2001.11-2003.11在英国利物浦大学工程系做博士后(Research Associate)
清华大学班(级)主任工作优秀奖二等奖2006年, 2011年
Review Papers:
B.X.Liu, W.S.Lai and Z.J.Zhang, “Solid-State Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition in Metallic Multilayers and Its Thermodynamic and Atomistic Modeling”,Advances in Physics (4) (2001) 367-429.
B.X.Liu, W.S.Lai, and Q.Zhang, “Irradiation Induced Amorphization in Metallic Multilayers and Calculation of Glass-Forming-Ability from Atomistic Potential in the Binary Metal Systems”,Mater. Sci. Eng.: Reports 29 (1-2) (2000) 1-48.
Regular Papers:
B. Qin; W.S. Lai, “A Molecular Dynamics Study of an hcp-to-fco Martensitic Transformation and Its Crystallographic Correlation in a Ti Lattice, upon Dissolution of Cu Atoms “, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan79 (10) (2010) Art No. 104601
B. Qin, W.S. Lai, “Crystalline to Amorphous Transition and Relative Stability of Amorphous Phase versus Solid Solution in the Cu-Ti System Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan79 (6) (2010) Art No. 064603
W.S. Lai, J. J. Yu, F. Gao, D. J. Bacon, “Computer simulation of sputtering at the low index (1 0 0), (1 1 0) and (1 1 1) surfaces of Ni3Al in a STEM”, Nucl Instrum Meth B, 267(18) (2009)3076-3083
X. K. Xin, W.S. Lai, B. X. Liu, “Point defect properties in hcp and bcc Zr with trace solute Nb revealed by ab initio calculations”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 393(1), (2009) 197-202
B. Yang, W.S. Lai, “Molecular dynamics study of stability of solid solutions and amorphous phase in the Cu-Al system”, Chinese Physics Letters 26 (6), (2009) 066103
M.J. Yang, W.S. Lai, F. Pan, "Elastic Modulus and Hardness of Cr-Nb Nano-Multilayers", Chinese Physics Letters, 24 (9) (2007) 2635-2638.
W.S. Lai, M.J. Yang, “Observation of largely enhanced hardness and unchanged modulus in nano-multilayers of the Ag-Nb system with positive enthalpy of formation” Applied Physics Letters,90, (2007) Art. No. 181917
N Gao, W.S.Lai , “Relative stability of amorphous phase versus solid solution in the Ni-Ti system revealed by molecular dynamics simulations” J. Phys. Condensed Matter 19(4) (2007) Art. No. 046213
N Gao, W.S. Lai , “Calculation of elastic constants of Ag/Pd superlattice thin films by molecular dynamics with many-body potentials” Chinese Physics Letters 23 (11) (2006) 2913-2916.
W.S. Lai, Y.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon, “Point-defect properties of, and sputtering events in, the {001} surfaces of Ni3Al. II. Sputtering events at and near surfaces”, Philosophical 85 (16) (2005) 1687-1700.
W.S. Lai, X.S. Zhao, "Strain-induced elastic moduli softening and associated fcc ? bcc transition in iron",Applied Physics Letters, (19) (2004) 4340-4342.
W.S. Lai, A.V. Barashev, D.J. Bacon, "Multiscale modeling of surface sputtering in a scanningtransmission electron microscope",Physical Review B, 70(19) (2004) 195429.
W.S. Lai, Y.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon, "Point-defect properties of, and sputtering events in, the {001} surfaces of Ni3Al - I. Surface and point-defect properties", Philosophical 84 (2)(2004) 173-191.
W.S. Lai and B.X. Liu, "Glass-forming ability of the Ni-Zr and Ni-Ti systems determined by interatomic potentials", J. Mater. Res. 16 (2001) 446-450.
W.S. Lai, Q. Zhang, B.X. Liu, and E. Ma, "Solubility criterion for sequential disordering in metal-metal multilayers upon solid-state reaction", Philos. Mag. Lett. 81 (2001) 45-53.
W.S. Lai, Q. Li, C. Lin and B.X. Liu, “Critical solid solubility of the Ni-Ti system determined by molecular-dynamics simulation and ion mixing”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 227(2)(2001) 503-514.
W.S. Lai and B.X. Liu, "Lattice stability of some Ni-Ti alloy phases versus their chemical composition and disordering", J. Phys. Condensed Matter, 12 (2000) 53-60.
W.S. Lai et al., "Structural stability and amorphization transition in the Ni-Ti system studied by molecular dynamics simulation with an n-body potential", J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 69 (2000) 2903-2937.
W.S. Lai and B.X.Liu, "Influence of interfacial texture and asymmetric growth in diffusion-limited amorphization in Ni-Zr multilayers upon medium-temperature annealing", Phys. Rev. B. 58 (1998) 6063-6073.
W.S. Lai and B.X.Liu, "Evidence of diffusion-controlled vitrification in Ni/Zr bilayer at medium temperatures by molecular-dynamics simulation", Europhys. Lett., 39 (1997) 401-405.