个人简介:2003年7月东北林业大学森林资源与环境学院(今林学院)国家生物科学理科专业基地班;2006年6月东北林业大学生命科学院遗传学硕士,同年留校任职于生命科学院实验中心。2014年3月德国海德堡大学(Heidelberg University)生物研究中心(COS)获得植物分子生物学博士学位,导师Thomas Rausch教授;2014年4月开始在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)科学院开始做博士后研究,师从Allen Good 教授。2016年10月开始回国入职南京林业大学生物与环境学院植物科学系。
主要教学课程:本科生《植物学》、《野生动植物保护与管理》、《野生动植物保护概论》和《观赏植物学》;研究生《细胞生物学》和国教院留学生《Molecular Cell Biology》等。
Ongoing Projects (在研项目)
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2019-2022) 主持人
2. 高层次和高学历人才留学回国人员科研启动基金(2017-2020) 主持人
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2018-2021) 第一参与人
4. 江苏省自然科学基金 青年项目 (2018-2021) 第一参与人
Projects (完成项目)
1. Genetics and Physiology of Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants 加拿大NSERC & RGPIN 89739
2. NUE machanism in barly, Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RES0001296)
3. 拟南芥蔗糖代谢的翻译后调控相关突变体研究 德国精英大学项目
4. 果聚糖代谢调控路径中关键酶的功能和调控 德国联邦科研基金(DFG)项目
5. 德国生物能源植物芒草木质素合成和分解的分子调控 德国国家和巴登符登州科研项目
(1). 杨树Populus和拟南芥Arabidopsis糖代谢的翻译后调控(PTR)和植物抗逆适应的分子机理
(2). 杨树Populus碳和氮元素利用(Carbon/Nitrogen metabolism)代谢通路的分子调控
(3). 拟南芥Arabidopsis和作物Barley激素(ABA和MEL)调节植物生长发育和抗逆适应性
(4). 栎树Quercus体细胞胚和合子胚无性系诱导发生及遗传转化体系的建立
Representative Publications (past 5 years)
(1) Tao Su, Huaiye Zhou, Wanting Shi, Qi Zhang, Jingyi Zhao (2020).Enzyme Purification and Functional Evaluation of a Root-expressed Invertase Inhibitor in Poplar. (in press)
(2) Zhenyu Shan, Biyao Zhou, Yao Li, Daosen Liu, Wei Li, Julin Ma, Tao Su* (2020). Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis of Ilex viridis Champ. ex Benth. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 5(1):914-915. DOI:10.1080/23802359.2020.1719917.(IF=0.561, *correspondence)
(3) Tao Su, Mengru Zhang, Yao Li, Dan Cao, Daosen Liu, Mei Han* (2020).The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of Ilex micrococca Maxim.Mitochondrial DNA Part B.5(1):914-915.DOI:10.1080/23802359.2020. 1719917.(IF=0.561)
(4) Tao Su, Mei Han, Jie Min, Huaiye Zhou, Qi Zhang, Jinyi Zhao and Yanming Fang (2020).Functional Characterization of Invertase Inhibitors PtC/VIF1 and 2 Revealed Their Involvements in the Defense Response to Fungal Pathogen in Populus trichocarpa.Front. Plant Sci. 10:1654.DOI:10.3389/fpls.2019. 01654. (IF=4.106)
(5) Tao Su, Mei Han, Jie Min, Dan Cao, Huixin Pan, Yuxin Liu (2020). The Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Populus deltoides ‘Siyang-2’.Mitochondrial DNA Part B.5(1):283-285.DOI:10.1080/23802359. 2019.1700840.(IF=0.561)
(6) Tao Su, Mei Han*, Jie Min, Dan Cao, Guangqing Zhai, Huaiye Zhou, Nanyue Li, Mingzhi Li (2019). Genome-Wide Characterization of AspATs in Populus: Gene Expression Variation and Enzyme Activities in Response to Nitrogen Perturbations. Forests.10, 449. DOI:10.3390/f10050449. (IF=2.116)
(7) Tao Su*, Mei Han, Jie Min, Peixian Chen, Yuxin Mao, Qiao Huang, Qian Tong, Qiuchen Liu, Yanming Fang (2018). Genome-Wide Survey of Invertase Encoding Genes and Functional Characterization of an Extracellular Fungal Pathogen-responsive Invertase in Glycine max. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 9, 2395. DOI:0.3390/ijms19082395. (IF=4.183)
(8) Hongbin Wei, Hongbo Zhao, Tao Su, Anja Bausewein, Steffen Greiner, Karsten Harms, and Thomas Rausch (2017). Chicory R2R3-MYB Transcription Factors CiMYB5 and CiMYB3 Regulate Fructan 1-Exohydrolase Expression in Response to Abiotic Stress and Hormonal Cues. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (15): 4323-4338. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erx210. (IF=5.360)
(9) Xiaofei Tang, Tao Su*, Mei Han, Lai Wei, Weiwei Wang, Zhiyuan Yu, Yongguo Xue, Hongbin Wei, Yejie Du, Steffen Greiner, Thomas Rausch, Lijun Liu* (2017). Suppression of Extracellular Invertase Inhibitor Gene Expression Improves Seed Weight in soybean (Glycine Max). Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (3): 469-482. DOI:10.1093/jxb/erw425. (IF=5.360, *correspondence)
(10) Hongbin Wei, Anja Bausewein, Heike Steiniger, Tao Su, Hongbo Zhao, Steffen Greiner, Thomas Rausch (2016). Linking the Expression of Fructan Active Enzymes, Cell Wall Invertase Isoforms and Sucrose Transporter Isoforms at Whole Plant Level with Fructan Profiles in Growing Taproot of Chicory (Cichorium intybus): Impact of Hormonal and Environmental Cues. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1806.DOI:10.3389/fpls.2016.01806. (IF=4.106)
(11) Mei Han, Julia Wong, Tao Su*, Perrin H. Beatty, Allen G. Good (2016). Identification of Nitrogen Use Efficiency Genes in Barley: Searching for QTLs Controlling Complex Physiological Traits. Front. Plant Sci.7:1587. DOI:10.3389/fpls.2016.01587. (IF=4.106, *correspondence)
(12) Tao Su*, Sebastian Wolf, Mei Han, Hongbo Zhao, Hongbin Wei, Steffen Greiner, Thomas Rausch (2016). Reassessment of an Arabidopsis Cell Wall Invertase Inhibitor AtCIF1 Reveals Its Role in Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth. Plant Molecular Biology. 90(1):137-155. DOI:10.1007/s11103-015-0402-2. (IF=3.928, *correspondence)
(13) Hongbo Zhao, Tao Su, Liuqing Huo, Hongbin Wei, Yang Jiang, Lingfei Xu and Fengwang Ma (2015). Unveiling the Mechanism of Melatonin Impacts on Maize Seedlings Growth: Sugar Metabolism as a Case. Journal of Pineal Research. 59 (2):255-266. DOI:10.1111/jpi. 12258.(IF=15.221)
(14) Hongbo Zhao, Lingfei Xu, Tao Su, Yang Jiang, Lingyu Hu, Fengwang Ma (2015). Melatonin Regulates Carbohydrate Metabolism and Defense against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Pineal Research.59 (1):109-119. DOI: 10.1111/jpi.12245. (IF=15.221)
Publications (before 2014)
(1) Mei Han, Simon Heppel, Tao Su, Jochen Bogs, Yuangang Zu, Zhigang An, Thomas Rausch (2013). Enzyme Inhibitor Studies Reveal Complex Control of Methyl-D-Erythritol 4-Phosphate (MEP) Pathway Enzyme Expression in C.roseus. PLoS ONE. 8(5):e62476. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062467. (IF=2.776)
(2) Fansuo Zeng, Yaguang Zhan, Tao Su (2008).Analysis of Flanking Frequencies of T-DNAs in Transgenic Birch Plants Based on Site Finding PCR. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE), May 16-18, 349-35. (EI期刊)
(3) Mei Han, Tao Su, YuanGang Zu, ZhiGang An (2006). Research Advances on Transgenic Plant Vaccines. Acta Genetica Sinica (Journal of Genetics and Genomics).33(4):285-293.DOI: 10.1016/S0379-4172(06)60053-X. (IF=4.650)
(4) Tao Su, Guanya Zhan, Mei Han and Aiping Hao (2005).Chloroplast Genetic Engineering: a New Approach in Plant Biotechnology.Chinese Journal of Biotechnology.21(4):674-680.