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陈斌(Bin J. W. Chen),博士,硕士生导师。 教育背景: 2010.10 – 2015.03 荷兰乌特勒支大学 生态学专业 Ph.D. 2013.01 – 2015.03 荷兰瓦格宁根大学 生态学专业 guest Ph.D. student 2007.09 – 2010.06 南京大学 生态学专业 M.Sc. 2003.09 – 2007.06 南京大学 生物科学专业 B.Sc. 主要合作者: Prof. dr. Niels P.R. Anten (Wageningen University) Dr. Heinjo J. During (Utrecht University) Prof. dr. Chi Xu (Nanjing University) Dr. Zheng Y.X. Huang (Nanjing Normal University) 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,根系分泌物介导的根系亲缘识别对植物生长策略的影响(31600328),2017-2019,主持。 国家科技部,“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题,人工林地下生态过程对生产力的调控机制(2016YFD0600204),2016-2020,课题骨干。 国家科技部,“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题,喀斯特高原石漠化综合治理与生物能源产业技术与示范(2016YFC0502605),2016-2020,课题骨干。 2016年校级“教学质量提升工程”项目,课程建设——微课,《生理生态学》


1.群落生态学—基于进化博弈论研究植物在竞争中的生长繁殖策略; 2.生理生态学—植物个体间的身份识别; 3.城市生态学—植物在城市环境中的生长适应策略。



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Chen BJW, Xu C, Liu M-S, Huang ZYX, Zhang M-J, Tang J, Anten NPR. (2020). Neighbourhood-dependent root distributions and the consequences on root separation in arid ecosystems. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13360 Zhang M-J, Chen B, Xu C. (2020). Cultural tree preference and its influence on tree biodiversity in urban public spaces in Nanjing city, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 48, 126568. 周志宇, 陈斌, 郑光, 吴秉校, 苗馨予, 杨丹, 徐驰. (2020). 基于地基激光雷达点云的植被表型特征测量研究. 生态学杂志, 39(1), 308-314. Chen BJW, Hajiboland R, Bahrami-rad S, Moradtalab N, Anten NPR. (2019). Presence of belowground neighbors activates defense pathways at the expense of growth in tobacco Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 751. Zhou Z, Yan T, Zhu Q, Bu X, Chen B, Xue J, Wu Y. (2019). Bacterial community structure shifts induced by biochar amendment to karst calcareous soil in southwestern areas of China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19, 356-365. 李晓婷, 陈斌, 王海军, 郑光, 杨丹, 苗馨予, 徐驰. (2019). 城市夜间灯光对香樟生长的影响. 应用生态学报, 30(7), 2284-2290. 湛斌, 赵家豪, 陈斌, 关庆伟. (2019). 江西武夷山南方铁杉原始林空间结构特征分析. 西北林学院学报, 34(4), 192-198. 赵家豪, 袁景西, 袁在翔, 王小民, 陈斌, 郑元庆, 关庆伟. (2019). 江西武夷山南方铁杉针阔混交林不同地形土壤元素分析. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), online. Chen BJW, Xu C, Liu M-S, Huang ZYX, Zhang M-J, Tang J, Anten NPR. (2020). Neighbourhood-dependent root distributions and the consequences on root separation in arid ecosystems. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13360 Zhang M-J, Chen B, Xu C. (2020). Cultural tree preference and its influence on tree biodiversity in urban pulic spaces in Nanjing city, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 48, 126568. Chen BJW, Hajiboland R, Bahrami-rad S, Moradtalab N, Anten NPR. (2019). Presence of belowground neighbors activates defense pathways at the expense of growth in tobacco plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 751. Zhou Z, Yan T, Zhu Q, Bu X, Chen B, Xue J, Wu Y. (2019). Bacterial community structure shifts induced by biochar amendment to karst calcareous soil in southwestern areas of China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19, 356-365. Xiao W, Fei F, Diao J, Chen BJW, Guan Q. (2018). Thinning intensity affects microbial functional diversity and enzymatic activities associated with litter decomposition in a Chinese fir plantation. Journal of Forestry Research, 29, 1337-1350. Tao T, Abades S, Teng S, Huang ZYX, Reino L, Chen BJW, Zhang Y, Xu C, Svenning J-C. (2017). Macroecological factors shape local-scale spatial patterns in agriculturalist settlements. Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284, 20172003. Dong T, Li J, Liao Y, Chen BJW, Xu X. (2017). Root-mediated sex recognition in a dioecious tree. Scientific Reports, 7, 801. Qiu Y, Chen BJW, Song Y, Huang ZYX, Wan L, Huang C, Liu M, Xu C. (2016). Composition, distribution and habitat effects of vascular plants on the vertical surfaces of an ancient city wall. Urban Ecosystems, 19, 939-948. Chen X, Chen HYH, Chen X, Wang J, Chen B, Wang D, Guan Q. (2016). Soil labile organic carbon and carbon-cycle enzyme activities under different thinning intensities in Chinese fir plantations. Applied Soil Ecology, 107, 162-169. Chen BJW, During HJ, Vermeulen PJ, de Kroon H, Poorter H, Anten NPR. (2015). Corrections for rooting volume and plant size reveal negative effects of neighbour presence on root allocation in pea. Functional Ecology, 29, 1383-1391. Chen BJW, Vermeulen PJ, During HJ, Anten NPR. (2015). Testing for disconnection and distance effects on physiological self-recognition within clonal fragments of Potentilla reptans. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, 215. Xu C, Chen BJW, Abades S, Reino L, Teng S, Ljungqvist FC, Huang ZYX, Liu M. (2015). Macroecological factors explain large-scale spatial population patterns of ancient agriculturalists. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, 1030-1039. Chen BJW, During HJ, Vermeulen PJ, Anten NPR. (2014). The presence of a below-ground neighbour alters within-plant seed size distribution in Phaseolus vulgaris. Annals of Botany, 114, 937-943. Xu C, Huang ZYX, Chi T, Chen BJW, Zhang M, Liu M. (2014). Can local landscape attributes explain species richness patterns at macroecological scales? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 436-445. Chen BJW, During HJ, Anten NPR. (2012). Detect thy neighbor: Identity recognition at the root level in plants. Plant Science, 195, 157-167. Xu C, Liu M, Zhang M, Chen B, Huang Z, Uriankhai T, Sheng S. (2011). The spatial pattern of grasses in relation to tree effects in an arid savannah community: Inferring the relative importance of canopy and root effect. Journal of Arid Environments, 75, 953-959. Huang Z, Liu M, Chen B, Uriankhai T, Xu C, Zhang M. (2010). Distribution and interspecific correlation of root mass density in an arid Elaeagnus angustifolia-Achnatherum splendens community. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30, 45-49.
