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招生方向 复杂流体 微重力流体界面 一般力学与力学基础 教育背景 2000-09--2005-06 中国科学技术大学 博士 1996-09--2000-07 中国科学技术大学 学士 工作简历 2012-12--今 中国科学院力学研究所 研究员 2008-10--今 中国科学院力学研究所 复杂流体课题组长 2007-07--2012-12 中国科学院力学研究所 副研究员 2005-06--2007-06 中国科学院力学研究所 博士后 专著章节: 1. 孙祉伟,徐升华. 第5章:微重力复杂流体,《微重力科学概论》.胡文瑞 等著,科学出版社. 2010. 2. Xu S.H., Sun Z.W. Chapter 6: The influence of gravity on the perikinetic coagulation of colloidal suspensions, In Advances in Microgravity Sciences, Hu W.R., Eds., Transworld Research Network Press. 2009. 科研项目 (1) 悬浮粒子经亚稳态的无序—有序相变有关问题的研究,主持,国家级,2012-01--2015-12 (2) 光散射升级改造—光纤准弹性光散射和扭转共振谱仪,主持,院级级,2012-01--2013-12 (3) 中欧合作—微重力条件下石油组分热扩散特性的研究和Soret系数的测量,主持,院级级,2012-01--2016-12 (4) 复杂流体相态转变与流变行为,主持,院级级,2012-01--2016-12 (5) 微重力条件下几个关键力学问题,参与,国家级,2011-01--2014-12


复杂流体的相变; 胶体聚集行为; 微重力复杂流体; 微重力流体界面现象。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. H. W. Zhou, S. H Xu., W. Z. Ouyang, Z. W. Sun, L. X. Liu, Influence of the surface charge on the homogeneity of colloidal crystals, J. Chem. Phys., 139, 064904, (2013) 2. H. W. Zhou, L. Mi, L. X. Liu, S. H. Xu, Z. W. Sun, Experimental Measurements of the Surface Effective Charge of Colloidal Particles, Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., 29, 1260-1265, (2013) 3. S. H. Xu, H. W. Zhou, C. X. Wang, L. W. Wang, Z. W. Sun, Experimental study on the capillary flow in tubes of different shapes under microgravity condition, Acta Physica Sinica, 62, 134702, (2013) 4. L. Mi, H. W. Zhou, Z. W. Sun, L. X. Liu, S. H. Xu, The use of T-matrix method for determining coagulation rate of colloidal particles in light scattering measurement, Acta Physica Sinica, 62, 134704, (2013) 5. S.H.Xu, Z.W.Sun, X.Li, J.T.Wang, Coupling effect of Brownian motion and laminar shear flow on colloid coagulation: a Brownian dynamics simulation study, Chin. Phys. B 21, 054702 (2012) 6. 徐升华,王林伟,孙祉伟,王彩霞,容器内角处流体界面特性与Surface Evolver程序适用性的研究,物理学报,61,166801(2012) 7. X. Du, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, L. Liu, Influence of Sedimentation on Crystallization of Charged Colloidal Particles, Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 25, 318 (2012) 8. Z.W. Sun, S.H. Xu, Two examples of using physical mechanics approach to evaluate the colloidal stability. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 55, 933 (2012) 9. S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, Progress in coagulation rate measurements of colloidal dispersions, Soft Matter 7, 11298 (2011) 10. H.W. Zhou, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, X. Du, L.X. Liu, Kinetics study of crystallization with the disorder-bcc-fcc phase transition of charged colloidal dispersions, Langmuir 27, 7439 (2011) 11. S.H. Xu, C.X. Wang, Z.W. Sun, W.R. Hu, The influence of contact line velocity and acceleration on the dynamic contact angle: An experimental study in microgravity, Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 54, 2222 (2011) 12. H.W. Zhou, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, X. Du, J.C. Xie, Rapid determination of colloidal crystal's structure by reflection spectrum, Colloids Surface A 375, 50 (2011) 13. W.Z. Ouyang, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, Gas-liquid phase coexistence in quasi-two-dimensional Stockmayer fluids: A molecular dynamics study, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 014901 (2011) 14. W.Z. Ouyang, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, Gas-liquid phase coexistence and finite-size effects in a two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system, Chinese. Sci. Bull., 56, 2773 (2011) 15. 顾凌云,徐升华,孙祉伟,带电粒子形成胶体晶体的有效硬球模型判据的计算机模拟验证,物理学报,60,411(2011) 16. S.H. Xu, H.W. Zhou, Z.W. Sun, J.C. Xie, Formation of an fcc phase through a bcc metastable state in crystallization of charged colloidal particles, Phys. Rev. E 82, 010401 (2010) (Rapid Communications) 17. S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, Evaluation of the Uncertainties Caused by the Forward Scattering in Turbidity Measurement of the Coagulation Rate, Langmuir 26, 6908 (2010) 18. C.X. Wang, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, W.R. Hu, A study of the influence of initial liquid volume on the capillary flow in an interior corner under microgravity, Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 53, 1801 (2010) 19. L.Y. Gu, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, J.T. Wang, Brownian dynamics simulation of the crystallization dynamics of charged colloidal particles, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 350, 409 (2010) 20. 杜嬛,徐升华,孙祉伟,阿燕, 流体力学半径对估算胶体微球聚集速率常数的影响, 物理化学学报,26, 2807 (2010) 21. C.X. Wang, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, W.R. Hu, Influence of Contact Angle and Tube Size on Capillary-Driven Flow Under Microgravity, AIAA J. 47, 2642 (2009) 22. 李旭, 徐升华, 孙祉伟, 流体动力学作用对粒子聚集影响的布朗动力学模拟, 物理化学学报, 25,2130(2009) 23. 王杰,徐升华,孙祉伟,周宏伟, 带电悬浮粒子胶体晶体的固定化, 物理化学学报25, 970 (2009) 24. 李旭, 徐升华, 孙祉伟. 重力对溶液悬浮粒子聚集过程影响的布朗动力学模拟, 物理化学学报, 25, 207 (2009) 25. L. Liu, J. Wang, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, J.T. Wang, Influence of Gravity on Structure of Colloidal Crystal Using Simulated Microgravity, Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 22, 41 (2009) 26. S.H. Xu, J. Liu, Z.W. Sun, P. Zhang, A novel inverse method for determining the refractive indices of medium and dispersed particles simultaneously by turbidity measurement, J.Colloid Interface Sci., 326, 110 (2008) 27. L. Liu, S.H. Xu, J. Liu, Z.W. Sun, Characterization of crystal structure in binary mixtures of latex globules, J.Colloid Interface Sci, 326, 261 (2008) 28. 刘蕾, 徐升华, 孙祉伟, 段俐, 解京昌, 林海, 二元体系胶体晶体性质的实验研究,物理学报,57,7367 (2008) 29. S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, Computer simulation on the collision-sticking dynamics of two colloidal particles in an optical trap, J. Chem. Phys. 126, Art.No. 144903 (2007) 30. J. Liu, S.H. Xu, Z.W. Sun, Toward an Understanding of the Turbidity Measurement of Heterocoagulation Rate Constants of Dispersions Containing Particles of Different Sizes, Langmuir 23, 11451(2007) 31. S.H. Xu, Z. W. Sun, Evaluation of influence of multiple scattering effect in light-scattering-based applications, Chin.Phys.Lett. 24, 1763(2007) 32. Z.W.Sun, J. Liu, S.H. Xu, Study on Improving the Turbidity Measurement of the Absolute Coagulation Rate Constant, Langmuir 22, 4946(2006) 33. S.H. Xu, J. Liu, Z.W. Sun, Optical factors determined by the T-matrix method in turbidity measurement of absolute coagulation rate constants, J.Colloid Interface Sci. 304, 107(2006) 34. 刘蕾,徐升华,刘捷,段俐,孙祉伟,刘忍肖,董鹏, 带电胶体粒子结晶过程的实验研究,物理学报,55,6168 (2006) 35. S.H. Xu, Y.M . Li, L.R. Lou, Systematical study of the trapping forces of optical tweezers formed by different types of optical ring beams, Chin.Phys.B 15, 1391-1397 (2006) 36. Z.W. Sun, S.H. Xu, J. Liu, Y.M. Li, L.R. Lou, J.C. Xie, Improved procedure on the microscopic approach to determine colloidal stability, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 184904 (2005) 37. Z.W. Sun, J. Liu, S.H. Xu, Towards an understanding of the influence of sedimentation on colloidal aggregation by Peclet number, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 2119(2005). 38. S.H. Xu, Y.M. Li, L.R. Lou, Axial optical trapping forces on two particles trapped simultaneously by optical tweezers, Appl.Opt. 44, 2667-2672 (2005) 39. S.H. Xu, L.R. Lou, Y.M. Li, Z.W. Sun, On the aggregation kinetics of two particles trapped in an optical tweezers, Colloids Surf.A 225,159-163 (2005) 40. S.H. Xu, Yinmei Li, Liren Lou, and Zhiwei Sun, Computer simulation of the collision frequency of two particles in optical tweezers, Chin. Phys.B 14, 382 (2005) 41. 孙玉芬,徐升华,李银妹,楼立人,受限分散体系中粒子扩散特性的研究,力学学报 36,739 (2004) 42. Z.W. Sun, S.H. Xu, G.L. Dai, Y.M. Li, L.R. Lou, Q.S. Liu, R.Z. Zhu, A microscopic approach to studying colloidal stability, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 2399(2003). 43. Z.W. Sun, R.Z. Zhu, Y.M. Li, S.H. Xu, L.R. Lou, Dependence of Collision Frequency on Distance between Two Hard-Sphere Particles Estimated by Computer Simulation, ACTA Phys-Chim Sin, 19, 1078 (2003). 44. S.H. Xu, Y.M. Li, L.R. Lou,H.T. Chen, Z.W. Sun, Steady Patterns of Microparticles Formed by Optical Tweezers, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.41, 166 (2002). 45. Z.W. Sun, Y.M. Li, S.H. Xu, L.R. Lou, G.L. Dai, X.Q. Dong, A Direct Test on the Possibility of an Aggregate in Dispersion Being Disrupted by Shear Flow, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 242, 158(2001).
