987-07~现在, 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 研究实习员(1987)/助理研究员(1989)/副研究员(1994)/研究员(1998)
1983-09~1987-06,南京大学地理系, 理学学士学位
(1) 区域土地利用变化及其环境效应, 二等奖, 省级, 2009
(2) 中国海岸环境变化与区域响应研究, , 国家级, 1999
( 1 ) 鄱阳湖区生态功能分区与管制研究, 主持, 省级, 2016-01--2017-12
( 2 ) 长江经济带区域协同发展战略研究, 主持, 国家级, 2016-07--2017-06
( 3 ) 长江中游通江湖泊生态系统服务评估与提升, 主持, 部委级, 2018-01--2019-12
( 4 ) 江苏环洪泽湖生态经济区土地生态服务与功能分区研究, 主持, 省级, 2018-01--2020-06
( 5 ) 长三角生态环境协同管理与综合治理示范, 主持, 部委级, 2019-01--2023-12
(1)长江中游通江湖泊江湖关系健康评价与调控 中国地理学会华东片区学术年会 杨桂山 2017-11-23
(1) 长江经济带“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”的基础与策略, 中国科学院院刊, 2020, 第 1 作者
(2) 1968-2018年洞庭湖江湖连通河道松滋口冲淤变化特征, 长江流域资源域环境, 2020, 通讯作者
(3) Multidecadal water quality deterioration in the largest freshwater lake in China (Poyang Lake): Implications on eutrophication management, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 通讯作者
(4) Change characteristics of water exchange between the Yangtze River and the Dongting Lake during 1960-2018 in China, Applied Ecology and Environment Research, 2020, 通讯作者
(5) Exploring the spatiotemporal water quality variations and their influencing factors in a large floodplain lake in China, Ecological Indicators, 2020, 通讯作者
(6) Role of Flooding Patterns in the Biomass Production of Vegetation in a Typical Herbaceous Wetland, Poyang Lake Wetland, China, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 通讯作者
(7) patiotemporal dynamics of ammonia nitrogen and its response to inflow river based on random forest model in northwest Taihu Lake, China, Applied Ecology and Environment Research, 2019, 通讯作者
(8) Research on ecosystem health assessment indices and thresholds of a large Yangtze-connected Lake, Poyang Lake, Applied Ecology and Environment Research, 2019, 通讯作者
(9) Water Security-based Hydrological Regime Assessment Method for Lakes with Extreme Seasonal Water Level Fluctuations: A Case Study of Poyang Lake, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 2018, 通讯作者
(10) The effect of the Changjiang River on water regimes of its tributary Lake East Dongting, Journal of Geographical Science, 2018, 通讯作者
(11) Exploring the Potential Impact of Seasonal Water-level Fluctuations on the Distribution of Wetland Vegetation in Poyang Lake, China, Frontiers of Earth Science, 2018, 通讯作者
(12) Water quality control plan with BATHTUB model for lake inflow rivers - A case study of total phosphorus in Northwest Lake Taihu, China, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2018, 第 3 作者
(13) Hydrodynamic and water quality modeling of a large floodplain lake (Poyang Lake) in China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 通讯作者
(14) Influences of Extreme Weather Conditions on the Carbon Cycles of Bamboo and Tea Ecosystems, Forests, 2018, 第 3 作者
(15) Ecosystem services trade-offs and determinants in China's Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2000 to 2015, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 第 2 作者
(16) 鄱阳湖出流水质 2004~ 2014 年变化及其对水位变化的响应: 对水质监测频率的启示, 长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 通讯作者
(17) 太湖西北部湖区入湖河流氮磷水质标准修正方案研究, 长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 通讯作者
(18) 基于多源遥感数据的湿地植物分类和生物量反演研究进展, 湿地科学, 2017, 第 3 作者
(19) 长江中游大型通江湖泊季节性水情变化规律研究, 长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 第 4 作者
(20) Dynamic water quality evaluation based on fuzzy matter–element model and functional data analysis, a case study in Poyang Lake, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 通讯作者
(21) Using fuzzy theory and variable weights for water quality evaluation in Poyang Lake, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 通讯作者
(22) Combining multivariate statistical techniques and random forests model to assess and diagnose the trophic status of Poyang Lake in China, Ecological Indicators, 2017, 通讯作者
(23) Foliar nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of three wetland plants distributed along an elevation gradient in Dongting Lake, China, Scientific Reports, 2017, 通讯作者
(24) Interactive influence of water level, nutrient heterogeneity and plant density on the growth performance and root characteristics of Carex brevicuspis, Limnologica, 2017, 通讯作者
(25) Impacts of land use changes on net ecosystem production in the Taihu Lake Basin of China from 1985 to 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2017, 第 2 作者
(26) Factors influencing industrial carbon emissions and strategies for carbon mitigation in the Yangtze River Delta of China., Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 通讯作者
(27) Ecological Risk Assessment of Ecosystem Services in the Taihu Lake Basin of China from 1985 to 2020, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 通讯作者
(28) Using Eutrophication and Ecological Indicators to Assess Ecosystem Condition in Poyang Lake, a Yangtze-connected lake, Aquatic ecosystem health & management, 2016, 通讯作者
(29) Lake hydrology, water quality and ecology impacts of altered river-lake interactions: advances in research on the middle Yangtze river, Hydrology Research, 2016, 第 1 作者
(30) Spatiotemporal Variability in the Water Quality of Poyang Lake and Its Associated Responses to Hydrological Conditions, Water, 2016, 通讯作者
(31) Comparison of random forests and other statistical methods for the prediction of lake water level: a case study of the Poyang Lake in China, Hydrology Research, 2016, 通讯作者
(32) Quantifying the effects of channel change on the discharge diversion of Jingjiang Three Outlets after the operation of the Three Gorges Dam, Hydrology Research, 2016, 通讯作者
(33) Responses of wetland vegetation in Poyang Lake, China to water-level fluctuations, Hydrobiologia, 2016, 第 3 作者
(34) Impacts of highway construction and operation on carbon footprint in China: A case study of Jiangsu Province, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2016, 第 3 作者
(35) 鄱阳湖洲滩植被健康状态评价及其典型不健康年水文条件分析, 长江流域资源与环境, 2016, 通讯作者
(36) 长江经济带绿色生态廊道建设研究, 地理科学进展, 2015, 第 1 作者
(37) Urban Household Carbon Emission and Contributing Factors in the Yangtze River Delta,China, Plos One, 2015, 第 4 作者
(38) Non-stationary water level fluctuation in China's Poyang Lake and its interactions with the Yangyze River, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 第 3 作者
(40) 中国湖泊现状及面临的重大问题与保护策略, 湖泊科学, 2010, 第 1 作者
(41) 生态风险评价研究进展, 生态学杂志, 2009, 第 2 作者
(42) 三峡库区1980~2005年农业用地氮平衡时空变化研究, 环境科学, 2009, 第 2 作者
(43) 基于改进输出系数模型的流域营养盐输出估算, 环境科学, 2009, 第 2 作者
(44) 流域土地利用/覆被对洪峰的影响研究—以太湖上游西笤溪流域为例, 自然资源学报, 2009, 第 2 作者
( 1 ) 中国海岸环境变化与区域响应, Environmental Change and Regional Response in the Coastal Area of China, 高等教育出版社, 2001-05, 第 1 作者
( 2 ) 太湖流域经济发展-水环境-水灾害, Ecinomic Development-Water Environment-Water Disaster in Taihu Basin, 科学出版社, 2003-06, 第 1 作者
( 3 ) 流域综合管理导论, Watershed Integrated Management, 科学出版社, 2004-07, 第 1 作者
( 4 ) 长江保护与发展报告2007, Yangtze Conservation and Development Report 2007, 长江出版社, 2007-04, 第 1 作者
( 5 ) 长江保护与发展报告 2009, Yangtze Conservation and Development Report 2009, 长江出版社, 2009-04, 第 1 作者
( 6 ) 长江保护与发展报告2011, Yangtze Conservation and Development Report 2011, 长江出版社, 2011-11, 第 1 作者
( 7 ) 中国湖泊调查报告, 科学出版社, 2019-08, 第 1 作者