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招生专业 070602-大气物理学与大气环境 077601-环境科学 083002-环境工程 招生方向 碳氮循环,温室气体排放,生物气象学,生物地学,全球变化生物学 碳氮循环,温室气体排放,生物气象学,生物地学,全球变化生物学 温室气体调控,排放清单编制方法 教育背景 1993-09--1996-06 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士(大气物理:大气化学) 1987-10--1990-08 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 硕士(生态学) 1983-09--1987-08 北京农业大学土壤农业化学系统(现中国农业大学资源环境学院土壤与植物营养系) 学士(土壤农业化学) 奖励信息 (1) 埃文.薛定谔奖,特等奖,部委级,2013 (2) 中国温室气体清单研究,三等奖,部委级,2008 (3) 中国农田温室气体排放过程与模型研究,二等奖,部委级,2008 (4) 国家级有突出贡献专家,国家级,2007 (5) 新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,国家级,2007 (6) 中国科学院(京区)巾帼建功先进个人,院级级,2004 (7) “学笃风正”优秀中青年科技工作者奖,专项级,2003 (8) “中国科学院杰出青年”称号,院级级,2003 (9) 农田温室气体排放过程与观测技术研究,二等奖,国家级,2001 (10) “中国科学院优秀青年”称号,院级级,1998 (11) 稻麦轮作生态系统中土壤湿度对N2O产生与排放过程的影响:北京气象学会优秀论文一等奖,一等奖,专项级,1998 (12) 农田氧化亚氮自动采样分析系统,三等奖,院级级,1997 (13) 农田N2O产生与排放过程研究:“学笃风正”大气科学优秀博士论文奖,专项级,1996 在研项目 (1) 973项目:典型流域生态系统-大气碳氮气体交换关键过程、规律与调控原理,主持,国家级,2012-01--2016-08 (2) “土地利用与畜牧业甲烷和氧化亚氮排放”的课题:数据质量控制,主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12 (3) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项项目的课题:放牧草地温室气体监测与控制技术研究,主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12 (4) 国家自然科学基金委员会创新群体基金项目:“地气碳氮交换及其与气候的相互作用”,主持,国家级,2011-01--2016-12




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Mitigation effects of alternative fertilizer practices on annual N2O and NO emissions from a winter wheat-summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment ,2015,第3作者 (2) Annual nitric and nitrous oxide fluxes from Chinese subtropical plastic greenhouse and conventional vegetable cultivations,Environmental Pollution ,2015,第5作者 (3) Nitric oxide emission and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by increasing fertilization rates in a wheat-maize rotational system,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment ,2015,第4作者 (4) Assessing biogeochemical effects and best management practice for a wheat-maize cropping system using the DNDC model,Biogeosciences ,2014,通讯作者 (5) Water-saving ground cover rice production system reduces net greenhouse gas fluxes in an annual rice-based cropping system,Biogeosciences ,2014,第4作者 (6) 漂浮通量箱法和扩散模型法测定内陆水体CH4和N2O排放通量的初步比较研究,Preliminary comparison of the static floating chamber and the diffusion model methods for measuring water-atmosphere exchanges of methane and nitrous oxide,气候与环境研究,2014,通讯作者 (7) Three-year measurements of nitrous oxide emissions from cotton and wheat-maize rotational cropping systems,Atmospheric Environment,2014,第4作者 (8) The increasing distribution area of zokor mounds weaken greenhouse gas uptakes by alpine meadows in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,2014,第3作者 (9) Oxygen and substrate availability interactively control the temperature sensitivity of CO2 and N2O emission from soil,Bioloy and Fertility of Soils,2014,第2作者 (10) 碳底物含量对厌氧条件下水稻土N2、N2O、NO、CO2和CH4排放的影响,Effect of carbon substrate concentration on N2, N2O, NO, CO2 and CH4 emissions from a paddy soil during an anaerobic condition,环境科学,2014,第4作者 (11) N2O Emissions from an apple orchard in the Coastal Area of Bohai Bay, China,The Scientific World Journal,2014,第3作者 (12) Greenhouse gas fluxes and NO release from a Chinese subtropical rice-winter wheat rotation system under nitrogen fertilizer management,Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences,2013,通讯作者 (13) Carbon dioxide emission from temperate semiarid steppe during the non-growing season,Atmospheric Environment,2013,通讯作者 (14) Comparison between eddy covariance and automatic chamber techniques for measuring net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in cotton and wheat fields,Biogeosciences ,2013,通讯作者 (15) Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching from a rain-fed wheat-maize rotation in the Sichuan Basin, China,Plant and Soil,2013,第4作者 (16) Comparison between static chamber and tunable diode laser-based eddy covariance techniques for measuring nitrous oxide fluxes from a cotton field,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ,2013,通讯作者 (17) Effects of nitrification inhibitors (DCD and DMPP) on nitrous oxide emission, crop yield and nitrogen uptake in a wheat-maize cropping system,Biogeosciences,2013,通讯作者 (18) Effects of nitrate concentration on the denitrification potential of a calcic cambisol and its fractions of N2, N2O and NO,Plant and Soil,2013,通讯作者 (19) Two-year simultaneous records of N2O and NO fluxes from a farmed cropland in the Northern China Plain with a reduced nitrogen addition rate by one-third,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment ,2013,通讯作者 (20) Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from a rice-wheat crop rotation under wheat residue incorporation and no tillage practices,Atmospheric Environment ,2013,通讯作者 (21) Effects of increasing precipitation and nitrogen deposition on CH4 and N2O fluxes and ecosystem respiration in a degraded steppe in Inner Mongolia, China,Geoderma,2013,通讯作者 (22) Modeling impacts of fertilization alternatives on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China,Atmospheric Environment ,2013,通讯作者 (23) Automated online measurement of N2, N2O, NO, CO2, and CH4 emissions based on a gas-flow-soil-core technique,Chemosphere,2013,通讯作者 (24) Influences of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE), nitrogen fertilizer and crop residue incorporation on CH4 emissions from irrigated rice fields,Nutrient Cycling in Agricultural Ecosystems,2012,通讯作者 (25) Annual emissions of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide from rice-wheat rotation and vegetable fields: a case study in the Tai-Lake region, China,Plant and Soil ,2012,通讯作者 (26) Responses of N2O and CH4 fluxes to fertilizer nitrogen addition rates in an irrigated wheat-maize cropping system in northern China,Biogeosciences,2012,通讯作者 (27) A 3-year record of N2O and CH4 emissions from a sandy loam paddy during rice seasons as affected by different nitrogen application rates, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2012,通讯作者 (28) Annual emissions of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide from a wheat-maize cropping system on a silt loam calcareous soil in the North China Plain,Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,2012,通讯作者 (29) Designing a regional nitrogen cycle module of grassland for the IAP-N model,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2012,通讯作者 (30) Modelling N2O emissions from steppe in Inner Mongolia, China, under consideration of spring thaw,Plant and Soil,2012,第5作者 (31) Seasonality of soil microbial nitrogen turnover in continental steppe soils of Inner Mongolia,Ecosphere,2012,第5作者 (32) Modeling Nitrogen Loadings from Agricultural Soils in Southwest China with Modified DNDC,Journal of Geophysical Research ,2011,第4作者 (33) Annual emissions of greenhouse gases from sheepfolds in Inner Mongolia,Plant and Soil,2011,通讯作者 (34) Measurement of N2, N2O, NO and CO2 emissions from soil with the gas-flow-soil-core technique,Environmental Science and Technology ,2011,第4作者 (35) Applicability of the soil gradient method for estimating soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes for steppe soils in Inner Mongolia,Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences,2011,第4作者 (36) Annual methane uptake by temperate semiarid steppes as regulated by stocking rates, aboveground plant biomass and topsoil air permeability,Global Change Biology ,2011,通讯作者 (37) Effect of ammonium-based, non-sulfate fertilizers on CH4 emissions from a paddy field with a typical Chinese water management regime,Atmospheric Environment ,2011,第3作者 (38) Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat-maize rotation field in northern China.Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat-maize rotation field in northern China,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2011,通讯作者 (39) Characteristics of Multiple-Year Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Conventional Vegetable Fields in Southeastern China,Journal of Geophysical Research,2011,通讯作者 (40) Effects of tillage during the non-waterlogged period on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions in typical Chinese rice-wheat rotation ecosystems,Journal of Geophysical Research ,2010,通讯作者 (41) Spatial variability of N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes within the Xilin River catchment of Inner Mongolia, China-a soil core study,Plant and Soil ,2010,通讯作者 (42) Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from an irrigated cotton field in Northern China,Plant and Soil ,2010,通讯作者 (43) Effects of organic matter incorporation on nitrous oxide emissions from the rice-wheat rotation ecosystems in China,Plant and Soil ,2010,通讯作者 (44) Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on CH4 emission from rice fields in China: multi-site field observations,Plant and Soil,2010,通讯作者 (45) Modeling methane emissions from paddy rice fields under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide conditions,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2010,第3作者 (46) A process-oriented model of N2O emission from rice-winter wheat rotation agro-ecosystem: structure, validation and sensitivity,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2010,通讯作者 (47) Soil-atmosphere exchange potential of NO and N2O in different land use types of Inner Mongolia, as affected by soil temperature, soil moisture, freeze-thaw and drying-wetting events,Journal of Geophysical Research,2010,通讯作者 (48) Grazing-induced reduction of natural nitrous oxide release from continental steppe,Nature,2010,第2作者 (49) Nitric oxide emissions from rice-wheat rotation fields in eastern China: effect of fertilization, soil water content, and crop residue,Plant and Soil ,2010,通讯作者 (50) Annual methane uptake by the typical semiarid steppe of Inner Mongolia, China,Journal of Geophysical Research,2010,通讯作者 (51) Atmospheric CO2 enrichment facilitates cation release from soil,Ecology Letters,2010,第4作者 (52) Comparison of manual and automated chambers for field measurements of N2O, CH4, CO2 fluxes from a cultivated land,Atmospheric Environment ,2009,通讯作者 (53) Background nitrous oxide emissions from croplands in China in the year 2000,Plant and Soil ,2009,通讯作者 (54) Nitric oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China,Atmospheric Environment ,2009,通讯作者 (55) Growing season methane budget of a typical Inner Mongolian steppe,Atmospheric Environment ,2009,通讯作者 (56) Dinitrogen fixation by biological soil crusts in an Inner Mongolian steppe, Biology and Fertility of Soils,2009,第4作者 (57) Sheepfolds as hotspots of nitric oxide (NO) emission in a semi-arid Inner Mongolian steppe,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2009,通讯作者 (58) Tillage and crop residue management significantly affects N-trace gas emissions during the non-rice season of a subtropical rice-wheat rotation,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,2009,通讯作者 (59) Residue incorporation and N fertilization affect the response of soil nematodes to the elevated CO2 in a Chinese wheat field,Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,2009,第4作者 (60) Fluxes of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide during freezing-thawing cycles in an Inner Mongolian steppe,Plant and Soil ,2008,第5作者 (61) Quantification of N2O fluxes from soil-plant systems may be biased by the applied gas chromatograph methodology,Plant and Soil ,2008,第1作者 (62) Quantifying net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) of a short-plant cropland with intermittent chamber measurements,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2008,第1作者 (63) Seasonal variations in soil respiration and temperature sensitivity under three land-use types in hilly areas of the Sichuan Basin,Australian Journal of Soil Research,2008,第5作者 (64) Effects of irrigation on nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in an Inner Mongolian steppe,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2008,通讯作者 (65) Description and application of a model for simulating regional nitrogen cycling and calculating nitrogen flux,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2008,第1作者 (66) The influence of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on microorganism of a paddy soil in the rice-growing season,Applied Soil Ecology,2007,第3作者 (67) Quantifying direct N2O emissions in paddy fields during rice growing season in mainland China: Dependence on water regime, Atmospheric Environment ,2007,第3作者 (68) Net primary production of chinese croplands from 1950 to 1999,Ecological Applications,2007,第4作者 (69) Nitrous oxide emissions from an intensively cultivated maize-wheat rotation soil in the North China Plain,Science of the Total Environment,2007,第5作者 (70) Soil respiration under maize crops: Effects of water, temperature, and nitrogen fertilization,Soil Science Society of America Journal,2007,第5作者 (71) Regulatory effects of soil properties on background N2O emissions from agricultural soils in China,Plant and Soil ,2007,通讯作者 (72) Importance of point sources on regional nitrous oxide fluxes in semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia, China,Plant and Soil ,2007,第5作者 (73) Microbial N turnover and N-oxide (N2O/NO/NO2) fluxes in semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia,Ecosystems,2007,第5作者 (74) Grazing reduces methane uptake by soils in a semi-arid steppe in Inner Mongolia, China,Atmospheric Environment,2007,通讯作者 (75) Fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in water-saving rice production in North China,Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems ,2007,第3作者 (76) CO2 emission in an intensively cultivated loam as affected by long-term application of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer,Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,2007,第5作者 (77) An inventory of N2O emissions from agriculture in China using precipitation-rectified emission factor and background emission,Chemosphere,2006,第4作者 (78) Effects of nitrogen on the ecosystem respiration, CH4 and N2O emissions to the atmosphere from the freshwater marshes in northeast China,Environmental Geology,2006,第3作者 (79) Effect of free-air atmospheric CO2 enrichment on dark respiration of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.),Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2006,通讯作者 (80) Nitrogen-regulated effects of free-air CO2 enrichment on methane emissions from paddy rice fields,Global Change Biology ,2006,第1作者 (81) Estimates of methane emissions from Chinese rice paddies by linking a model to GIS database,Acta Ecologica Sinica,2006,第3作者 (82) N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions from seasonal tropical rainforests and a rubber plantation in Southwest China,Plant and Soil ,2006,第2作者 (83) Diel pattern of soil respiration in N-amended soil under maize cultivation, Atmospheric Environment ,2006,第4作者 (84) Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from three paddy rice based cultivation systems in southwest China,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2006,第3作者 (85) Contribution of plants to N2O emissions in soil-winter wheat ecosystem: pot and field experiments,Plant and Soil ,2005,第4作者 (86) A 3-year field measurement of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice paddies in China: Effects of water regime, crop residue and fertilizer application,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2005,第4作者 (87) Direct emission factor for N2O from rice-winter wheat rotation systems in southeast China,Atmospheric Environment ,2005,第4作者 (88) Effects of copper concentration on methane emisson from rice soils,Chemosphere,2005,第4作者 (89) Effects of Environmental Factors on N2O Emission from and CH4 Uptake by the Typical Grasslands in the Inner Mongolia,Chemosphere,2005,第3作者 (90) Static opaque chamber-based technique for determination of net exchange of CO2 between terrestrial ecosystems and atmosphere,Chinese Science Buttelin,2004,第3作者 (91) Effects of water regime and straw application in paddy rice season on N2O emission from following wheat growing season,China Agricultural Science,2004,第5作者 (92) Re-quantifying the emission factors based on field measurements and estimating the direct N2O emission from Chinese croplands,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2004,第1作者 (93) Modeling methane emission from rice paddies with various agricultural practices,Journal of Geophysical Research,2004,第3作者 (94) Effects of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on CH4 emissions from paddy rice fields,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2004,第2作者 (95) Nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by amendment of plant residues with different C:N ratios,Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,2004,第3作者 (96) Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions from a rice-wheat rotation as affected by crop residue incorporation and temperature,Advances in Atmospheric Science,2004,第4作者 (97) Modeling greenhouse gas emissions from rice-based production systems: Sensitivity and upscaling,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2004,第5作者 (98) A comparison between measured and modeled N2O emissions from Inner Mongolian semi-arid grassland,Plant and Soil,2003,第3作者 (99) Effects of soil temperature on nitric oxide emission from a typical Chinese rice-wheat rotation during the non-waterlogged period,Global Change Biology,2003,第1作者 (100) Seasonal characteristics of nitric oxide emission from a typical Chinese rice-wheat rotation during the non-waterlogged period,Global Change Biology,2003,第1作者 (101) Nitrous oxide and methane emissions during rice growth and through rice plants: effects of dicyandiamide and dydroquinone,Biology and Fertility of Soils,2002,第5作者 (102) The Asian nitrogen cycle case study,AMBIO,2002,第1作者 (103) Quantitative dependence of methane emission on soil properties,Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,2002,第4作者 (104) Long-term trend of atmospheric methane in Beijing and its inflencing factors,Chemosphere-Global Change Science,2001,第4作者 (105) Mitigation options for methane, nitrous oxide and nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural ecosystems,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2000,第1作者 (106) Impacts of soil moisture on nitrous oxide emission from croplands: a case study on the rice-based agro-ecosystem in Southeast China,Chemosphere-Global Change Science,2000,第1作者 (107) Methane emission from a simulated rice field ecosystem as influenced by hydroquinone and dicyandiamide,The Science of the Total Enviroment,2000,第3作者 (108) Modeling N2O emission from agricultural fields in Southeast China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1999,第2作者 (109) Comparison of manual and automatic methods for measurement of methane emission from rice paddy fields,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1998,第1作者 (110) CH4 and N2O emissions from rice paddies in southeast China,Chinese Journal of Atmosphere Science ,1997,第1作者 (111) Concentration and variation of atmospheric methane in Beijing,Chinese Science Bulletin,1994,第3作者 (112) Sustainable and productive agricultural development in China,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,1992,第3作者
