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招生专业 070601-气象学 招生方向 中尺度气象学 教育背景 1996-09--1999-08 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士 1993-09--1996-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 硕士 1989-09--1993-07 成都气象学院 学士 工作简历 2011-05--2011-10 Penn state university 访问学者 2010-03--今 中国科学院大气物理研究所 研究员 2002-03--2010-02 中国科学院大气物理研究所 副研究员 2000-06--2001-05 Yonsei university, Korea 博士后研究 1999-08--2002-03 中国科学院大气物理研究所 助理研究员 奖励信息 (1) “长江中下游梅雨锋暴雨野外科学,二等奖,省级,2007 (2) “暴雨和酷暑天气形成机理的诊断,一等奖,其他级,2002 (3) “登陆台风引发的大暴雨的诊断与,一等奖,其他级,1996 发表著作 (1) 中国天气气候异常成因研究-2003年,The mechanism of abnormal weather and climate in China – 2003,气象出版社,2004-10,第4作者 (2) 长江流域梅雨锋暴雨机理的分析研究,Study on mechanism of formation and development of heavy rainfalls on Meiyu Front in Yangtze River ,气象出版社,2004-07,第3作者 科研项目 (1) 我国江淮流域形成地面大风的线状对流系统的结构特征研究,主持,国家级,2011-01--2013-12 (2) 生态和环境过程模式的研制与改进,参与,国家级,2010-03--2014-12 (3) “我国强对流天气系统的发展机理和预报方法研究”,主持,部委级,2009-11--2012-11 (4) “青藏高原东移对流系统对江淮流域致洪暴雨的影响机制”,主持,国家级,2009-01--2011-12 参与会议 (1) The formation mechanism of damaging surface wind in squall line in June 2009,2011-07,Sun Jianhua (2) The Impacts of the MPS on the Diurnal Cycle of convections in Meiyu Front,2011-03,Jianhua Sun and Fuqing Zhang


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Impacts of Mountain–Plains Solenoid on diurnal variations of rainfalls along the Mei-Yu front over the East China plains. ,Mon. Wea. Rev.,2012,第1作者 (2) 2009年6月一次飑线过程灾害性大风的形成机制 ,The formation mechanism of damaging surface wind in squall line in June 2009 ,大气科学,2012,第2作者 (3) Application of ATOVS radiance-bias correction to typhoon track prediction with Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation.,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2011,第2作者 (4) 梅雨期青藏高原东移对流系统影响江淮流域降水的研究,A study of the impacts of the eastward propagation of convective cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the rainfall of Yangtze-Huai river basin,气象学报,2011,第2作者 (5) A budget analysis of a long-lived tropical mesoscale vortex over Hainan in October 2010,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,2011,第3作者 (6) On the significance and use of the generalized moist potential vorticity equation,Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.,2011,第2作者 (7) Diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation east of the Tibetan Plateau over China.,Mon. Wea. Rev.,2011,第3作者 (8) 山东半岛一次暴雪过程的海岸锋三维结构特征 ,The Three-Dimensional Structure of Coastal Front Producing Heavy Snow over the Shandong Peninsula,大气科学,2011,第1作者 (9) The energy budget of a southwest vortex with heavy rainfall over South China.,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2011,第2作者 (10) 2009年夏季异常天气及其环流分析,The abnormal weather and its circulation in summer of 2009,气候与环境研究,2011,第1作者 (11) Study on a Mesoscale Convective Vortex Causing Heavy rainfall during the Meiyu Season in 2003,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2010,第1作者 (12) 一类低涡切变型华南前汛期致洪暴雨的分析研究,One Kind of Vortex Causing Heavy Rainfall during Pre-rainy Season in South China,大气科学,2010,第3作者 (13) The impacts of multi-scale weather systems on freezing rain and snow storms over the southern China,Weather and Forecasting,2010,第1作者 (14) 基于“配料”的暴雨预报,Ingredients-Based Heavy Rainfall Forecasting ,大气科学,2010,第3作者 (15) Two bias correction schemes for ATOVS radiance data,J. Trop. Meteor.,2010,第2作者 (16) Thunder events in China: 1980?2008,Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.,2010,第2作者 (17) Numerical Simulation of Two East Asian Dust Storms in Spring 2006. Earth Surf. Process. and Landforms,Earth Surf. Process. and Landforms,2008,第1作者 (18) Study on Cut-off Low-Pressure Systems with Floods over Northeast Asia.,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,2007,第2作者 (19) Application of ATOVS Microwave Radiance Assimilation to Rainfall Prediction in the Summer 2004,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2006,第2作者 (20) An integrated dust storm prediction system suitable for East Asia and its simulation results. ,Global and Planetary Change,2006,第1作者 (21) An analysis of a meso-βsystem in a Meiyu front using the intensive observation data during CHeRES 2002.,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2005,第1作者 (22) A Numerical Study of an Intense Quasi-stationary Convection band over Korean Peninsula. ,J. Meteo. Soc. Jap. ,2002,第1作者
