Jinghe Yuan, Fanrong Xiao, Guiying Wang, Zhizhan Xu, “The intensity distributions of collected signals in anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy”, Colloids and Surfaces A: hysicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volumes 257-258 , 5 May 2005, Pages 525-534.
Jinghe Yuan, Fanrong Xiao, Guiying Wang, Zhizhan Xu, “The imaging properties of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscope”, Chinese physics, Vol.14, No.5, 1009 (2005).
Fanrong Xiao, Jinghe Yuan, Guiying Wang, Zhizhan Xu, "Tunable phase-only optical filters with uniaxial crystal", Applied Optics Vol. 43, Issue 17, Page 3415 (June 2004).
Fanrong Xiao, Jinghe Yuan, Guiying Wang, Zhizhan Xu, “Three-zone complex pupil filter”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA (in chinese), Vol.24, No.1 (2003).
Jinghe Yuan, “Eye location under different eye poses, scales, and illuminations”, Chinese Optics Letters,2010, Vol.8, No.1, pp:59-62.
Jinghe Yuan,"Blind deconvolution of x-ray diffraction profiles by using high-order statistics", Optical Engineering 2009, Vol. 48, No. 7, 076501.
Jinghe Yuan, Ziqiang Hu, “Gauss-Newton based kurtosis blind deconvolution of spectroscopic data”, Chinese Optics Letters,2006, Vol.4, No.8, pp:490-492.
Jinghe Yuan, Ziqiang Hu, “Spectroscopic blind deconvolution using a constrained high-order cumulant algorithm”, Optical Engineering -- September 2006 -- Volume 45, Issue 9, 093603.
Jinghe Yuan, Ziqiang Hu, “High-order statistical blind deconvolution of spectroscopic data with Gauss-Newton algorithm”, Appl Spectrosc. 2006 Jun;60(6):692-7.
Jinghe Yuan, Ziqiang Hu, Jingzuo Sun, “High-order cumulant based blind deconvolution of Raman spectra”, Appl Opt. 2005 Dec 10;44(35):7595-601.
Jinghe Yuan, Ziqiang Hu, Guiying Wang, and Zhizhan Xu, "Constrained high-order statistical blind deconvolution of spectral data," Chin. Opt. Lett. 3, 552-555 (2005).
Jinghe Yuan,Zhizhan Xu,Sumei Li,Yanxin Zhang, “Novel approach for region merging and image segmentation for human-computer interaction”, Opt. Eng.,Vol. 42(8), 2277(2003).
Yong Wang, Jinghe Yuan, Shengjiang Chang, Yanxin Zhang, “Gesture labeling based on gaze direction recognition for human-machine interaction”, Opt. Eng. vol.41, 2783(2002).
Jinghe Yuan, Shengjiang Chang, Yong Wang, Yanxin Zhang, "The Design and Fabrication of Micro-cube-corner array Retro-reflectors", Optics Communications, Vol.209, pp.75-83 (2002).