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张立福主持国家国家重点研发专项、国家自然科学基金委重点基金、兵团创新团队以及其它省部级等项目,发表论文200 余篇,在Remote Sensing of Environment、IEEE TGRS、IEEE TGRL 等国际知名刊物SCI 论文90 余篇,申请专利90项,授权PCT国际专利3项,软件著作登记30 余项。获2018年度国家科技进步二等奖(排名第二)、2016 年度中科院杰出科技成就奖突出贡献者、军队科技进步奖二等奖、地理信息科技进步奖二等奖、测绘科技进步三等奖等奖项。 招生专业 070503-地图学与地理信息系统 085400-电子信息 招生方向 高光谱遥感,遥感大数据与精准农业,植被高光谱遥感,水质参数光谱反演模型 遥感多维数据综合与表征 教育背景 2001-09--2005-07 武汉大学 工学博士 1997-09--2000-07 武汉大学 工学硕士 1988-09--1992-07 武汉大学 工学学士 工作简历 2020-03~现在, 中科院空天信息创新研究院, 遥感卫星应用国家工程实验室副主任 2013-04~2020-03,中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 对地观测中心副主任/高光谱研究室主任 2011-05~2011-11,澳大利亚联邦科工局CSIRO, 高级访问学者 2007-10~2013-03,中国科学院遥感应用研究所, 高光谱研究室主任 2005-07~2007-10,北京大学, 地理学博士后 2003-08~2004-09,日本奈良女子大学, 访问研究员 1992-07~2000-10,武汉大学, 历任副主任、主任


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Lifu Zhang, Wenzhe Jiao, Hongming Zhang, Changping Huang, and Qingxi Tong, Studying drought phenomena in the Continental United States in 2011 and 2012 using various drought indices.Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 190:96-106. 2.Zhang, Xia; Sun, Yanli; Shang, Kun;Zhang, Lifu; Wang, Shudong, Crop Classification Based on Feature Band Set Construction and Object-Oriented Approach Using Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(9), pp 4117-4128, 2016/9. 3.Zhai, Yongguang;Zhang, Lifu; Wang, Nan; Guo, Yi; Cen, Yi; Wu, Taixia; Tong, Qingxi, A Modified Locality-Preserving Projection Approach for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13(8), pp 1059-1063, 2016/8. 4.Lin, Yi;Zhang, Lifu; Wang, Cheng, Airborne light detection and ranging laser return intensity-based investigation into crown-inside. A case study on Quercus robur trees, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10, 2016/5/27. 5.Zhang, Hongming; Wu, Taixia;Zhang, Lifu; Zhang, Peng, Development of a Portable Field Imaging Spectrometer: Application for the Identification of Sun-Dried and Sulfur-Fumigated Chinese Herbals, Applied Spectroscopy, 70(5), pp 879-887, 2016/5. 6.Li Yao;Zhang Li-fu; Huang Chang-ping; Wang Jin-nian; Cen Yi, Monitor of Cyanobacteria Bloom in Lake Taihu from 2001 to 2013 Based on MODIS Temporal Spectral Data, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 36(5), pp 1406-1411, 2016/5. 7.Xueke Li, Taixia Wu, Kai Liu, Yao Li,Lifu Zhang. Evaluation of the Chinese Fine Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Satellite TianGong-1 in Urban Land-Cover Classification. Remote Sensing, 8(5),pp 438-455, 2016 8.Wenzhe Jiao,Lifu Zhang, Qing Chang, Dongjie Fu,Yi Cen and Qingxi Tong. Evaluating an Enhanced Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) Based on VIUPD for Drought Monitoring in the Continental United States. Remote Sensing, 8(3),pp 224-245, 2016 9.Siheng Wang, Changping Huang,Lifu Zhang, Yi Lin, Yi Cen and Taixia Wu. Monitoring and Assessing the 2012 Drought in the Great Plains: Analyzing Satellite-Retrieved Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Drought Indices, and Gross Primary Production. Remote Sensing, 8(2),pp 61-78, 2016 11.Siheng Wang;Lifu Zhang; Dongjie Fu; Xu Lu; Taixia Wu; Qingxi Tong, Selecting photovoltaic generation sites in Tibet using remote sensing and geographic analysis, Solar Energy, 133, pp 85-93, 2016/8. 12.Gao, Yingqian;Zhang, Lifu; Wang, Xiangwei; Chen, Jian; Cheng, Haifeng, Interfacial characterization of an oxide fiber-reinforced silica matrix composite containing a single layer pyrocarbon interphase, Ceramics International, 42(5), pp 6504-6509, 2016/4. 13.Zhang, Hongming; Wu, Taixia;Zhang, Lifu; Zhang, Peng, Development of a Portable Field Imaging Spectrometer: Application for the Identification of Sun-Dried and Sulfur-Fumigated Chinese Herbals., Applied Spectroscopy, 2016/3/22. 14.Lin, Honglei; Zhang, Xia; Shuai, Tong;Zhang, Lifu; Sun, Yanli, Abundance retrieval of hydrous minerals around the Mars Science Laboratory landing site in Gale crater, Mars, Planetary and Space Science, 121, pp 76-82, 2016/2. 15.Jiang Hai-ling;Zhang Li-fu; Yang Hang; Chen Xiao-ping; Tong Qing-xi, Research on Spectral Scale Effect in the Estimation of Vegetation Leaf Chlorophyll Content, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 36(1), pp 169-176, 2016/1. 16.Xiaojun She,Lifu Zhang, Yi Cen, Taixia Wu, Changping Huang and Muhammad Hasan Ali Baig. Comparison of the Continuity of Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat 8 OLI and Landsat 7 ETM+ Data among Different Vegetation Types. Remote Sens. 2015, 7(10), 13485-13506; 17.Zhang, Lifu; Sun, Xuejian; *Wu, Taixia; Zhang, Hongming. An Analysis of Shadow Effects on Spectral Vegetation Indexes Using a Ground-Based Imaging Spectrometer. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(11), pp 2188-2192, 2015/11. 18.Dongjie Fu,Lifu Zhang, Hao Chen, Juan Wang, Xuejian Sun and Taixia Wu. Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2015, 4(4), 2542-2560 19.Yi Lin; Miao Jiang; Yunjun Yao;Lifu Zhang; Jiayuan Lin, Use of UAV oblique imaging for detection of individual trees in residential environments, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2015/4/15. 20.Shudong Wang; Muhammad Hasan Ali Baig;Lifu Zhang; Hailiang Jiang; Yuhe Ji; Hengqian Zhao; Jingguo Tian, A Simple Enhanced Water Index (EWI) for Percent Surface Water Estimation Using Landsat Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(1), pp 90-97, 2015/1/1. 21.Sun X,Zhang L, Yang H, et al. Enhancement of Spectral Resolution for Remotely Sensed Multispectral Image [J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2198-2211, 2015 22.Hengqian Zhao; *Lifu Zhang; Xia Zhang; Jia Liu; Taixia Wu; Shudong Wang.Hyperspectral Feature Extraction Based on the Reference Spectral Background Removal Method.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. , 8(1), pp 1-16, 2015. 23.Kai Liu, Hongbo Su,Lifu Zhang, Hang Yang, Renhua Zhang and Xueke Li.Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Shijiazhuang, China Using Satellite and Airborne Data. Remote Sens. 2015, 7(4), 4804-4833 24.Nan Wang, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang,Lifu Zhang. An Abundance Characteristic Based Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2015, 53(1):416-428 25.Qian Wang,Lifu Zhang*, Qingxi Tong, and Feizhou Zhang Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising based on Oblique Subspace Projection,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2014, 7(6):2468-2480 26.Wang S,Zhang L, Zhang X, et al. Coupling remote sensing data and eco-hydrological model to evaluate Non-point source pollution risk for water resource management[J].World Journal of Engineering, 2014, 11(2): 157-162 27.Baig M H A,Zhang L*, Shuai T, et al. Derivation of a tasselled cap transformation based on Landsat 8 at-satellite reflectance[J].Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 5(5): 423-431 28.Wang Q,Zhang L*, Wu T, Cen Y, Huang C, Tong Q. Evaluation of Multiple Spring Phenological Indicators of Yearly GPP and NEP at Three Canadian Forest Sites.Remote Sensing. 2014, 6(3):1991-2007 29.Tong Shuai, Xia Zhang, Shudong Wang,Lifu Zhang, Kun Shang, Xiaoping Chen, Jinnian Wang: A Spectral Angle Distance-Weighting Reconstruction Method for Filled Pixels of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product.IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett.2014, 11(9): 1514-1518 30.Lifu Zhang, shunshi Hu, Hang Yang, Taixia Wu,Qingxi Tong. The Effects of Solar Irradiance Spectra on Calculation of Narrow Band Top-of-Atmosphere Hyperspectral Reflectance,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2014, 7(1):49-58 31.Qingxi Tong, Yongqi Xue,Lifu Zhang*. Progress in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Science and Technology in China over the Past Three Decades,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014,7(1):70-91 32.Yang Hang,Zhang Lifu*, Gao Yingqian, Tong Qingxi . Temperature and Emissivity Separation from Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI) Data.Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 2013, 79 (12):1099-1107 33.Tong Shuai,Xia Zhang *,Lifu Zhang, Jinnian Wang. Mapping Global Lunar Abundance of Plagioclase, Clinopyroxene and Olivine with Interference Imaging Spectrometer Hyperspectral Data Considering Space Weathering Effect,ICARUS, 2013, 222(1): 401–410 34.Chen, Xiaoping,Lifu Zhang*,Xia Zhang, and Bo Liu. "Comparison of the sensor dependence of vegetation indices based on Hyperion and CHRIS hyperspectral data."International Journal of Remote Sensing.2013, 34 (6):2200-2215 35.Taixia Wu,Lifu Zhang*,Yi Cen. Polarized spectral measurement and analysis ofSedum spectabileBoreau using a field imaging spectrometer system,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2013,6(2)724-730 36.Huang, C.,L. Zhang*, J. Fang, and Q. Tong. "A Radiometric Calibration Model for the Field Imaging Spectrometer System."IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.2013, 51(4):2465-2474 37.YANGHang,ZHANGLi-fu*,HUANGZhao-qiang,ZHANG X uewen, et al.Quantitative Inversion of Rock SiO2Content Based on Thermal Infrared Emissivity Spectrum,Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2012,32(6):1611 – 1615 38.LIUBo,TONGQing-xi,ZHANGLi-fu,ZHANGXia et al. Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Spectral Characteristics of Leaves of Karst Plant during Dehydration Using a Field Imaging Spectrometer System.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2012, 32 (6):1460 – 1465 39.Lifu Zhang, Changping Huang, Taixia Wu, Feizhou Zhang and Qingxi Tong, Laboratory Calibration of the Field Imaging Spectrometer System,Sensors.2011, 11(3):2408-2425 40.HUANG Changping,ZHANG Lifu*, ZHANG Xiaohong, ZHENG Lanfen, TONG Qingxi. Study on Discrimination of Varieties of Milk Based on FISS Imaging spectral Data.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2011, 31(1):214-218 45.ZHANG Xue-wen,ZHANG Li-fu*, HUANG Chang-ping ,ZHENG Lan-fen, TONG Qing-xi. Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Meat Discrimination Based on FISS Imaging Spectral Data.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2011, 31(8):287-2190 46.Zhang Lifu, Zhang Xuewen,HuangZhaoqiang, Yanghang,Zhang Feizhou.Quantitative Estimation of CaO Content in Surface Rocks Using Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Emissivity,Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis.2011, 31(11):2940 – 2943 47.Lifu Zhang, Bo Liu, Bing ZhangQingxi Tong.An Evaluate the effect of spectral response function of satellite sensor to precision of universal pattern decomposition method.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2010,31(8):2083-2090 48.Li Bo, Yan Lei,Zhang Lifu.Evaluation of Sensor Spectral Parameters for the Simulation Accuracy of the Vegetation Spectrum,Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2010, 30(7): 1843-1847 49.Liu Bo, Fang Junyong, Liu Xue,Zhang Lifu, Zhang Bing, Tong Qingxi. Research on Crop-weed Discrimination Using a Field Imaging Spectrometer.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2010, 30(7):1830-1833 50.Tong Q X, Xue Y Q, Wang J N,Zhang L Fet. al. Development and application of the Field Imaging Spectrometer System.Journal of Remote Sensing. 2010, 14(3):409-422 51.Liu B.,Zhang L.*, Zhang X., Zhang B., Tong Q. Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach.Sensors.2009, 9(4):3090-3108 52.Zhang Lifu, Zhang Liangpei, Yan Lei, Yang Shaowen, Fujiwara Noboru, Muramatsu Kanako, and Daigo Motomasa. Hyperspectral data transformation and vegetation index performance based on the universal pattern decomposition method,Journal of imaging science and technology,2007,51(2):141-147 53.Zhang, Lifu, Furumi, S., Murumatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L. Sensor-independent analysis method for hyperspectral data based on the pattern decomposition method,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2006, 27(21) : 4899-4910 54.Zhang, Lifu, Furumi, S., Murumatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L. A New Vegetation Index Based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2007, 28(1):107-124 55.Zhang, Lifu, Fujiwara, N., Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Daigo, M., and Zhang L Assessment of the universal pattern decomposition method using MODIS and ETM+ data,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2007, 28(1):125-142


中科院空天院遥感卫星应用国家工程实验室副主任,高光谱研究室主任。第一届国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会委员,成像光谱专业委员会副主任委员,ACRS 协会学术委员会委员,中国遥感应用协会专家委员会副主任委员,中国空间遥感委员会委员;IEEE Senior Member,
