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招生专业 071300-生态学 090702-森林培育 071001-植物学 招生方向 生态功能恢复与生物多样性保育 低效林改造与功能恢复 植物对环境的功能适应 教育背景 1996-03--1999-04 中科院自然资源综合考察委员会 理学博士学位 1989-09--1992-06 中南林学院(现中南林业科技大学) 农学硕士 1985-09--1989-06 西南林学院(现西南林业大学) 农学士 工作简历 2012-09--2013-03 UNiversity of Toledo at Toledo city, Ohio, USA 高级访问学者 2006-04--2007-04 UNiversity of New Brunswick in Saint John, Canada 访问学者 2002-07--今 中科院成都生物研究所 研究员 2002-03--今 中国科学院茂县山地生态系统定位研究站 副站长、站长 1999-12--2002-06 中科院成都生物研究所 副研究员 1992-07--1999-11 中国科学院成都生物研究所 研实、助研 奖励信息 (1) 岷江干旱河谷生态恢复与管理研究,三等奖,省级,2013 (2) 中国科学院王宽诚西部学者贡献奖,专项级,2011 (3) 九寨沟水环境保护,一等奖,省级,2009 (4) 岷江上游山地生态系统恢复重建试,二等奖,省级,2007 科研项目 (1) 森林次生演替过程中土壤C:N:P化学计量学效应及其生物作用机制,主持,国家级,2015-01--2018-12 (2) -川藏铁路沿线脆弱区生态恢复技术试验研究,主持,其他级,2014-06--2016-12 (3) 成兰铁路作业区施工期对生物多样性的影响监测与评估,主持,其他级,2014-03--2017-10 (4) 八角栽培的有机质化学效应及其对土壤与生物群得影响,主持,院级级,2011-07--2013-12 (5) 四川森林固碳现状、速率与潜力研究,主持,专项级,2011-05--2015-12 (6) 高山亚高山植被恢复技术技术研发与示范,主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12 (7) 蔷薇资源保护与开发关键问题研究,参与,院级级,2011-01--2013-12


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(1) Do shifts in soil Oribatida (Acari, Oribatida) give information on differences in fruit yield of Chinese star anise plantation,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 207: 211–217,2015,通讯作者 (2) Non-structural carbohydrate levels of three co-occurring understory plants and their responses to forest thinning by gap creation in a dense pine plantation, Journal of Forestry Research, 26(2):391–396,2015,通讯作者 (3) Photosynthetic responses of two pleurocarpous mosses to low-level nitrogen addition: a study in an old-growth fir forest. ,Journal of bryology, 37(1):15-22,2015,通讯作者 (4) 四川柏木人工林林下植被生物量与林分结构的关系,生态学报,2014,通讯作者 (5) Responses of non-structural carbohydrate levels of Polytrichastrum formosum and the co-occurring understory fern Parathelypteris nipponica to different gap creations by thinning in a dense spruce plantation,Cryptogamie, Bryologie 35 (2): 165-172,2014,通讯作者 (6) Indirect effects of hiking trails on the community structure and diversity of trunk-epiphytic bryophytes in an old-growth fir forest,Journal of bryology, 36(1): 44-55,2014,通讯作者 (7) Understory plant assemblages present distinct short-term responses to the clear-cutting of an old-growth spruce forest nearby alpine timberline,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,44(6): 562–571.Dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2013-0377,2014,通讯作者 (8) Elevational trends in leaf size of Campylotropis polyantha in the arid Minjiang River valley, SW China, Journal of Arid Environment, 108: 1-9,2014,通讯作者 (9) Understory structure and vascular plant diversity in naturally regenerated deciduous forests and spruce plantations on similar clear-cuts--implications for forest regeneration strategy selection, Forests. 5(4):715-743.,2014,通讯作者 (10) Functional trait scaling relationships across thirteen temperate mosses growing in wintertime, Ecological Research, .DOI: 10.1007/s11284-014-1146-1,2014,通讯作者 (11) Changes in seed dormancy of Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. E. H. Wilson with increasing elevation in an arid valley in the eastern Tibetan Plateau,Ecological Research, DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1155-0,2014,通讯作者 (12) Responses of soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity to thinning in a pine,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology171– 172:57– 64,2013,通讯作者 (13) 云杉人工纯林中树木个体径向生长过程及林窗疏伐后的释放效应, 应用与环境生物学报,19 ( 2 ),2013,通讯作者 (14) Regeneration strategy influences ground bryophyte composition and diversity after forest clearcuts,Annals of Forest Science, 70(8):845-861,2013,通讯作者 (15) 岷江干旱河谷25种植物一年生植株根系功能性状及相互关系 ,生态学报,32(1)-215-225 ,2012,通讯作者 (16) Appropriate nitrogen supply could improve soil microbial and chemical characteristics with Sophora davidii seedlings cultivated in water stress conditions,Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil and Plant Science,62 (1) 49-58 ,2012,通讯作者 (17) Statistical analysis of leaf water use efficiency and physiology traits of winter wheat under drought condition,Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(1) 82-89,2012,通讯作者 (18) Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Schindl. seedlings to progressive water stress.,Scientia Horticulturae 127: 436–443,2011,通讯作者 (19) Spatial patterns of the soil seed bank and extant vegetation across the dry Minjiang River valley in southwest China,Journal of Arid Environment. 75: 1083-1089,2011,通讯作者 (20) Shrub effects on a high-altitude forest cutover in eastern Tibetan Plateau,Annals of Forest Science. ,2011,通讯作者 (21) 岷江上游油松与云杉人工林土壤微生物生物量及其影响因素,生态学报, 31(3): 801-811,2011,通讯作者 (22) Levels of physiological dormancy and methods for improving seed germination,Scientia Horticulturae,in press,2011,通讯作者 (23) 青藏高原东部近林线云杉原始林的群落结构与物种组成特点,.生物多样性, 19(1):34-40,2011,通讯作者 (24) Effects of Salix sphaerohymphe shrubs on herbaceous community in forest secondary succession in eastern Tibetan Plateau,Polish Journal of Ecology, accepted ,2011,通讯作者 (25) 岷江干旱河谷核心地段植被微尺度空间格局特征,山地学报,2011,通讯作者 (26) 我国岷江柏林分类及群落特征,《广西植物》2011年 第5期 608-613页,2011,通讯作者 (27) 岷江干旱河谷中心地段植被微尺度空间格局特征,山地学报,第6期 668-676页,2011,通讯作者 (28) 亚高山次生桦木林地表苔藓组成与多样性,生物多样性, 19 (3): 327–334,2011,通讯作者 (29) 基因型及播种密度对冬小麦分蘖期生长生物量分配及产量的影响,应用与环境生物学报,17(3): 369-375,2011,通讯作者 (30) 亚高山次生桦木林地表苔藓组成与多样性,生物多样性, 19 (3): 327–334,2011,通讯作者 (31) The effects of clear-felling subalpine coniferous forests on soil physical and chemical properties in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Soil Use and Management. 27:213-220,2011,通讯作者 (32) Leaf growth, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in wheat cultivars responses to different water deficits,Plant Production Science, 14(3): 254―259,2011,通讯作者 (33) Restoration potential of extant vegetation from soil seed banks within the dry Minjiang River valley in southwest China,Polish Journal of Ecology, 59(2):377-,2011,通讯作者 (34) Growth and Potential Reproduction of Poa crymophila in Response to Season Precipitation Shortage in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau,Russian Journal of Ecology, 41(2): 147–152.,2010,第3作者 (35) 岷江干旱河谷种子库极自然更新潜力评估,生态学报,30(2):399-407,2010,通讯作者 (36) 岷江干旱河谷豆科植物多样性及其空间格局,山地学报,28(1):76—84,2010,通讯作者 (37) 九寨沟林下28种乡土观赏植物种子基本特征,山地学报,28(1):47~55,2010,通讯作者 (38) 低强度林窗式疏伐对云杉人工纯林地表微气候和土壤养分的短期影响.,应用生态学报,78(4):541-548,2010,通讯作者 (39) 苔藓植物监测机动车尾气中元素排放量研究——以九寨沟世界自然遗产地原始林景点为例,应用与环境生物学报,16 ( 1 ): 23-27,2010,通讯作者 (40) The relation of soil microorganism, enzyme activity and soil nutrients under subalpine coniferous forest in Western Sichuan, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 29:286-292,2009,通讯作者 (41) 岷江干旱河谷5种乡土植物的出苗、存活和生长,生态学报,29(5):2219-2230,2009,通讯作者 (42) 岷江干旱河谷典型地段造林效果评估,应用与环境生物学报,15(6) 774~780,2009,通讯作者 (43) 大渡河上游不同林龄云杉人工林与原始林下地表苔藓层片结构与物种组成评估,生物多样性,17 (2): 201-209,2009,第1作者 (44) Evaluating the Changes of Structure and Biomass of Three Common Forest-floor Mosses in Cutovers and Primary Spruce Forest in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau.,应用与环境生物学报, 2009, 15 (1): 8-15,2009,第1作者 (45) Effect of tourism disturbance on epiphytic bryophytes growing on Abies faxoniana trees of primary coniferous forest in Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve,应用与环境生物学报, 15(4): 469-473,2009,通讯作者 (46) Dormancy and germination in Rosa multibracteata,Scientia Horticulturae. 119:434-401,2009,通讯作者 (47) Effects of water stress on growth, dry matter allocation and water-use efficiency of a leguminous species, Sophora davidii.,Agroforestry System.77:193-201,2009,通讯作者 (48) Carbon accumulation, nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency of Sophora,Journal of Arid Environment.73:1067-1073,2009,通讯作者 (49) Post-dispersal factors regulating dormancy and germination of Rosa soulieana achenes,Belgian Journal of Botany, 141 (1) : 103-111,2008,第3作者 (50) 高海拔幼林地表苔藓组成与结构—皆伐与造林实践的影响评估,植物生态学报,32 (4) 815-824,2008,通讯作者 (51) Effects of drought stress and N supply on the growth, biomass partitioning and water-use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings., Environmental and Experimental Botany 63:248–255,2008,第2作者 (52) Growth, biomass partitioning, and water-use efficiency of a leguminous shrub in response to various water availabilities,New Forests,36: 53–65,2008,通讯作者 (53) Effects of water stress and nitrogen supply on leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings,Photosynthetica 46 (1): 40-48,2008,通讯作者 (54) Evaluation of soil fertility under different cupressus chengiana forests using multivariate approach, Pedosphere, 16(5): 602-615,2006,通讯作者 (55) Structural feature of Polytrichum juniperinum population along a cutover habitat restoration sequence of Eastern Tibetan Plateau,Ecological Research,20(6): 701-707,2005,第1作者 (56) Changes in enzyme activities of spruce (Picea balfouriana) forest soil as related to burning in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,Applied Soil Ecology. 30: 215-225,2005,第4作者 (57) Changes in soil enzyme activities of spruce forests with different restoration ages in eastern Tibetan Plateau,Pedosphere,14(3): 305-312,2004,第4作者 (58) A New Species of Heteropolygonatum (Convallariacea-Polygonateae) from Sichuan, China,Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (Kyoto, Japan), 49(2):143~146,1998,第1作者 发表著作 (1) 横断山区干旱河谷生态恢复的理论认识与实践. 见李文华主编,中国当代生态学研究生态恢复卷第二章第6节,progress in research and practice of ecological restoration in arid valley ofd Hengduan Mountains in Li Wenhua eds. Current ecological research in China ,北京-科学出版社,2013年7月,pp183-194,2013-07,第1作者 (2) 世界自然遗产地——九寨与黄龙的生态环境育可持续发展,Ecological conservation and sustainable management in Jiuzhai and Huanglong world heritage sites,科学出版社,2012-05,第2作者 (3) 岷江干旱河谷生态恢复与持续管理的科学基础,Scientific baseline research for ecological restoration and sustainable management of the arid Min River valley,科学出版社,2012-01,第1作者
