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教授课程 《内燃机原理》、《汽车结构有限元》、《工程流体力学》、《高等流体动力学》、




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[44]Zheshu Ma,Luobin Duan,Shouguang Yao. Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media Square Cavity with Multiple Cold Walls Based on LBM. International Journal of Heat and Technology,2015,33(2): 84-90(EI 检索: 20160301808425) [43]马哲树,吴玉玮,赵凯. 喷水推进轴流泵主体设计及性能分析[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2015,02: 143-147. [42]马哲树,刘吉财,刘少俊,陈苏蓉,侯小宇. 船用柴油机Urea-SCR系统喷雾特性试验研究[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2015,06: 536-539. [41]孙少哲,马哲树. LNG船液货舱安装平台空调系统设计研究[J]. 江苏船舶,2015,05: 11-14. [40]高义冬,马哲树. 用于空压机的高速电机的设计和分析[J]. 电子设计工程,2014,15: 122-125. [39]马哲树,范如花,刘少俊,刘炳霞. SCR催化剂内流动与反应过程的研究[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2014,05: 451-455. [38]胡瑞,蒋爱民,马哲树. 低速柴油机中压共轨参数对喷油特性影响的模拟计算与分析[J]. 船海工程,2014,06:113-117+187. [37]Jieer Wu, Zheshu Ma. A regularized GMRES method for inverse blackbody radiation problem, Thermal Science, 2013, 17(3) : 847-852 (SCI检索: WOS000323913100023; 通讯作者) [36]Zheshu Ma, Dong Yang, Hua Chen. Impact of waste heat recovery systems on energy efficiency design index and energy efficiency operational indicator of a conceptional large container ship. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency,Cost, Optimization,Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,ECOS 2013,July 16-19,2013,Guilin,China. (EI检索: 20142817918631) [35]Donghui Zhang, Daifen Chen, Zheshu Ma. The dual-scale analysis of thermal conductivity about closed-cell aluminum foam. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013, July 16-19, 2013, Guilin, China. (EI检索: 20142817918360) [34]马哲树,渠满菊,蒋爱民. 低速船用柴油机整机吊具可靠性的有限元分析[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2013,04: 361-365. [33]Dong Yang,Zheshu Ma. Conceptual design and performance analysis of waste heat recovery system for intelligent marine diesel engines. part 1: Impractical analysis of traditional WHRS Integrating power turbine into WHR systems. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2012, 30(2): 89-95(EI 检索: 20131116117969;通讯作者) [32]Zheshu Ma,Dong Yang. Conceptual design and performance analysis of waste heat recovery system for intelligent marine diesel engines. part 2: Integrating power turbine into WHR systems. International Journal of Heat and Technology,2012,30(1): 119-125 (EI检索: 20124115551372) [31]Zheshu Ma,Dong Yang,Qiang Guo. Conceptual Design and Performance Analysis of an Exhaust Gas Waste Heat Recovery System for a 10000TEU Container Ship. Polish Maritime Research,2012,73(2):31-38(EI检索: 20123215305186;SCI检索:WOS000305953700005) [30] Zheshu Ma,Jieer Wu. Efficiency optimization of a closed IFGT cycle working under two variable-temperature heat reservoirs. Archives of Thermodynamics,2011,32(2): 3-20 (EI检索: 20113414247306) [29]Zheshu Ma,Jieer Wu. Optimal heat conductance distribution for power optimization of irreversible IFGT cycles.International Journal of Heat and Technology,2011,29(1):111-118 (EI检索: 20120514737695) [28]Zheshu Ma,Xueguo Yong. Energy harvesting characteristics of a cantilever piezoelectric transducer. 2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics,Communications and Networks,CECNet 2011-Proceedings,April 16 - 18,2011,XianNing,China(EI检索: 20112414060233) [27]马哲树,张东辉. “流体力学”课程教学中宜强化的四个观点[J]. 长春理工大学学报,2011,09: 175-176. [26] Zheshu Ma,Ali Turan. Finite time thermodynamic modelling and analysis for irreversible IFGT cycles. Journal of the Energy Institute,2010,83(4):187-194 (EI检索:20104813446997; SCI检索: WOS000284689300001) [25]张东辉,芮孝芳,马哲树,孔祥雷. 土壤下渗问题的格子玻尔兹曼模拟[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版),2010,06: 671-676. [24]Zheshu Ma,Zhenhuan Zhu. Thermodynamic modelling and efficiency analysis of a class of real IFGT cycles. Thermal Science,2009, 13(4):41-48(SCI检索: WOS000273199800005) [23]Zheshu Ma,Shouguang Yao. Experimental investigation of a novel heat pipe cold plate for electronics cooling. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research,2009,68(10): 861-865 (SCI检索: WOS000270790500004) [22] Zheshu Ma,Jieer Wu. Numerical simulation of heat transfer phenomenon in a two-phase closed thermosyphon. International Journal of Heat and Technology,2009,27(1):75-79 (EI检索:20093412267369) [21] Zheshu Ma,Shouguang Yao. Numerical simulation of heat transfer and two phase flow in a novel heat pipe cold plate. Archives of Thermodynamics,2009,30(1): 45-62 (EI检索:20091111950120) [20] Zheshu Ma,Shouguang Yao. Experimental investigation on thermal performance of a novel heat pipe cold plate. International Journal of Heat and Technology,2008,26(2): 135-139 (EI检索:20084811748844) [19]李步照,马哲树. KIVA-3V程序中碰撞子程序的改进[J]. 扬州教育学院学报,2008,03: 48-51. [18]周根明,周燕,马哲树. 水平深置高效热管的传热特性试验研究[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2008,01: 68-72. [17]马哲树,胡振,姚寿广. 文丘利油燃烧器内外部流场的冷热态数值模拟[J]. 舰船科学技术,2007,05:128-131+139. [16]姚寿广,马哲树,陈如冰. 一种新型结构的热管式散热冷板性能的数值模拟试验与分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2005,07:41-45. (EI检索:EI05369347239) [15]张强,姚寿广,马哲树. 干式变压器绕组温度场的数值计算与分析[J]. 华东船舶工业学院学报(自然科学版),2005,03: 80-83. [14]苏石川,夏兴兰,马哲树. 增压柴油机螺旋进气模拟及其评价参数[J]. 内燃机工程,2005,04: 16-19. [13]马哲树,姚寿广,明晓. 大倾角下新型热管冷板传热性能的试验研究[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报,2005,03:83-89. (EI检索:EI05469477982) [12]马哲树,姚寿广. 带入口旋流器的文丘利油燃烧器出口热态流场的数值模拟[J]. 动力工程,2004,02: 240-243. [11]马哲树,姚寿广,明晓. 新型热管冷板传热性能的试验研究[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报,2004,02: 169-173. (EI检索:EI04298266620) [10]姚寿广,马哲树,孙瑜珉. 双通道旋流式燃烧器出口冷态流场的数值模拟[J]. 动力工程,2004,03: 323-326. [9]马哲树,姚寿广,明晓. 热管冷板启动性能和均温性能的试验研究[J]. 自然杂志,2004,02:122-123. [8]马哲树,姚寿广,明晓. 间隔热源加热下新型热管冷板内部汽液两相流动与传热的数值模拟[J]. 动力工程,2004,06:875-879. [7]马哲树,姚寿广. 高强化柴油机组合活塞温度场的三维数值模拟[J]. 车用发动机,2003,02: 20-23. [6]马哲树,姚寿广,明晓. 微细尺度传热学及其研究进展[J]. 自然杂志,2003,02: 76-79. [5]肖民,姚寿广,马哲树. 涡轮增压柴油机图形化循环模拟技术研究[J]. 华东船舶工业学院学报(自然科学版),2003,03: 83-86. [4]姚寿广,马哲树,罗林,陈如冰. 电子电器设备中高效热管散热技术的研究现状及发展[J]. 华东船舶工业学院学报(自然科学版),2003,04: 9-12. [3]姚寿广,付德钢,马哲树. 旋流器进风宽度对文丘里调风器出口流场的影响[J]. 燃烧科学与技术,2003,01: 93-95. [2]姚寿广,肖民,陈宁,马哲树. 船舶大功率柴油机的技术发展现状与展望[J]. 华东船舶工业学院学报(自然科学版),2003,05: 16-20. [1]马哲树,姚寿广. 燃油锅炉油滴运动蒸发的数值模拟[J]. 华东船舶工业学院学报(自然科学版),2002,04: 53-57. 《计算机辅助设计技术》, 科学出版社,2002,编著,排名第三(编写内容:pp103-170)
