1. 杨树转基因育种技术研究,国家863计划课题,主持
2. 应对气候变化和生物能源开发的杨树遗传改良合作研究,国家国际科技合作项目,主持
3. 杨树休眠的分子机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目,主持
4. 杨树分子育种与品种创制,国家863计划课题,主持
5. 杨树、油桐高产、优质、抗病虫性状基因解析, 国家林业公益性行业科研重大专项课题,主持
1. 林木良种细胞工程繁育技术及产业化应用,国家科技进步二等奖,2016,诸葛强(第6完成人)
2. 林木细胞工程繁育技术及其应用,江苏省科学技术奖一等奖,2015,诸葛强(第9完成人)
3. 鹅掌楸属种间杂交育种与杂种优势产业化开发利用,国家科技进步二等奖,2005,诸葛强(第9完成人)
4. 江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人(江苏省教育厅,2004)
5. 诸葛强等. 一种杨树遗传转化方法. 授权发明专利: ZL201310215134.0
6. 诸葛强等.一种植物维管组织特异表达启动子及其表达载体和应用. 授权发明专利: ZL201210382844.8
7. 诸葛强等.一种柳杉组织培养快速繁殖方法. 授权发明专利: ZL201210383383.6
8. 诸葛强等.一种删除转基因杨树选择标记基因的方法.授权发明专利: ZL201110063438.0
1. Heterologous overexpression of poplar SnRK2 genes enhanced salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thalina, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,7(612)(通讯作者)
2. High-level SUMO-mediated fusion expression of ABP-dHC-cecropin A from multiple joined genes in Escherichia coli. Analytical Biochemistry, 2016, 509:15-23(通讯作者)
3. Expression of the chickpea CarNAC3 gene enhances salinity and drought tolerance in transgenic poplars. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 2015,120:141–154(通讯作者)
4. In vitro production and antifungal activity of peptide ABP-dHC-cecropin A. Journal of Biotechnology,2015,199:47–54(通讯作者)
5. Molecular structure, chemical synthesis, and antibacterial activity of ABP-dHC-cecropin A from drury (Hyphantria cunea). Peptides. 2015,68: 197-204(通讯作者)
6. Functional Analysis of Two Orthologous NAC Genes, CarNAC3,and CarNAC6 from Cicer arietinum, Involved in Abiotic Stresses in Poplar. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 2015,33:1539–1551(通讯作者)
7. RNA-directed DNA methylation in plants. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34:1857–1862(通讯作者)
8. A novel inclusion complex (β-CD/ABP-dHC-cecropin A) with antibiotic properties for use as an anti-Agrobacterium additive in transgenic poplar rooting medium. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2015,81:72-79(通讯作者)
9. Physical interaction between SnRK2 and PP2C is conserved in Populus trichocarpa. Plant Biotechnology, 2015, 32, 337–341(通讯作者)
10. Overexpression of PtSOS2 Enhances Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Poplars. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 2014,32:185-197(通讯作者)
11. Responses of Populus trichocarpa galactinol synthase genes to abiotic stresses. Journal of Plant Research. 2014,127:347-358(通讯作者)
12. An Efficient Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation System for Poplar. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2014, 15, 10780-10793(通讯作者)
13. Isolation and functional analysis of the poplar RbcS gene promoter. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 2013, 31:120-127(通讯作者)
14. Analysis of Synonymous Codon Usage Patterns in Seven Different Citrus Species. Evolutionary Bioinformatics. 2013, 9:215-228(通讯作者)
15. Cloning and characterization of a thaumatin-like protein gene PeTLP in Populus deltoides � P. euramericana cv. 'Nanlin895'. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2013, 35: 2985–2998(通讯作者)
16. Circadian Expression of the PtPRR Family of Pseudo- Response Regulators in Populus trichocarpa. Plant Biotechnology. 2013,30(5):517-521(通讯作者)
17. Overexpression of the chloride channel gene (GmCLC1) from soybean increases salt tolerance in transgenic Populus deltoides � P. euramericana ‘Nanlin895’. Plant Omics Journal. 2013,6(5): 347-354(通讯作者)
18. 利用PMI选择标记进行杨树转基因体系的研究,林业科学研究. 2016, 29(2):221-226(通讯作者)
19. 杨树SnRK2基因家族研究进展, 分子植物育种, 2016,14(4):870-877(通讯作者)
20. 南林895杨树GmNHX1基因的转入及其耐盐性分析. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版). 2014,43(1):34-3(通讯作者)
21. 杨树生物钟节律基因PtCCA1的克隆及表达模式研究,林业科学研究,2013,26(5): 649-654 (通讯作者)
22. 转玉米PEPC基因杨树的光合生理特性初步分析, 林业科学, 2012, 48(6): 63-71 (通讯作者)
23. 转Bt基因南林895杨对杨扇舟蛾体内酶的影响, 林业科学,2012, 48(6): 95-99 (通讯作者)
24. 杨树无选择标记转基因体系的建立,分子植物育种,2011,9(2):230-237 (通讯作者)