* Yingfeng Shao, Xianghong Xu, Songhe Meng, Guanghui Bai, Chiping Jiang and Fan Song, Crack patterns in ceramic plates after quenching, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2010, 93 (10): 3006-3008.
* Fan Song, Songhe Meng, Xianghong Xu, and Yingfeng Shao, Enhanced Thermal Shock Resistance of Ceramics through Biomimetically Inspired Nano?ns, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 104 (12): 125502.
* Q. N. Liu, F. Song, S. H. Meng, C. P. Jiang, Universal Biot number determining stress duration and susceptibility of ceramic cylinders to quenching, Philosophical Magazine, 2010, 90 (13): 1725–1732.
* Yan P, Jiang CP, Song F, Xu XH, Estimation of Transverse Thermal Conductivity of Doubly-periodic Fiber Reinforced Composites, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2010, 23 (1): 54-60.
* Liu Qing-Nian, Meng Song-He, Jiang Chi-Ping, Song Fan, Critical Biot's number for Determination of the Sensitivity of Spherical Ceramics to Thermal Shock, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2010, 27(8): 088104.
* Zeping Zhang, Yingfeng Shao, Fan Song, Characteristics of Crack Patterns Controlling the Retained Strength of Ceramics after Thermal Shock, Front. Mater. Sci. China., 2010, 4(3): 251-254.
* Yan, P., Chen, F. L., Jiang, C. P., Song, F., U-transformation-finite element method in 3-dimensional analysis of orthotropic laminates, Composite Structures, 2010, 92(12): 3002-3010.
* Jiang, C. P., Chen, F. L., Yan, P., Song, F., A four-phase confocal elliptical cylinder model for predicting the effective thermal conductivity of coated fibre composites, Philosophical Magazine, 2010, 90(26): 3601-3615.
* Yan, P., Chen, F.L., Jiang, C.P., Song, F., An eigenfunction expansion-variational method in prediction of the transverse thermal conductivity of fiber reinforced composites considering interfacial characteristics, Compos. Sci. Technol., 2010, 70 (12): 1726-1732.
* Fan Song, Interactions between Nearest- neighboring Glycosaminoglycan Molecules of Articular Cartilage, Mol Cell Biomech., 2010, 7(1):13-23.
* Song F. Liu Q.N. Meng, S.H. Jiang, C.P. A universal biot number determining the susceptibility of ceramics to quenching, Europhysics letters, 2009, 87(5): 54001.
* Songhe Meng, Guoqian Liu, Yue Guo, Xianghong Xu, Fan Song, Mechanisms of thermal shock failure for ultra-high temperature ceramic, Materials and Design, 2009, 30: 2108–2112.
* Song F, Zhou JB, Xu XH, Xu Y, Bai YL, Effect of a negative Poisson ratio in the tension of ceramics, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2008, 100 (24): 245502. (Selected for the June 30, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.)
* F. Song, KW Xiao, K Bai, YL Bai, Microstructure and nanomechanical properties of the wing membrane of dragonfly, Mat.Sic.Eng.A. 2007, 457: 254-260..
* Kewei XIAO, Ke BAI, Fan SONG, Experimental study for the microstructure and nanomechanical properties of the wing membrane of dragonfly, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2007, 23:281-285.
* BAI Ke, ZHANG Taihua, YANG Zhiyu, SONG Fan, and YANG Xiaoda, WANG Kui, Anisotropic, gradient and metal-like mechanical behaviors of teeth and their implications on tooth functions, Chinese Science bulletin, 2007, 52 (17): 2310-2315.
* Li J, Mayau D. Song F, 2007, A constitutive model for cavitation and cavity growth in rubber-like materials under arbitrary tri-axial loading, Int. J. Solids. Struct., 44: 6080-6100.
* Song, F., Moyne, C. and Bai, Y.L., Electrostatic interactions between glycosaminoglycan molecules. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2005, Vol. 22 (2): 499-502.
* Song, F., Lee, K.L., Soh, A.K., Zhu, F. and Bai, Y.L., Experimental studies of the material properties of the forewing of cicada (Homóptera, Cicàdidae), J. Exp. Biol., 2004, 207(17): 3035-3042.
* Song, F., Soh, A.K. and Bai, Y.L., Structural and Mechanical Properties of the
Organic Matrix Layers of Nacre, Biomaterials, 2003, Vol.24 (20): 3622-3631.
* Song, F. and Bai, Y.L., The Effects of Nanostructurals on the Fracture Strength of the Interfaces in Nacre. J. Mater. Res., 2003, Vol.18 (8): 1741-1744. * Song, F., Zhang, X.H. and Bai, Y.L., Microstructure and Characteristics of the Organic Matrix Layers of Nacre, J. Mater. Res., 2002, Vol.17 (7): 1567-1570.
* Song, F., Zhang, X.H. and Bai, Y.L., Microstructure in A Biointerface, J. Mater. Sci. Lett, 2002, Vol.21 (8): 639-641.
* Song, F. and Bai, Y.L., Nanostructure of Nacre and its mechanical effects, Int. J. Nonl. Sci. & Numerical Simulation, 2002, Vol.3 (3/4): 257-260.
* Song Fan, Bai Yilong, Mineral bridges of nacre and its effects, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2001, Vol.17(3):251-257.
* Song Fan, Bai Yilong, Analysis of the strengthening and toughening of a biomaterial interface, Science in China (Series A), 2001, Vol.44 (12): 1696-1601.