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谢正辉,中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员(二级),博士生导师, LASG国家重点实验室副主任, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere副编(Associate Editor),Earth System Dynamics 编委(editor), Modeling Earth Systems and Environment、大气科学、气候与环境研究编委。1988年在湖南大学获硕士学位;1996年在中国科学院计算数学所获博士学位;1996-1998年中科院大气所LASG做博士后;1998-2001年先后在美国田纳西大学及美国加州大学伯克利分校访问助理教授及博士后,2001年进入大气所。从事陆面模式的发展,陆面水文模型与气候模式的耦合,以及陆面数据同化的理论与应用研究。现为中国气象学会水文气象专业委员会主任、数值预报委员会委员,美国AGU、AMS会员,美国Mathematical Reviews特约评论员。 招生专业 070601-气象学 070620-地球流体力学 招生方向 陆面过程模式发展、陆面数据同化、区域气候模拟 计算数学与地球流体力学 教育背景 1993-08--1996-08 中国科学院计算数学所 博士 1985-08--1988-04 湖南大学 硕士 1979-09--1982-07 湖南怀化学院 学习 工作简历 2001-08~现在, 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 研究员(二级) 1999-09~2001-07,美国加州大学伯克利分校, 博士后 1998-09~1999-08,美国田纳西大学, 访问助理教授 1996-08~1998-08,中国科学院大气物理研究所, 博士后 1982-09~1985-08,湖南怀化一中, 教师 承担项目 国家自然科学基金2018年度重点项目:人类用水活动的气候反馈及其对中国陆地水循环的影响研究(负责人,2019-2023) 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目:考虑人类活动影响的陆面水文模型与全球气候模式的研制及其在年代际水文预测中的应用(负责人,2016-2020) 国家自然科学基金课题(面上项目):用水活动影响下的水分能量交换过程观测与模拟研究-以沩水河流域为例(负责人,2016-2019) 国家自然科学基金课题:黑河流域生态-水文过程集成研究(负责人,2012-2015) 国家自然科学基金课题:基于卫星重力场的数据同化及其在水循环研究中的应用(负责人,2011-2013) 公益性行业科研专项:多源卫星遥感资料的开发与数据集的建立(参与,2010--2013) 国家重点研发计划:陆地水文-区域气候耦合模拟及水循环变化机理分析(负责人,2010-2014) 国家重点研发计划:干旱区气候水文要素变化特征及归因(参与,2010-2014) 国家自然科学基金项目:陆气相互作用中径流机制的改进及地下水位 的动态表示(40275023,40145020,主持,2003-2005) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划全球变化及其区域响应项目:地表地下水文机制集成与区域气候模式的双向耦合(90411007,主持,2005-2007) 中国科学院创新团队国际合作伙伴计划气候系统模式研发及应用研究(2005-2007,骨干) 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目高性能科学计算研究课题-复杂流动问题的高性能算法研究(2005CB321703,骨干) 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目全球变暖背景下东亚能量和水分循环变异及其对我国极端气候的影响(2009CB421407,骨干) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“跨流域调水对陆地水循环影响与水安全研究”-考虑调水影响的区域气候与大尺度陆面水文过程相互作用研究(Kzcx2-yw-126-2) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目群“地球系统动力学模式研究”项目新一代大气、陆面和水文模式的研制及其耦合研究(KZCX2-YW-217) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题“基于卫星遥感机理模型和陆面模式的土壤含水量同化研究”(2007AA12Z144) 公益性行业(气象)科研专项“中国气候系统协同观测与预测研究”任务3-多源卫星遥感资料的开发与数据集的建立”(GYHY200706005) 学术成果 “十三五”国家重点图书出版规划项目-国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)气候变化对中国东部季风区陆地水循环与水资源安全的影响及适应对策《陆地水文-区域气候相互作用》,科学出版社.2017.07


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1. Xie, Z., Liu, S., Zeng, Y., Gao, J., Qin, P., Jia, B., et al. (2018). A high-resolution land model with groundwater lateral flow, water use, and soil freeze-thaw front dynamics and its applications in an endorheic basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123. https://doi. org/10.1029/2018JD028369. (SCI) 2018.06 2. Zeng,Y.,Xie,Z.,Liu,S.,Xie,J.,Jia,B.,Qin,P., & Gao, J. (2018). Global land surface modeling including lateral groundwater flow. J ournal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 1882–1900. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2018MS001304. (SCI) 2018.07 3. Yuanyuan Wang, Binghao Jia, Zhenghui Xie,Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on eco-hydrological cycles: A case study over the Amazon basin,Science China Earth Sciences, 61: 1330–1340, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9219-5. (SCI) 2018.09 4. Binghao Jia, Jianguo Liu, Zhenghui Xie, and Chunxiang Shi,Interannual variations and trends in remotely sensed and modelled soil moisture in China. Journal of Hydrometeorology,2018,19:831-847. (SCI)2018.03 5. Jianguo Liu, Jia, Binghao, Zhenghui Xie, and Chunxiang Shi, Improving the simulation of terrestrial water storage anomalies over China using a Bayesian model averaging ensemble approach, Atmospherics and Oceanic Science Letters, 2018,11:322-329. 2018.09 6. Xiaobing Geng, Zhenghui Xie, Lijun Zhang, Mei Xu, Binghao Jia, An inverse method to estimate emission rates based on nonlinear least squares-based ensemble four-dimensional variational data assimilation with local air concentration measurements,183,17-26,2018,Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2018.03 7. Binghao Jia, Yuanyuan Wangc, Zhenghui Xie,Responses of the terrestrial carbon cycle to drought over China: Modeling sensitivities of the interactive nitrogen and dynamic vegetation, 2018, Ecological Moddelling, 368(2018)52-68, 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.11.0090304-3800/.(SCI) 2018.01 8. Yuanyuan Wang , Binghao Jia ,and Zhenghui Xie, The Effects of Dynamic Root Distribution on Land–Atmosphere Carbon and Water Fluxes in the Community Earth System Model (CESM1.2.0) Forests 2018, 9, 172; doi:10.3390/f9040172. (SCI) 2018.03 9. Zhipeng Xie, Zeyong Hu, Zhenghui Xie, Binghao, Jia, Genhou Sun, Yizhen Du, and Haiqing Song, Impact of the snow cover scheme on snow distribution and energy budget modeling over the Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2018,131:951–965. (SCI) 2018.02 10. 王媛媛, 贾炳浩, 谢正辉. 2018. 根系水力再分配对陆地碳水循环的影响——以亚马孙流域为例. 中国科学: 地球科学, 48, doi: 10.1360/N072017-00427. 11. Yujin Zeng, Zhenghui Xie, Jin Zou. Hydrologic and climatic responses to global anthropogenic groundwater extraction. Journal of Climate, 2017, 30, 71-90.(SCI) 12. Yujin Zeng, Zhenghui Xie, Shuang Liu. Seasonal effects of irrigation on land–atmosphere latent heat, sensible heat and carbon fluxes in semi-arid basin. Earth System Dynamics, 2017, 8, 113-127. (SCI) 13. Zhenghui Xie, Yujing Zeng, Jun Xia, Peihua Qin, Binghao Jia, Jing Zou, Shuang Liu. Coupled modeling of land hydrology–regional climate including human carbon emission and water exploitation. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2017, 8(2), 68-79. 14. Peihua Qin, Zhenghui Xie. Precipitation extremes in the dry and wet regions of China and their connections with the sea surface temperature in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2017, 122 (12),6273-6283. (SCI) 15. Jing Zou, Chesheng Zhan, Zhenghui Xie, Peihua Qin, and Shanshan Jiang. Climatic impacts of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project over the Haihe River basin in North China simulated by a regional climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2017, 121 (15), 8983-8999. (SCI) 16. Jun Xia, Duan Qingyun, Yong Luo, Zhenghui Xie, Zhiyu Liu, Xingguo Mo. Climate change and water resources: Case study of Eastern Monsoon Region of China. Advances in Climate Change Research. 2017, 8(2):63-67. 17. 刘双,谢正辉,曾毓金. 基于神经网络与半分布式水文模型相结合的缺资料区径流估计模型—以莺落峡流域为例,北京师范大学学报,52(3),393-401, 2016. 18. Binghao Jia, Zhenghui Xie,Improving microwave brightness temperature predictions based on Bayesian model averaging ensemble approach, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/s10483 -016-2103 -6,37(1), 37, 1501–1516, 2016.(SCI) 19. Gao, Junqiang., Zhenghui Xie, Aiwen Wang, Zhendong Luo. Numerical simulation based on two-directional freeze and thaw algorithm for thermal diffusion model, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 37: 1467. doi:10.1007/s10483-016-2106-8, 2016.(SCI) 20. Peihua Qin and Zhenghui Xie, Detecting changes in future precipitation extremes over eight river basins in China using RegCM4 downscaling, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121(12), 6802-6821, doi: 10.1002/2016JD024776, 2016.(SCI) 21. Xie Zhenghui, Linying Wang, Binghao Jia, and Xing Yuan. Measuring and modeling the impact of a severe drought on terrestrial ecosystem CO2and waterfluxes in a subtropical forest, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 121, 2576–2587, doi:10.1002/2016JG003437, 2016.(SCI) 22. Wenping Yuan, Wenwen Cai, Yang Chen, Shuguang Liu, Wenjie Dong, Haicheng Zhang, Guirui Yu, Zhuoqi Chen, Honglin He, Weidong Guo, Dan Liu, Shaoming Liu, Wenhua Xiang, Zhenghui Xie, Zhonghui Zhao& Guomo Zhou, Severe summer heatwave and drought strongly reduced carbon uptake in Southern China, Scientific Reports, 6, 18813; doi: 10.1038/srep18813, 2016.(SCI) 23. Zeng, Y., Z. Xie, Y. Yu, S. Liu, L. Wang, J. Zou, P. Qin, and B. Jia. Effects of anthropogenic water regulation and groundwater lateral flow on land processes, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 8, doi:10.1002/2016MS000646, 2016.(SCI) 24. Zeng, Y., Xie, Z., Yu, Y., Liu, S., Wang, L., Jia, B., Qin, P., and Chen, Y.: Ecohydrological effects of stream–aquifer water interaction: a case study of the Heihe River basin, northwestern China, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2333-2352, doi:10.5194/hess-20-2333-2016, 2016. (SCI) 25. Zeng, Y., Z.H. Xie & J. Zou. Hydrologic and climatic responses to global anthropogenic groundwater extraction. Journal of Climate, (In press). doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0209.1, 2016. (SCI) 26. Linying Wang, Xing Yuan, Zhenghui Xie, Peili Wu & Yaohui Li, Increasing flash droughts over China during the recent global warming hiatus, Scientific Reports, 6, 30571 | DOI: 10.1038/srep30571, 2016.(SCI) 27. Shuang Liu, Zhenghui Xie, and Yujin Zeng (2016). Discharge Estimation for an Ungauged Inland River in an Arid Area Related to Anthropogenic Activities: A Case Study of Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China. Advances in Meteorology. 28. Jia, B., Z. Xie, Y. Zeng, L. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Xie, and Z. Xie, 2015: Diurnal and seasonal variations of CO2 fluxes and their climate controlling factors for a subtropical forest in Ningxiang. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32(4), 553-564, doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4069-4. (SCI) 29. Jing Zou, Zhenghui Xie, Chesheng Zhan, Peihua Qin, Qin Sun, Binghao Jia, Jun Xia, Effects of anthropogenic groundwater exploitation on land surface processes: A case study of the Haihe River Basin, Northern China, Journal of Hydrology, 524, 625-641, 2015. (SCI) 30. Qin Sun,Zhenghui Xie, Xiangjun Tian, The GRACE terrestrial water storage data assimilation based on the ensemble four-dimensional variational method PODEn4DVar: method and validation, Science in China(D), 58(3), 371-384 , doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4978-1, 2015. (SCI) 31. Zhendong Luo, Junqiang Gao, Zhenghui Xie, Reduced-order finite difference extrapolation model based on proper orthogonal decomposition for two-dimensional shallow water equations including sediment concentration,J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.04.024429 , 901–923, 2015.(SCI) 32. Binghao Jia, Jianguo Liu, and Zhenghui Xie, Evaluation of the community microwave emission model coupled with the community land model over East Asia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12, 5151–5186, doi:10.5194/hessd-12-5151-2015, 2015. 33. Wang, Y., Z. Xie, B. Jia, and Y. Yu, 2015: Improving simulation of the terrestrial carbon cycle of China in version 4.5 of the Community Land Model using a revised Vcmax scheme. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8(2), 88-94, 2015 34. 王媛媛, 谢正辉, 贾炳浩, 于燕, 2015: 基于陆面过程模式CLM4的中国区域植被总初级生产力模拟与评估. 气候与环境研究, 20(1), 97-110. 35. 曾毓金, 谢正辉. 基于CMIP5模拟的中国区域陆气耦合强度评估及未来情景预估. 气候与环境研究, 20 (3): 337-346, 2015 36. Xiangjun Tian, Zhenghui Xie, Zhaonan Cai, Yi Liu, Yu Fu, Huifang Zhang, The Chinese carbon cycle data-assimilation system (Tan-Tracker), Chinese. Sci. Bull., DOI 10.1007/s11434-014-0238-1, 59(14): 1541–1546 , 2014. (SCI) 37. JIA Binghao,XIE Zhenghui, ZENG Yujin et al, Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of CO2 Fluxes and their Climate Controlling Factors for a Subtropical Forest in Ningxiang. Adv. Atmos. Sci., doi: 10.1007/s00376 -014-4069-4, 2014.(SCI) 38. Yan Yu, Zhenghui Xie, Yuanyuan Wang, Feng Chen, Results of a CLM4 Land Surface Simulation over China Using a Multisource Integrated Land Cover Dataset, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0083, 7(4): 279-285, 2014. 39. Peihua Qin, Zhenghui Xie, Aiwen Wang, Detecting changes in precipitation and temperature extremes over China using the regional climate model with water table dynamics considered, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0060, 7(2):103-109, 2014. 40. Binghao Jia, Ning Zeng, Zhenghui Xie, Assimilating the LAI Data to the VEGAS Model Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter: an Observing System Simulation Experiment, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0094, 7(4):314-319, 2014. 41. Jing Zou, Zhenghui Xie, Chesheng Zhan, Qin Sun. Climatic responses to anthropogenic groundwater exploitation: A case study of the Haihe River Basin, Northern China. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1995-2, 2014. (SCI) 42. Liu J G, Xie Z H, BMA Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting over the Huaihe Basin Using TIGGE Multimodel Ensemble Forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, 142: 1542-1555, DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-13-00031.1., 2014. (SCI) 43. Wang Aiwen, Xie Zhenghui, Feng Xiaobing,Tian Xiangjun,Qin Peihua. A Soil Water and Heat Transfer Model Including the Change in Soil Frost and Thaw Fronts, Science in China(D), DOI: 10.1007/s11430-013-4785-0 , 57 (6): 1325-1339, 2014. 王爱文,谢正辉,凤小兵,田向军,秦佩华. 考虑冻融界面变化的土壤水热耦合模型. 中国科学(D辑), 44(7): 1572-1587,2014 (SCI). 44. 孙琴,谢正辉,田向军, 基于集合四维变分方法PODEn4DVar GRACE陆地水储量同化:方法与验证, 中国科学(D辑), 44(12),2753-2767, 2014. 45. Yan Yu, Zhenghui Xie, Xubin Zeng, Impacts of modified Richards equation on climate simulation in the regional climate model RegCM4, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 12,642–12,659, doi:10.1002/2014JD021872, 2014. (SCI) 46. Zhenghui Xie, Ning Zeng, Huijun Wang, Zheng Lin, Xiangjun Tian, Binghao Jia, Past, present and future of the carbon cycle, National Science Review, doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwt021, 2014. 47. Xiangjun Tian, Zhenghui Xie, Yi Liu, Zhaonan Cai, Yu Fu, HuiFang Zhang, and Liang Feng A Joint Data Assimilation System (Tan-Tracker) to Simultaneously Estimate Surface CO2 fluxes and 3-D Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations from CO2 Observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 13281–13293, doi:10.5194/acp-14-13281-2014,2014.(SCI) 48. Jia, B., Z. Xie, A. Dai, C. Shi, and F. Chen (2013), Evaluation of satellite and reanalysis products of downward surface solar radiation over East Asia: Spatial and seasonal variations, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, doi:10.1002/ jgrd.50353. (SCI) 49. Jia, B., X. Tian, Z. Xie, J. Liu, and C. Shi (2013), Assimilation of microwave brightness temperature in a land data assimilation system with multi-observation operators, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, doi:10.1002 /jgrd.50377. (SCI) 50. Jianguo Liu,Zhenghui Xie,Binghao Jia, Xiangjun Tian, Peihu Qin Jing Zou, Yan Yu, Qin Sun, Yuanyuan Wang, Jinbo Xie, and Zhipeng Xie. The Long-Term Field Experiment Observatory and Observation Preliminary Analysis on Land-atmosphere Interaction over Hilly Zone in the Subtropical Monsoon Region of Southern China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letrers, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0112, 2013. 51. Jianguo Liu, Zhenghui Xie, Improving simulation of soil moisture in China using multiple meteorological forcing ensemble approach,Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., doi:10.5194/hess-17-3355-2013, 17, 3355-3369, 2013. (SCI) 52. 刘建国,谢正辉,赵琳娜,贾炳浩. 基于TIGGE多模式集合的24小时气温BMA概率预报. 大气科学, 36(6): , doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2012.11232. 2013. 53. Chen, F., and Z. Xie, An Evaluation of the RegCM3_CERES for Regional Climate Modeling in China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30(4), 1187–1200, doi: 10.1007/s00376-012-2114-8, 2013.(SCI) 54. ZOU Jing, XIE Zheng-hui, SUN Qin, QIN Pei-hua. Projected changes in terrestrial water storage over main river basins of China from RegCM4. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, VOL. 6, NO. 3, 154−160, DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0011, 2013. 55. Yan Yu, Zhenghui Xie, A Simulation Study on Climatic Effects of Land Cover Change in China, Advances in Climate Change Research, ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH 4(2): 117-126, DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1248.2013.117, 2013. 56. Peihua Qin, Zhenghui Xie, Xing Yuan, Incorporating groundwater dynamics and surface/subsurface runoff mechanisms in regional climate modeling over river basins in China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-012-2095-7, 30(4), 983-996, 2013.(SCI) 57. Xiaoduo Pan, Xiangjun Tian, Xin Li, Zhenghui Xie, Aimei Shao, Chunyan Lu, Assimilating Doppler radar radial velocity and reflectivity observations in the weather research and forecasting model by a proper orthogonal-decomposition-based ensemble, three-dimensional variational assimilation method, J. Geophys. Res, VOL. 117, D17113, doi:10.1029/2012JD017684, 2012. (SCI) 58. Li Dan, Jinjun Ji, Zhenghui Xie, Feng Chen, Hydrological Projections of Climate Change Scenarios over the 3H Region of China: A VIC Model Assessment, J. Geophys. Res, 117, D11102, doi:10.1029 /2011JD017131, 2012. (SCI) 59. Tian Xiangjun, Xie Zhenghui, 2012:Implementations of a square-root ensemble analysis and a hybrid localization into the POD-based ensemble 4DVar, Tellus-A, 64, 18375, doi:10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.18375. (SCI) 60. Chen, F., and Z. Xie, Effects of Crop Growth and Development on Regional Climate:A case study over east Asian monsoon area, Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382- 011- 1125-y, 2012.(SCI) 61. 陈锋, 谢正辉,气候变化对南水北调中线工程水源区与受水区降水丰枯遭遇的影响,气候与环境研究,17(2),139-148,2012. 62. Xie Zhenghui Xie, Zhenhua Di, Zhendong Luo, A quasi three-dimensional variably saturated groundwater flow model for climate modeling, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13(1),27-46, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-10 -05019.1, 2012. (SCI) 63. Zhenhua Di, Zhendong Luo, Zhenghui Xie, AiwenWang and I. M. Navon, An optimizing implicit difference scheme based on proper orthogonal decomposition for the two-dimensional unsaturated soil water flow equation, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 68,1324–1340, DOI: 10.1002/fld.2610,2012. (SCI) 64. Luo Zhendong, Ou Qiulan, Wu Jiarong, Xie Zhenghui, A reduced formulation based on POD for hyperbolic equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 232B(5):1997–2009, 2012.(SCI) 65. 秦佩华, 陈锋, 谢正辉, 作物生长对流域水文过程与区域气候的影响, 气候变化研究进展, 8 (6), 417-425, 2012. 66. 于燕,谢正辉,中国区域陆面覆盖变化的气候效应模拟研究,气候变化研究进展, 8 (6), 426-433, 2012. 67. 邹靖,谢正辉, RegCM4中陆面过程参数化方案对东亚区域气候模拟的影响, 气象学报 , 2012. 68. Chen Feng, Zhenghui Xie, Effects of Crop Growth and Development on Land Surface Fluxes, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s00376-010-0105-1,28(4), 927-944, 2011.(SCI) 69. Di Zhenhua, Zhenghui Xie, Xing Yuan, Xiangjun Tian, Zhendong Luo, Yaning Chen, Prediction of water table depths under soil water-groundwater interaction and stream water conveyance, Science in China(D), doi:10.1007/s11430-010-4050-8, 54(3), 420-430,2011.(SCI) 70. Jia Binghao and Xie Zhenghui,Evaluation of the Community Microwave Emission Model Coupled with the Community Land Model over East Asia,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,4(4),209-215, 2011. 71. Tian Xiangjun, Zhenghui Xie, and Qin Sun, A POD-based ensemble four-dimensional variational assimilation method,Tellus-A,63A(4), 805–816, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2011.00529.x , 2011. (SCI) 72. Tian XiangJun, Z. Xie, A. Wang and X. Yang, A new approach for Bayesian model averaging, Science in China(D) , doi: 10.1007/s11430 -011-4307-x, 2011. 田向军, 谢正辉, 王爱慧, 杨晓春,一种求解贝叶斯模型平均的新方法, 中国科学(D),41(11), 1679 -687, 2011.(SCI) 73. Shi Chunxiang, Zhenghui Xie, Hui Qian, Miaoling Liang, Xiaochu Yang, China Land Soil Moisture EnKF Data Assimilation Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Data, Science in China(D), 54(9), 1430–1440, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4160-3, 2011. 师春香, 谢正辉, 钱辉, 梁妙玲, 杨晓春, 基于卫星遥感资料的中国区域土壤湿度EnKF数据同化, 中国科学(D), 41(3),375 - 385, 2011.(SCI) 74. 马倩,谢正辉,陈锋,赵琳娜,长江流域1982-2005年陆地水储量变化及时空分布特征, 气候与环境研究,16(4), 429-440,2011. 75. Luo Zhendong, Zhenghui Xie, Yueqiang Shang, Jing Chen, A reduced finite volume element formulation and numerical simulations based on POD for parabolic problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, doi:10.1016/j.cam.2010.10.008, 235,2098–2111, 2011.(SCI) 76. Luo Zhendong, Zhenghui Xie, Yueqiang Shang, Jing Chen, Reduced finite difference scheme and error estimates based on POD method for non-stationary Stokes equation, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, DOI:10.1007/s10483-011 -1464-9, 32(7), 847–858, 2011.(SCI) 77. Luo Zhendong , Juan Du, Zhenghui Xie, and Yan Guo, A reduced stabilized mixed finite element formulation based on proper orthogonal decomposition for the non-stationary Navier–Stokes equations, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2011; 88:31–46, DOI: 10.1002/nme.3161, 2011. (SCI) 78. Luo Zhendong, Zhenghui Xie, Chen Jing, A reduced MFE formulation based on POD for the non-stationary conduction-convection problems, Acta Mathematica Scientia 31B(5),1765–1785, 10.1016/S0252-9602(11)60360-3, 2011. 79. 罗振东,陈静,谢正辉,安静,孙萍, 抛物型方程基于POD 方法的时间二阶精度CN, 中国科学(A), 41(5), 447-460. doi: 10.1360/012010-614, 2011. 80. Luo Zhendong, Zhenghui Xie, Yueqiang Shang, Jing Chen, A reduced finite volume element formulation and numerical simulations based on POD for parabolic problems,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235, 2098–2111, DOI:10.1016/j.cam.2010.10.008, 2011. (SCI) 81. Luo Zhendong, Zhenghui Xie, Jing Chen, A reduced mfe formulation based on POD for the nonstationary conduction–convection problems, accepted, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2011. (SCIE) 82. Zheng Jing, Chunxiang Shi, Qifeng Lu, and Zhenghui Xie, Evaluation of Total Precipitable Water over East Asia from FY-3A/VIRR Infrared Radiances, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3(2), 93-99, 2010. 83. Ma Qian, Zhenghui Xie, and Linna Zhao, Variations of terrestrial water storage in the Yangtze River Basin under climate change scenarios, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3(6), 1−6, 2010. 84. Tian Xiangjun,Zhenghui Xie , Aiguo Dai , Binghao Jia , Chunxiang Shi ,A Microwave Land Data Assimilation System: Scheme and Preliminary Evaluation over China, J. Geophys. Res, 115, D21113, doi:10.1029/2010JD014370, 2010. (SCI) 85. Tian Xiangjun, Zhenghui Xie, Aiguo Dai,An Ensemble Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation Approach: Formulation and Applications to Parameter Calibration, Water Resour. 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Jia Binghao , Zhenghui Xie, Xiangjun Tian1, and Chunxiang Shi, A soil moisture assimilation scheme based on ensemble Kalman filter using microwave brightness temperature, Science in China(D), doi: 10.1007 /s11430-009-00122-z,2009.(通讯作者)(SCI) 91. Tian XiangJun, and Zhenghui Xie, Effects of sample density on the performance of an explicit four-dimensional variational data assimilation method, Science in China (D), 52(11),1849-1856, 2009. (SCI) 92. Tian Xiangjun, Zhenghui Xie, Aiguo Dai, Chunxiang Shi, Binghao Jia, Feng Chen, and Kun Yang, A dual-pass variational data assimilation framework for estimating soil moisture profiles from AMSR-E microwave brightness temperature, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D16102, DOI:10.1029/2008JD011600,2009. (SCI) 93. Tian Xiangjun and Zhenghui Xie, An explcit four-dimensional variational data assimilation method based on the proper orthogonal decomposition: theoretics and evaluation, Science in China(D) , 52(2), 279-286, doi: 10.1007/s11430-009-0012-4, 2009. 田向军、谢正辉, 基于本征特征分解的显式四维变分同化方法:理论和验证,中国科学(D), 39(4), 529-536, 2009. (SCI) 94. TianXiangjun,ZhenghuiXie, An ensemble-based three-dimensional variational assimilation method for land data assimilation, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(3), 125-129, 2009. 95. Xing Yuan, Zhenghui Xie, Miaoling Liang, Sensitivities of shallow water table depth predictions by RTFN models to the input and regionalization methods, Hydrological Sciences Journal,54(3), 639-651, doi: 10. 1623/hysj.54.3.639, 2009.(通讯作者)(SCI) 96. 陈锋,谢正辉,基于中国植被数据的陆面覆盖及其对陆面过程模拟的影响,大气科学, 33(4):681-697,2009.(通讯作者) 97. 郑婧,谢正辉,戴永久,袁星,毕训强, 陆面过程模型CoLM与区域气候模式RegCM3的耦合及初步评估,大气科学, 33(4):737-750, 2009.(通讯作者) 98. 谢正辉,梁妙玲,袁星, 陈锋,刘春蓁,刘志雨, 黄淮海平原浅层地下水埋深对气候变化响应, 水文,29(1), 30-35, 2009.(通讯作者) 99. Xie Zhenghui, Liye Song, Xiaobing Feng, A moving boundary problem derived from heat and water transfer processes in frozen and thawed soil and its numerical simulation. Science in China (A), 51(8),1510-1521, doi:10.1007/s 11425-008-0096-x, 2008.(通讯作者)(SCI) 100. Tian Xiangjun, Zhenghui Xie and Aiguo Dai, A land surface soil moisure data assimilation system based on the dual-ukf method and the community land model, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14127, doi:10.102 /2007JD009650, 2008. (SCI) 101. Tian Xiangjun, Zhenghui Xie and Aiguo Dai, An ensemble-based explicit four-dimensional variational data assimilation method, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D21124, doi:10.1029/2008JD010358, 2008.(SCI) 102. Tian Xiangjun and Zhenghui Xie, A land surface soil moisture data assimilation in consideration of the model subgrid-scale heterogeneity and soil water thawing and freezing, Science in China (D), 51(7), 992-1000, doi: 10.1007 /s11430-008-0069-5, 2008. 田向军、谢正辉,考虑次网格变异性和土壤冻融过程的土壤湿度同化方案,中国科学(D),38(5),1-9, 2008. (SCI) 103. Yuan Xing, Zhenghui Xie, and Miaoling Liang,Spatiotemporal prediction of shallow water table depths in continental China, Water Resources Research, 44, W04414, doi:10.1029 /2006WR005453, 2008.(通讯作者)(SCI) 104. Yuan Xing, Zhenghui Xie, Jing Zheng, Xiangjun Tian,Zong-Liang Yang, Effects of Water Table Dynamics on Regional Climate: A Case Study over East Asian Monsoon Area, J. Geophys. Res., VOL. 113, D21112, doi:10.1029/2008JD010180, 2008.(通讯作者)(SCI) 105. Liang Miaoling, Zhenghui Xie, Improving the Vegetation Dynamic Simulation in a Land Surface Model by Using a Statistical-dynamic Canopy Interception Scheme, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,25(4), 610–618, doi:10.1007/s00376-008-0610-7, 2008.(通讯作者)(SCI) 106. Chen Feng, Zhenghui Xie, A large-scale routing scheme for stream simulation and its application to river basins in China, IAHS Publication No.322, 65-72, 2008. (通讯作者) 107. Liu,Z., Tan, B., Tao, X., Xie, Z., Application of a Distributed Hydrologic Model to Flood Forecasting in Catchments of Different Conditions, 13(5),378-384,2008. (SCIE) . 108. 张生雷,谢正辉, 师春香,陈锋,集合Kalman滤波在土壤湿度同化中的应用,大气科学,32(6), 1419-1430,2008.(通讯作者) 109. 师春香,谢正辉,基于静止气象卫星观测的降水时间降尺度研究,地理科学进展, 27(4),15-22,2008. 110. 陈锋,谢正辉,农作物分布对南水北调受水区域陆面过程模拟的影响, 地理科学进展, 27(4), 28-36,2008. (通讯作者) 111. 林朝晖,刘辉志,谢正辉,王爱慧,刘少锋,陆面水文过程研究进展,大气科学,32(4):935-949,2008. 112. 曾庆存,周广庆,浦一芬, 陈文,李荣凤,廖宏,林朝晖,刘辉志,王必正,谢正辉,徐永福,薛峰,曾晓东,张凤,地球系统动力学模式及模拟研究,大气科学,32(4):653-690,2008. 113. 林建,谢正辉,陈 锋,肖子牛,薛建军,VIC水文模型模拟结果分析,气象,34(3), 69-77, 2008. 114. Xie Zhenghui, Fei Yuan, Qingyun Duan, Jing Zheng, Miaoling Liang, Feng Chen, Regional Parameter Estimation of the VIC Land Surface Model: Methodology and Application to River Basins in China, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8(3), 447-468, DOI:10.1175 /JHM568.1, 2007.(通讯作者)(SCI) 115. Tian Xiangjun, Aiguo Dai, Daqing Yang, and Zhenghui Xie, Effects of precipitation-bias corrections on surface hydrology over northern latitudes, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D14101, doi:10.1029 /2007JD 008420, 2007.(SCI) 116. Shi Xueli, Xie Zhenghui, Liu Yiming,and Yang Hongwei, Implementation of a surface runoff model with Horton and Dunne mechanisms into the regional climate model RegCM_NCC, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(5), 750-764, DOI 10.1007/s00376 -007-0750-1, 2007. (SCIE) 117. Tian Xiangjun, Aiguo Dai, Daqing Yang, and Zhenghui Xie, Effects of precipitation-bias corrections on surface hydrology over northern latitudes, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D14101, doi:10.1029/2007JD008420, 2007. (SCI) 118. Shi Xueli, Zhenghui Xie, Yiming Liu, and Hongwei Yang, Implementation of a surface runoff model with Horton and Dunne mechanisms into the regional climate model RegCM_NCC, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(5), 750-764, 2007. (SCIE) 119. 刘春蓁, 刘志雨, 谢正辉, 地下水对气候变化的敏感性研究进展. 水文, 27(2),1-6,2007. 120. 袁星,谢正辉, 2007:一种改进的时间序列重建方法及其在地下水埋深估计中的应用,气候与环境研究, 12(4),524- 532, 2007.(通讯作者) 121. 刘春蓁,刘志雨,谢正辉,地下水对气候变化的敏感性研究进展,水文,27(2),1-6,2007. 122. Xie Zhenghui, Fei Yuan, A parameter estimation scheme of the land surface model VIC using the MOPEX databases, IAHS Publiction No.307, 169-179, 2006. (EI) 123. Tian Xiangjun, Xie Zhenghui, Zhang Shenglei, Liang Miaoling, A subsurface ruoff parameteri zation with water storage and recharge based on the Boussinesq-Storage Equation for a Land Surface Model, Science in China (D), 49(6), 622-631, 2006. 田向军,谢正辉, 张生雷, 粱妙玲,基于Boussinesq-storage 方程同时考虑水分储存和入渗的地下径流机制,中国科学(D),36(4),375-384,2006.(通讯作者)(SCI) 124. N. Chahinian, ,V. Andreassian, Q. Duan, V. Fortin, H.Gupta, T. Hogue, T. Mathevet, A. Montanari, , G. Moretti, , R. Moussa, C. Perrin, J. Schaake, T. Wagener & Zhenghui Xie, Compilation of the MOPEX 2004 results, IAHS Publiction No.307, 313-338, 2006. (EI) 125. N. Chahinian, ,V. Andreassian, Q. Duan, V. Fortin, H.Gupta, T. Hogue, T. Mathevet, A. Montanari, , G. Moretti, , R. Moussa, C. Perrin, J. Schaake, T. Wagener, Zhenghui Xie, Catalogue of the models used in MOPEX 2004/2005, IAHS Publiction No.307,413-96, 2006. (EI) 126. 向阳,袁星,谢正辉,刘志雨, 传递函数-自回归模型在地下水埋深估计中的应用,水文,26(4),55-59,2006. 127. 梁妙玲, 谢正辉, 我国气候对植被分布和净初级生产力影响的数值模拟,气候与环境研究,11(5), 284-294, 2006. 128. 李焕荣,罗振东,谢正辉,朱江,非饱和土壤水流问题的广义差分法及其数值模拟,计算数学,28(3), 321-336, 2006. 129. 刘春蓁,刘志雨,谢正辉,中国洪水资源利用问题的探讨.水文, 26(6),11-14,2006. 130. 张生雷,谢正辉, 田向军,师春香,陈锋.基于土壤水模型及站点资料的土壤湿度同化方法,地球科学进展,21(12):1350-1362, 2006. 131. Yuan Fei, Xie Zhenghui, Liu Qian, Xia Jun, Simulating Hydrologic Changes with Climate Change Scenarios in the Haihe River Basin, Pedosphere, 15(5): 595-600, 2005.(SCIE) 132. Yang hongwei, Xie Zhenghui,Zeng Qingcun, “Numerical simulations of a moving boundary problem in soil hydrological processes” in Computational Physics, Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ICCP6 and CCP2003, X. Zhao, S. Jiang, and X. Yu Eds., Rinton Press, Paramus, New Jersey, USA, 261-264, 2005. 133. 袁飞,谢正辉,任立良,黄琼,气候变化对海河流域水文特性的影响, 水利学报,36(3): 274-279, 2005. (EI) 134. 邹旭东,谢正辉,史学丽,王澄海,2003年夏季中国地区降水的模拟研究,高原气象,24(5), 777-783, 2005. 135. 师春香,谢正辉,卫星多通道红外信息反演大气可降水业务方法, 红外与毫米波学报, 24(4), 304-308, 2005.(SCIE)(EI) 136. Xie Zhenghui, Liu Qian, Su Fengge, An application of the VIC-3L land surface model with the new surface runoff model in simulating streamflow for the Yellow River basin, IAHS Publiction No.289, 241-248, 2004. (EI) 137. Feng Xiaobing, Xie Zhenghui, A priori error estimate for a coupled finite element method and mixed finite element method for a fluid-solid interaction problem, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 24, 671-698, 2004.(SCI) 138. Yuan Fei, Xie Zhenghui, Liu Qian, Yang Hongwei, Su Fengge,et al, An application of the VIC-3L land surface model and remote sensing data in simulating streamflow for the Hanjiang River Basin, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5), 680-690,2004. (SCI) (EI) 139. Luo Zhendong, Zhu Jiang, Zeng qingcun, Xie Zhenghui, Mixed finite element methods for the shallow water equations including current and silt sedimentation(I)-the continuous -time case, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(1), 80-92, 2004. 罗振东,朱江,曾庆存,谢正辉,包含泥沙冲淤的浅水方程的混合有限元法(I)时间连续情形, 应用数学与力学,25(1),74-84,2004.(SCIE) (EI) 140. Luo Zhendong, Zhu Jiang, Zeng qingcun, Xie Zhenghui, Mixed finite element methods for the shallow water equations including current and silt sedimentation(II)-the discrete -time case along characteri -stics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2), 186-201,2004. 罗振东,朱江,曾庆存,谢正辉,包含泥沙冲淤的浅水方程的混合有限元法(II)时间沿特征方向离散的全离散情形,应用数学与力学,25(2),166-180,2004. (SCIE) (EI) 141. Xie Zhenghui,Yang Hongwei and Liang Xu, "A moving boundary problem and its applications to land-atmosphere interactions," in Advances in Scientific Computing and Applications, Y. Lu, W. Sun, and T. Tang, Eds., Science Press, Beijing/New York, 396-407, 2004. 142. 谢正辉,梁旭,曾庆存,陆面过程模式中地下水位的参数化及初步应用,大气科学, 28(3), 374-384, 2004. 143. 谢正辉,刘谦,袁飞,杨宏伟,基于全国50km×50km网格的大尺度陆面水文模型框架,水利学报,(5),76-82,2004.(EI) 144. 林万涛, 谢正辉,非线性发展方程的非守恒格式的计算稳定性问题, 大气科学,28(4), 2004. 145. 刘春蓁,刘志雨,谢正辉, 近50年海河流域径流的变化趋势研究, 应用气象学报,15(4),385 -393,2004. 146. 田向军,谢正辉,罗振东等,非定常的热传导-对流问题的非线性Galerkin混合有限元法 (III)时间二阶精度的全离散格式,计算数学,26:3,(2004),257-276. 147. Xie Zhenghui, Su Fengge, Liang Xu, Zeng Qingcun, et al, Applications of a surface runoff model with Horton and Dunne runoff for VIC, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 20(2), 165-172, 2003.(SCIE) 148. Su Fengge, Xie Zhenghui, A model for assessing effects of climate change on runoff in China, Progress in Natural Progress, 13(9), 701-707,2003. 苏凤阁,谢正辉,气候变化对径流影响的评估模型研究,自然科学进展,13(5),502-507, 2003. (SCIE) (EI) 149. Yang Hongwei, Xie Zhenghui, A new method to dynamically simulate groundwater table in land surface model VIC, Progress in Natural Progress,13(11), 819-825, 2003. 杨宏伟,谢正辉,陆面模式中动态表示地下水位的新方法,自然科学进展,13(6),615-620, 2003.(SCIE) (EI) 150. Liang Xu, Xie Zhenghui, Huang Maoyi, A new parameterization for surface and groundwater interac -tions and its impact on water budgets with the variable infiltration capacity(VIC) land surface model, Journal of Geophysics Research,108(D16), 8613,doi:10.1029/2002-JD003090, 2003.(SCI) 151. Liang Xu, Xie Zhenghui, Important factors in land-atmosphere interactions: surface runoff generactions and interactions between surface and groundwater, Global Planetary Change, 38,101-114,2003.(SCI) 152. Luo Zhendong, Xie Zhenghui, Zhu Jiang, Zeng Qingcun, Mixed finite element method and numerical simulation for the unsaturated soil water flow problem, Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications, 25:(2), 69-88, 2003. 罗振东,谢正辉等,非饱和土壤水流问题混合的有限元法及其数值模拟研究,计算数学,25(1), 113-128, 2003. 153. Luo Zhendong, Zhu Jiang, Xie Zhenghui, et al, Difference scheme and nume -rical simulation based on mixed finite element method for natural convection problem, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 24(9), 1100-1110, 2003. 罗振东,朱江,谢正辉等,自然对流换热问题基于混合元法的差分格式及其数值模拟,应用数学与力学,24(9), 973-983, 2003.(SCIE) 154. Tang Jiqing, Xie Zhenghui, Ji Liren, A new way to predict forecast skill, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,20(5),837-841,2003.(SCIE) 155. Xie Zhenghui, Su Fengge, Liang Xu, and Liu Qian, An application of the VIC-3L land surface model in simulating streamflow forcontinental-scale r


2016-08-09-今,Editor of Earth System Dynamics, Editor, Earth System Dynamics 2012-05-11-今,JGR Associated editor, Associated editor, JGR: Atmopshere
